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RIP Lya if Asmodeus has a piece of her.So here is another thought then. What are the odds that they extracted biological material from her to use as a curse? Also Aradia and Lya are biologically the same correct?
RIP Lya if Asmodeus has a piece of her.So here is another thought then. What are the odds that they extracted biological material from her to use as a curse? Also Aradia and Lya are biologically the same correct?
I made the same joke with the same image, almost no one got it.Or does it?
Maybe it was his plan all along?
Knowing we'd scramble around to try and break some active pacts by killing the participants, only to allow his agents to sink their claws deeper?
OR it is all a plan to turn yet more people to worship of the Lady of the Spear!
The masses are afraid of the unknown? Disguised Devils + decent PR = great masses flocking to worship.
Ooooor the Sons of Harpies are Asmy's patsies too!
Is there a hugs funny rating? Insightful maybe?I made the same joke with the same image, almost no one got it.
Imagine if the devil that possessed Aradia wasn't there to infiltrate us, but it was put there specifically to test if the Imperium outpost had anyone capable of noticing it and dealing with it.Bottom line, there's a decent possibility we've been fed absolute fabrication and we killed off all opposition.
By now everyone important knows how good Malarys/Garin are, after all.
It's always an option, but we get less sacrifices and loot out of Rock Falls, Everyone Dies.The option to drop a few lumps of rock from low orbit directly onto the Slavers' Bay is still an option.
I'm not at all enthused about dealing with Slavers' Bay and/or Devils at the moment, so I think I can be excused for defaulting to "FRIENDSHIP CANON, MOTHERBUCKER!"-ing everything there to death instead of spending valuable time.It's always an option, but we get less sacrifices and loot out of Rock Falls, Everyone Dies.
I want our price extracted in blood and gold.
Rumors gathered throughout the city cannot be curated like you fear. Just because the chapter doesn't mention them specifically doesn't mean they didn't happen or that our people didn't hear them. It's more likely that they've just reached the point of being background noise by now.It's because by all rights there should be dozens of rumors against Viserys. Viserys is both directly and indirectly responsible for all of Slaver's Bay being on the brink of total collapse and everyone knows it. He's utterly demolished the slave trade, he's uniting the old Valyrian provinces (which is rightfully terrifying to the Ghiscari), he's blocking their navies when they try to find business elsewhere, etc.
The absence of slander against Viserys is absolutely suspicious. Everyone and their mother slanders Viserys, and yet Slaver's Bay of all places is squeaky clean?
No way to say for certain whether they bothered to get some blood or hair from Aradia, unless they were concerned about her being out of obvious communication for any length of time. It's possible, but we can probably check for that and maybe break any lingering connection between her and the sample.So here is another thought then. What are the odds that they extracted biological material from her to use as a curse? Also Aradia and Lya are biologically the same correct?
Edit: With the mind whammy we would have checked that correct?
You have to be careful not to let rampant paranoia lead to the point where you freeze up, unable to make decisions for fear of playing into enemy schemes. Could that have happened? Yes, there's not much we can do about it now, so our best bet is to continue to play the hand we were dealt. Beliers are only a couple steps down in power from Pit Fiends in the hierarchy of Hell, and they're specifically known as highly intelligent manipulators. Assuming that one of them was used as this kind of bait without it learning of the scheme is really reaching. We might as well treat the next Imp we come across as a potential Pit Fiend in disguise if we're going to be that paranoid.Imagine if the devil that possessed Aradia wasn't there to infiltrate us, but it was put there specifically to test if the Imperium outpost had anyone capable of noticing it and dealing with it.
And in comes Malarys.
I'm expecting the devils to get reinforcements in response to a Cleric of the Ninth Circle showing up.
It's not just an IC thing, fluff-wise, it's basically a bargain bin soul sale for fiends and fiend bait (cultists).I'm not at all enthused about dealing with Slavers' Bay and/or Devils at the moment, so I think I can be excused for defaulting to "FRIENDSHIP CANON, MOTHERBUCKER!"-ing everything there to death instead of spending valuable time.
Alas, staying IC we just have to.
If anything it Yoloing at us like it did is suspicious.You have to be careful not to let rampant paranoia lead to the point where you freeze up, unable to make decisions for fear of playing into enemy schemes. Could that have happened? Yes, there's not much we can do about it now, so our best bet is to continue to play the hand we were dealt. Beliers are only a couple steps down in power from Pit Fiends in the hierarchy of Hell, and they're specifically known as highly intelligent manipulators. Assuming that one of them was used as this kind of bait without it learning of the scheme is really reaching. We might as well treat the next Imp we come across as a potential Pit Fiend in disguise if we're going to be that paranoid.
The core of this is basically truth. Another thing to consider--if we're paralyzed with indecision, we're not doing anything productive. Our PCs are pretty canny people who can put 1 + 1 together and sum to 2. If we are fucking things up, the enemy will also eventually fall out of position, especially since thus far we have been incredibly cautious about not walking into obvious traps/springing them from an advantageous position.You have to be careful not to let rampant paranoia lead to the point where you freeze up, unable to make decisions for fear of playing into enemy schemes. Could that have happened? Yes, there's not much we can do about it now, so our best bet is to continue to play the hand we were dealt. Beliers are only a couple steps down in power from Pit Fiends in the hierarchy of Hell, and they're specifically known as highly intelligent manipulators. Assuming that one of them was used as this kind of bait without it learning of the scheme is really reaching. We might as well treat the next Imp we come across as a potential Pit Fiend in disguise if we're going to be that paranoid.
@Goldfish, feel free to pester DP tomorrow, imma forget.Hm.
Is it possible to backtrack the separate/warded parts of a body using the Curse Staff, the same way as we can track a Mindblanked person as a whole through a bodypart?
That's not what's happening. You would at least need a custom ritual for something like this. The Curse Staff is using the sympathetic link from one body part, to curse the actual body of the origin point, the body bearing the soul.@Goldfish, feel free to pester DP tomorrow, imma forget.
Might be the good idea to do this if at all possible.
And after doing that, check for Viserys' parts still being in Timmie's posession.
That wasn't suspicious at all, IMO. It was quite thoroughly captured and knew it. After that would come interrogation and death, and probably not a death it could recover from, as our propensity for feeding Outsiders to Yss cannot be a secret at this point. Messily suiciding would have been the ideal solution to the Belier's problem. Slowly reforming in Hell decades from now is a whole lot better than ceasing to exist as you are digested in the gullet of a deity.
But unlike the spell-made knowledge-books, there will be no bullshit with encrypted memories that require 30+ Linguistics checks to even know about IC.
I mean't in Aradias body.That wasn't suspicious at all, IMO. It was quite thoroughly captured and knew it. After that would come interrogation and death, and probably not a death it could recover from, as our propensity for feeding Outsiders to Yss cannot be a secret at this point. Messily suiciding would have been the ideal solution to the Belier's problem. Slowly reforming in Hell decades from now is a whole lot better than ceasing to exist as you are digested in the gullet of a deity.
Y'all realize we can use Loresong from Dragon Magazine now to use the Linguistic Skill (and boost it with Divine Insight, w/e) right?Correct in that the Yss process is capable of losing or missing the information entirely, something Scribe's Binding does not do.
Tor still being affected through his skull after having jumped bodies with actual Divine help muddles this water a fair bit.That's not what's happening. You would at least need a custom ritual for something like this. The Curse Staff is using the sympathetic link from one body part, to curse the actual body of the origin point, the body bearing the soul.
The body parts separated do not have any soul linked to them. They are just reagents for rituals/spells.
The absence of slander is just odd as hell to me.Rumors gathered throughout the city cannot be curated like you fear. Just because the chapter doesn't mention them specifically doesn't mean they didn't happen or that our people didn't hear them. It's more likely that they've just reached the point of being background noise by now.
I think you're mistaking me quite a bit, @Goldfish. It's just fun to imagine what outlandish schemes Asmodeus is thought up against us. I'm not paranoid to the point of paralysis, and will happily play into his hands from time to time since it means an enemy that for once gives us an actual challenge.You have to be careful not to let rampant paranoia lead to the point where you freeze up, unable to make decisions for fear of playing into enemy schemes. Could that have happened? Yes, there's not much we can do about it now, so our best bet is to continue to play the hand we were dealt. Beliers are only a couple steps down in power from Pit Fiends in the hierarchy of Hell, and they're specifically known as highly intelligent manipulators. Assuming that one of them was used as this kind of bait without it learning of the scheme is really reaching. We might as well treat the next Imp we come across as a potential Pit Fiend in disguise if we're going to be that paranoid.