It's certainly possible that someone associated with the Shadowlands could attempt to interfere in Westeros, but it's not particularly likely in comparison to literally every other threat with an interest in the continent; Devils, Fey, Deep Ones, Others, etc. A Mind Blank weak to one specific faction, and even then only a small subset of beings within that faction, is still a Mind Blank. We can't afford to give full Mind Blanks to minor allies and middling NPCs, not when we have so many people who need them more urgently.
Because we're only specifically protecting him from being monitored by a set of local interests. What machinations the BE has for Westerosi nobles are pretty much beyond our purview to respond to meaningfully other than keeping our thumb on the local situation, and right now fiends and other gribblies are being auto-detected in lands who's lords have sworn pacts with the Star Court. So it isn't easy for BE to act there anyway.

It's not a matter of trying to counter actions, false informational security is worse than not having the security in the first place and pretty much anything he cares to hide is going to relate to us and our allies.

Just knowing when he's meeting with someone in a cladestine fashion under a Mindblank they can't penetrate gives them information about our actions and our ability in that moment to allocate resources elsewhere.

It's just an all round bad idea guys, hell as someone else pointed out it actually limits our own ability to monitor the situation while giving our enemies a backdoor.

Anyway done is done but I really do think they should be used as a second layer and never as a primary defence.

At least he is clear on the vulnerability so he won't act in ignorance. Glad to see that.

Well, what were we thinking when we offered a direct line to the Blood Emperor?

Although I see it wasn't the first outcome.
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Ogdorian rating his way through the Mantarys arc is reminding me how goddamn hilarious I am and also how much I love Glyra even when she was CE.

@DragonParadox we need more Glyra on screen, she's both outrageously funny and insightful.

Her rejecting the Demon Blade was perfect "nearly died but didn't lol"
Viserys: "So that's that." *clap clap*

Monford: "You know, it's really just sunk in that you hunted down the person trying to kill me and probably would have sworn eternal vengeance if they had succeeded."

Viserys: "I would have had to make some people ashes at the bottom of craters."

Monford, nodding absently: "Yes, of course, reputation is important."

Viserys: "...what? No, I meant it would have been my bread and butter they were fucking with."

Monford: *sigh* "Of course."

Viserys: "Don't act like you got room to complain. I don't threaten to extinguish an entire bloodline for just anyone, you know!"
After our little war council - might it make sense to send one of our fey as kind of backdoor ambassador to the Star Council, for a fey-to-fey talk, to confer the notion that the SC are literally playing with tons of fire? Fey do have sometimes problems understanding mortals. Or taking them seriously.

It is currently my dearest desire to see Glyra be the primary interactor with a too proud Reach Fey, not realising quickly enough that the Erinat in front of them is a little more than meets the eye.
It is currently my dearest desire to see Glyra be the primary interactor with a too proud Reach Fey, not realising quickly enough that the Erinat in front of them is a little more than meets the eye.
Yes! She's strong enough now that she could use her Trickster's Bargain power to bind Fey of significant power into her service if she defeats them. I don't think there are many Fey prepared to handle a CR 15 Gremlin with the gear of an experienced high level adventurer.
Yes! She's strong enough now that she could use her Trickster's Bargain power to bind Fey of significant power into her service if she defeats them. I don't think there are many Fey prepared to handle a CR 15 Gremlin with the gear of an experienced high level adventurer.
Us, when we talk about Glyra: "We really shouldn't encourage her."

Us, at literally any Tourney: "It's just a prank, bro!"
It seems like the grater in power Viserys gets, the more Fay like he becomes. I mean when we were level 5 we were sneaking about and trying our damnedest to get some coin. When we became a much higher level we started to loot devils form hell. That is one heck of a change in attitude.
Pretty sure we allow most people to live in peace, it's just one guy in particular volunteered to be our entertainment by living down any and all expectations we had for him.

I think in general we're more willing to antagonize people who really should know better and really just have one bar to cross, yet obstinately refuse to do that one behavioral chin-up necessary to cross it.