Heads up, @Duesal, @Mormont, @egoo, @silvanknight, @incama, I'm switching over to @Crake's plan. I don't really think this is the best time and place for ham, but it should work well enough.

Of course, there is also the option to just cast a Silent and Still Purify Food and Drink spell (or a Miracle if we really want to be thorough), though that runs the risk of someone noticing the spell.

[X] Crake
The very reason I don't try to hide a spell, is these people are all expecting some kind of magical subterfuge.

Being blatant about your magic use but subtle about your intent for its usage kind of feeds into the same expectations while re-centering focus on the foreigner's outrage, which can be weathered, or happily picked up as it offers a free counterpoint.

On our end, we just need this meeting to take place without some kind of diplomatic incident. We can bluster all we want, but so long as it is just bluster, the High Priest seems like the type to let it wash off his back and deal with the core issue while not upsetting his constituents or clergy.
Here's the aquatic version of our Vigilant Briar's, @egoo. These are reskinned as kelp creatures to better fit an aquatic environment.

That brings us up to four different Watchman creature types: the Vigilant Briar (CR 4)[660 IM], Vigilant Kelp (CR 4)[660 IM], Hunter Bio-Construct (CR 10)[5,280 IM], and Watchmole (CR 6)[1,320 IM].

Vigilant Kelp
Aquatic Watchman Child of the Briar (+4 RHD, Kelp Variant) - CR 4
Tiny Plant (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 6d8 (30) + 18 (CON) = 48 HP
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Speed: 30 ft., Climb 10 ft., Swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 21 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +6 Natural), Touch 15, Flat-Footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+9
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 (1d2-2 plus Grab)
Space: 2-1/2 ft., Reach: 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spitdart Tongue, Thorny Grapple, Eye Rays, Revolting Gaze, Unavoidable Gaze
Special Qualities: Telethapy 100 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision, Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron, Plant Traits (Immune Mind-Affecting, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Polymorph, Stunning, Critical Hits), Spell-like Abilities, All-Around Vision, Eternal Sentry, Touch the Intangible, Vulnerable to Fire (+50% damage), Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks, Amphibious
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills: Climb +6, Hide +20 (+26 among aquatic plants), Listen +20, Move Silently +17 (+23 among aquatic plants), Spot +23. Racial Modifiers: +8 Climb, +6 Listen & Spot, +6 Hide & Move Silently while hiding among aquatic plants
Feats: Alertness, Mindsight, Skill Focus (Spot)
Languages: Briarclick (spoken only), Westerosi Common, Low Valyrian (Braavosi)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Telepathy (Su): Vigilant Kelp can communicate Telepathically with any creature which has a language within 100 feet.

Child of the Briar (Kelp Variant):
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 6th Caster Level; 1/Day: Entangle (DC 16)
  • Kelp Magic (Sp): 3/Day a Vigilant Kelp can cast any cantrip from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list (DC 15) at 6th caster level.
  • Spitdart Tongue (Ex): Every Vigilant Kelp can shoot a wooden spike from its mouth every other round. Treat this as a tiny dart (1 damage, base range 20 ft.).
  • Thorny Grapple (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp's long thorny limbs enable it to grapple creatures up to 2 size categories larger than itself. It adds its Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier to any damage inflicted while grappling.
  • Eternal Sentry (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp does not age or breathe. It does not require food, drink, or sleep.
  • Touch the Intangible (Su): Vigilant Kelp can touch, attack, and grapple Incorporeal, astral, and ethereal creatures normally.
  • All-Around Vision (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp's eyes allows it to see in all directions. It also benefits from a +4 Racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks and cannot be Flanked.
  • Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp suffers a -4 penalty against all Gaze attacks and loses any resistance or immunity it has to the effects of a Gaze attack.
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 20th Caster Level; Constant: Detect Magic, True Seeing, At Will: Quickened Dimensional Anchor, Discern Location, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds), Plane Shift (self plus 50 pounds).
  • Revolting Gaze (Su): The Vigilant Kelp can make a Gaze attack against any creature within 30 feet. If the creature fails a DC 18 Fortitude save, it is Sickened for one hour.
  • Eye Rays (Su): Once every four rounds as a Standard Action, a Vigilant Kelp can make a Ranged Touch Attack against all creatures within 100 ft. (make only one attack per creature). The subject takes a penalty to Constitution equal to 1d6+3 for six minutes. The subject's Constitution score cannot drop below 1. A successful DC 18 Fortitude save reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.
  • Unavoidable Gaze (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp can actively Gaze as a Standard Action affecting all creatures within 30 feet. The opponents must attempt a saving throw but can try to avoid it via averting their eyes or wearing a blindfold (causing the Vigilant Kelp to have Total Concealment from the opponent). Thus, it is possible for an opponent to have to save against a Vigilant Kelp's Gaze attack twice during the same round, once before the opponent's action and once during the Kelp's turn.
[X] Crake
Thank you for this plan, it does exactly what I wanted, which is to make that girl think she just poisoned her own messiah figure right up until nothing happens.
[X] Crake

As much as it tempts me to let the First Beard die...
Little do we know that the beard of the Voice of the Lawgiver is blessed with Holy power. If we had left him to be poisoned, his beard would have acted independently, either to knock over the cup of poisoned wine, to directly purify it via touch, or most spectacularly, to dip itself in the wine and absorb it via magical beard capillary action, filtering out the poison while allowing the priest to enjoy it unharmed.
Little do we know that the beard of the Voice of the Lawgiver is blessed with Holy power. If we had left him to be poisoned, his beard would have acted independently, either to knock over the cup of poisoned wine, to directly purify it via touch, or most spectacularly, to dip itself in the wine and absorb it via magical beard capillary action, filtering out the poison while allowing the priest to enjoy it unharmed.
Maybe he enjoys the taste of poison, like some kind of wacko Norvoshi King Mithridates.
Grand Beard Man: *ingests poison*
Grand Beard Man:

(no, in fact I don't have a slightest bit more of an idea of what this video is about. It is very surreal.)
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Grand Beard Man: *ingests poison*
Grand Beard Man:

(no, in fact I don't have a slightest bit more of an idea of what this video is about. It is very surreal.)

Slave Girl: "Shit, wrong mushrooms"

EDIT: That thing is catchy, and it makes me remember some of the old Tengen Tetris songs.
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[X] Crake

Ham, ham ham it up! Also, wow yeah that girl's got some maaadd slight of hand skills. Sure Viserys and the priests were barely focused on her, but kudos on pulling the wool over so many high HD eyes.
Anything we grow for our own use needs to be sentient, IMO. It means we can put cooperative spirits in them from the Greendream and that makes them much more useful overall. If not sentient, they need to have a dedicated controller, like the Verdant Kingfishers and Verdant Ravens. For that reason, I kinda want to avoid completely mindless creatures, like Vermin. Otherwise, the investment to get them to a useful level might not be worth the final product.

Dragon Fish would be a good candidate for the Fungoid (+1 CR) template, I think. Raising them up to CR 2 only increases their price from 225 IM to 300, but it gives them the benefit of Plant traits and Telepathy with other Fungoid creatures. A small school of Fungoid Dragon Fish could be controlled by another sentient Fungoid creature of some sort, maybe just a CR 4 Fungoid Dragon Fish with the Advanced template a few more RHD.

Blindheims look great. I would slap the Advanced and Fungoid templates on them and call it a day. That would let make them sentient, give them Plant traits, and the ability to Telepathically communicate with other Fungoid creatures. It would also increase the effectiveness of their Blinding Gaze power by +2. Change one of their feats out to Ability Focus (Blinding Gaze) and the Fortitude save would increase to 17. A very nice CR 4 servitor, IMO.

Eyekillers would be another good candidate for uplifting with the Advanced and Fungoid templates, plus Aquatic of course. Between the Constitution boost from Advanced and changing one of their feats to Ability Focus (Death Gaze), the Fortitude saving throw could be increased to 19. That's pretty damned good for a CR 6 creature, even if it can only be used once per day.

I think the upgraded Blindheims and Eyekillers would be the best options to go with.

EDIT: The only issue with them is that they're Magical Beasts. It might be difficult to acquire a sample we can feed the Forges to use as a base template.
Point. I figured that we were probably going to have to hunt down the good stuff anyway, but some plant stuff would be more convenient.

How about Strangle Weed or Kelpies? The senses on them aren't the best, but they both have good native camouflage and Kelpies dan telepathically contact anyone within 1 mile that they've touched. That would be a really useful ability for making reports, assuming we can work something out to make it harder to overhear. As a base chassis for scouts they aren't bad.
Point. I figured that we were probably going to have to hunt down the good stuff anyway, but some plant stuff would be more convenient.

How about Strangle Weed or Kelpies? The senses on them aren't the best, but they both have good native camouflage and Kelpies dan telepathically contact anyone within 1 mile that they've touched. That would be a really useful ability for making reports, assuming we can work something out to make it harder to overhear. As a base chassis for scouts they aren't bad.
The Kelpies are really great. We could give them a +4 RHD boost and add the Advanced template to make a really solid CR 6 servitor. Versatile and dangerous, but most useful for that amazing long-range Telepathy ability. They could serve as really effective communication hubs, helping to maintain a telepathic network with our other forces. Or add +12 RHD and the Sorcerer Creature template for an excellent CR 10 spellcaster.

Don't let us forget about the Kelpies when we start placing our next Forge order. Lots of potential here.
[X] Crake

Finally caught back up with the quest!
Welcome back! 🤓

Also, I agree with @A_Somebody that being able to poison a goblet that was in Visery's direct line of sight, peripheral or not, is insanely impressive. To the point that I'm paranoid that there is something more we've missed. We know this city is a nest of vipers, and while the meeting place might be neutral with respect to us and the priesthood, clearly it isn't secure against third party intervention.

Mikaelos chose this location, but I wonder if it was his idea, or if he was "encouraged" to pick it by someone high up in his retinue?
Mikaelos chose this location, but I wonder if it was his idea, or if he was "encouraged" to pick it by someone high up in his retinue?
Actually, he chose the Palace as his initial proposal, and I suspected that it was because he knows that unrest is greater than the upper city's atmosphere would imply, and wouldn't trust us enough to meet in a more discrete locale.

So he just settled on agreeing to meet us at the Inn we rented as "good enough a place as any".


Regardless, you're both correct in that it implies a level of organization, resourcefulness and skill which basically all but shouts "Player Characters" at the top of their lungs. At least this 'serving girl' is competent enough to be that skilled to avoid notice and (likely fail to, but due to magic) assassinate a head of state.
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Here's the aquatic version of our Vigilant Briar's, @egoo. These are reskinned as kelp creatures to better fit an aquatic environment.

That brings us up to four different Watchman creature types: the Vigilant Briar (CR 4)[660 IM], Vigilant Kelp (CR 4)[660 IM], Hunter Bio-Construct (CR 10)[5,280 IM], and Watchmole (CR 6)[1,320 IM].

Vigilant Kelp
Aquatic Watchman Child of the Briar (+4 RHD, Kelp Variant) - CR 4
Tiny Plant (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 6d8 (30) + 18 (CON) = 48 HP
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Speed: 30 ft., Climb 10 ft., Swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 21 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +6 Natural), Touch 15, Flat-Footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+9
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 (1d2-2 plus Grab)
Space: 2-1/2 ft., Reach: 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spitdart Tongue, Thorny Grapple, Eye Rays, Revolting Gaze, Unavoidable Gaze
Special Qualities: Telethapy 100 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision, Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron, Plant Traits (Immune Mind-Affecting, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Polymorph, Stunning, Critical Hits), Spell-like Abilities, All-Around Vision, Eternal Sentry, Touch the Intangible, Vulnerable to Fire (+50% damage), Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks, Amphibious
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills: Climb +6, Hide +20 (+26 among aquatic plants), Listen +20, Move Silently +17 (+23 among aquatic plants), Spot +23. Racial Modifiers: +8 Climb, +6 Listen & Spot, +6 Hide & Move Silently while hiding among aquatic plants
Feats: Alertness, Mindsight, Skill Focus (Spot)
Languages: Briarclick (spoken only), Westerosi Common, Low Valyrian (Braavosi)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Telepathy (Su): Vigilant Kelp can communicate Telepathically with any creature which has a language within 100 feet.

Child of the Briar (Kelp Variant):
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 6th Caster Level; 1/Day: Entangle (DC 16)
  • Kelp Magic (Sp): 3/Day a Vigilant Kelp can cast any cantrip from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list (DC 15) at 6th caster level.
  • Spitdart Tongue (Ex): Every Vigilant Kelp can shoot a wooden spike from its mouth every other round. Treat this as a tiny dart (1 damage, base range 20 ft.).
  • Thorny Grapple (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp's long thorny limbs enable it to grapple creatures up to 2 size categories larger than itself. It adds its Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier to any damage inflicted while grappling.
  • Eternal Sentry (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp does not age or breathe. It does not require food, drink, or sleep.
  • Touch the Intangible (Su): Vigilant Kelp can touch, attack, and grapple Incorporeal, astral, and ethereal creatures normally.
  • All-Around Vision (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp's eyes allows it to see in all directions. It also benefits from a +4 Racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks and cannot be Flanked.
  • Vulnerability to Gaze Attacks (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp suffers a -4 penalty against all Gaze attacks and loses any resistance or immunity it has to the effects of a Gaze attack.
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 20th Caster Level; Constant: Detect Magic, True Seeing, At Will: Quickened Dimensional Anchor, Discern Location, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds), Plane Shift (self plus 50 pounds).
  • Revolting Gaze (Su): The Vigilant Kelp can make a Gaze attack against any creature within 30 feet. If the creature fails a DC 18 Fortitude save, it is Sickened for one hour.
  • Eye Rays (Su): Once every four rounds as a Standard Action, a Vigilant Kelp can make a Ranged Touch Attack against all creatures within 100 ft. (make only one attack per creature). The subject takes a penalty to Constitution equal to 1d6+3 for six minutes. The subject's Constitution score cannot drop below 1. A successful DC 18 Fortitude save reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.
  • Unavoidable Gaze (Ex): A Vigilant Kelp can actively Gaze as a Standard Action affecting all creatures within 30 feet. The opponents must attempt a saving throw but can try to avoid it via averting their eyes or wearing a blindfold (causing the Vigilant Kelp to have Total Concealment from the opponent). Thus, it is possible for an opponent to have to save against a Vigilant Kelp's Gaze attack twice during the same round, once before the opponent's action and once during the Kelp's turn.
Imma throw together the final proposal for Vigilant-creatures soon-ish, meanwhile, have ya and @BronzeTongue arrived to anything concrete with those creatures he dug up?
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 28, 2020 at 4:29 AM, finished with 69 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] At a high point in your own rebuttal, likely angrily pointing out that true justice would not place indoctrinated slaves in the position where they could not refuse fighting an unjust war in foreign lands where they might die far from home, with their leaders never knowing the cause for their actions, take the drink laid out for the High Priest and quaff it, trusting your crown's enchantments to neutralize it (or just general draconic resilience).
    -[X] Sure, from anyone else this might be quite cheesy over-acting, but for Viserys it is bog standard improvisation.
    --[X] If that works, have Varys tell the girl to leave with directions to meet you elsewhere. She might have information on the suppressed R'hllorists underground that you might need to hear.
    [X] Call attention to the poisoned wine and the slave
Imma throw together the final proposal for Vigilant-creatures soon-ish, meanwhile, have ya and @BronzeTongue arrived to anything concrete with those creatures he dug up?
Of the creatures he found, here's what I think we should focus on:

These two are based on Magical Beasts, so it might take a while to find regular ones to feed to the Forges to gain their base pattern. The Blindheims are innately aquatic, though, they might be something one of our many underwater assets have already come across. @DragonParadox, are either these available by any chance?
Advanced Fungoid Blindheim (CR 4; 600 IM)
Advanced Fungoid Aquatic Creature Eye killer (CR 6; 1,200 IM)

Kelpies, on the other hand, are Plant creatures which we should already be able to grow. The CR 6 versions are really good thanks to their long-range Telepathy and other abilities, so growing a bunch of these would be very helpful. I think they should probably be the main low-ish CR servitors we grow this month (not counting those being grown for special purposes). The Sorcerer Kelpies will be able to cast 5th level spells in addition to their innate abilities. At least 10 of them should be grown, IMO.
Advanced Kelpie (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6; 1,200 IM)
Advanced Sorcerer Creature Kelpie (w/+12 Racial HD) (CR 10; 4,800 IM)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 28, 2020 at 4:29 AM, finished with 69 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] At a high point in your own rebuttal, likely angrily pointing out that true justice would not place indoctrinated slaves in the position where they could not refuse fighting an unjust war in foreign lands where they might die far from home, with their leaders never knowing the cause for their actions, take the drink laid out for the High Priest and quaff it, trusting your crown's enchantments to neutralize it (or just general draconic resilience).
    -[X] Sure, from anyone else this might be quite cheesy over-acting, but for Viserys it is bog standard improvisation.
    --[X] If that works, have Varys tell the girl to leave with directions to meet you elsewhere. She might have information on the suppressed R'hllorists underground that you might need to hear.
    [X] Call attention to the poisoned wine and the slave
Part MMMDLIII: A Priestly Pivot
A Priestly Pivot

Twenty Ninth Day of the First Month 294 AC

"Dire?" you interject raising your voice ever just enough to cut off the priest. "Yes, I would agree that my citizens are dying is a dire thing, a tragedy even. However the errors of those who had been inducted into your faith is not what I have come here to discuss, but very well, if we are to discuss the tragedy of men who now face a noose for their crimes in the Flatlands let us speak of them. Errors you say? Sins? Choices? What choice has a slave driven to fight an unfair war in a foreign land? All this while you claim to know nothing of their actions and condemn them as the works of their minds and souls alone..." you reach out with magic to grab the poisoned cup and drink it to the dregs.

When the poisoned wine touches your lips you feel as much as hear the horror of the Voice's would-be killer and you realize danger as she is about to shout a warning and give the whole thing away.

"Stop, he's safe," Varys' mind-voice is practically a scream, enough that even the echo is enough to send a twinge of pain through your temples.

Thankfully the assassin stops just shy of giving herself away, her mouth snapping closed before anyone in attendance can notice her.

"Meet us at the Fountain of the Dancing Goat at noon," your familiar adds in a more normal tone as you set the goblet down to the audience of less than pleased Norvoshi priests, but none the wiser about the attempted assassination which is all you needed.

You almost miss it...

In truth if you had not just had an assassin sneak by you to almost poison a meeting before it could begin you might not have been watchful enough, but you are.

Thus you see the First Axe's eyes narrow beneath his dark stormy brow, you see two of them men directly behind him shift slightly on the balls of their feet and try to bite back a grimace, as though they had silently received less than pleasing news. For a moment you wonder if the assassin is not a slave enacting vengeance at all, but an agent of the Harrowers, but you dismiss the notion almost at once. You had not seen much of her mind in that brief glimpse, but the hatred had been real and as uncomfortable as it had been to feel, so had her reverence of you.

Of course the First Axe could still have known about the girl, perhaps others like her at the inn and suggested that his superior accept the venue in the hopes that it would spark an incident for his 'Second Harrowing'.

"The people of the Lawgiver, whether slave or free in earthly matters, are answerable first and foremost before Him. In bringing ruin and banditry to your realm they have shamed themselves more even than the thieves, thugs and killers in blood-stained crimson for they at least can say they do not know the way. So I ask then what compensation do you ask for Dragon Lord, so that we may part here in peace and leave each other to our own devices?"

If he was expecting to get a rise from you with the characterization of the Red Faith you must sadly disappoint him. Intentional dramatics aside you have walked through the gates of this city resolved to not let anger rule you and so it will be.

What do you reply?

[] Ask for material compensation
-[] Write in amount

[] Ask for trading concessions which will favor your companies
-[] Write in what sort

[] Ask for a lessening persecution of the Red Faith
-[] Write in proposal

[] Write in

OOC: Here we are, I know it's a bit of a short speech by Viserys' standards, but with everything else happening I figured it would be best to not expand too much on that.
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