Baelish: "No, you simpleton, this is not a gimp suit! It is a highly specialized anti-Divination tool, designed to prevent biological samples from falling into the hands of my many magic-using enemies."

Bystander: "Then why is there a zipper over your mouth and cutouts for your nipples?"
Decultured. 😏
In semi-related news, I believe Baelish's usefulness has run its course. We might want to consider killing him at the end of the month. That should prove distracting for everyone, enough to make a couple of other moves.
In semi-related news, I believe Baelish's usefulness has run its course. We might want to consider killing him at the end of the month. That should prove distracting for everyone, enough to make a couple of other moves.
Azel be like: "Nothing personnel, kid"
*proceeds to ninja Crake*
Glyra is still a lvl 10 spellthief on the front page and we should do Shara's level up since shes in the Ghoyan Drohe group
Just went back and checked. It looks like DP didn't update Glyra's sheet when I DOn't it to hik. I'll send it to him again tonight.
Ping @Goldfish, he updates the sheets and reminds DP when he has done so as well.

Speaking of which, @Goldfish, append the level-up plan for Velen? He's going up to Bard 7/Sublime Chord 2 up from Bard 7/Sublime Chord 1
Will do it once I get back to my computer.
I've resent the sheet to DP, but here's Glyra's updated if ya'll are interested. This update came with lots of upgraded gear, as befitting the Most Powerful Gremlin In The World (TM), including her new Portable Necro-Kraken.
Glyra the Gremlin Spellthief
Tiny Fey:
Unique Erinat Gremlin, Spellthief 11
Hit Dice: 15d6 + 105 + 3 (Toughness) = 163 HP
Initiative: +7 (DEX)
Speed: 20 ft + 30ft (Anklets/Channel Vigor) = 50ft
Armor Class: 25 (+2 Size, +7 Dex, +4 Deflection, +1 Dodge, +1 Armor[Bracers]), Touch 25, Flat-Footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+5
Full Attack: Valyrian Steel Spiked Chain: +22/+17 (1d4+5), Disproportionate Sting Hand Crossbow: +22/+17 (Damage: 3; 19-20/x2, plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Trickster's Bargain, Fate's Favored, Spell-Like Abilities, Sneak Attack (+3d6+15) Steal Spell (4nd level), Steal Spell Effect, Steal Energy Resistance 20; Steal Spell-like Ability (2nd level), Absorb Spell
Special Qualities: Low-light Vision, DR 5/Cold Iron and Evil, SR 21, Discordant Aura, Fast Healing 1, Trap-finding, Detect Magic (7/Day), Arcane Sight (7/Day), Spellgrace (+2), Baleful Polymorph [Single use], Blur (20% chance for enemy attacks to miss), All Mind-Affecting Effects, Divination, All Death Spells, Magical Death Effects, Energy Drain, and any Negative Energy Effects
Saves: Fort +14(17), Ref +18(21), Will +15(16) (+2 vs spells)
Abilities: Str 14(16), Dex 18(24), Con 18(24), Int 8(10), Wis 12(14), Cha 18(24)
Skills: Bluff +22(25), Sleight of Hand +22(25), Hide +33(43), Move Silently +33(43), Use Magic Device +25(28), Disable Device +8 (11); Racial Modifier: +4 Sleight of Hand (already included), Size Modifiers: +8 Hide & Move Silently (already included)
Feats: Darkstalker, Expanded Arcana (Glitterdust, Knock), Impetuous, Practiced Spellcaster, Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Toughness(B), Versatile Spellcaster, Weapon Finesse(B)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Blood Feather Token (Su): Glyra gains a fly speed of 30 (poor) as long as she is levitating, for up to one minute per Hit Dice.
  • Trickster's Bargain (Su): Glyra may bind any Fey weaker than herself she has personal defeated by strength or guile to abide by the letter and spirit of a bargain. Can only be used once to attempt to bind any given Fey.
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Caster Level 15th; At-Will: Alter Self (Small Humanoid child only), Ghost Sound (DC 17); Levitate (self only), 7/Day: Arcane Sight, Detect Magic, 3/Day: Lesser Confusion (DC 18), Swift Invisibility, Bungle (DC 18)
  • Pact-Bound (Ex): In spite of her chaotic spirit, Glyra is bound by her Fey nature to follow at least the letter of her liege lord's word. However, should she grow disenchanted with her master or her lot in life the interpretations of that word will grow more and more creative.
  • Discordant Aura (Su): Glyra radiates an aura that imparts both gullibility and susceptibility to mental influence. Creatures within a 20-foot radius take a -2 penalty on saves against Compulsion effects, and Bluff checks attempted against such creatures gain a +5 bonus. This bonus also applies on opposed Charisma checks against a Charmed creature within the aura.
  • Fate's Favored (Su): A pair of Dawn-kin Erinats working together for 1 round can Charm a creature as Charm Person(DC 13), but only if they bear no ill will towards the target.
    • Additionally, a group of six Dawn-kin Erinats working together over the course of 1 hour can create an effect identical to Pronouncement of Fate (DC 16) but only if the target has done evil in the sight of one of the Fey. During the casting of the ritual, they must designate one of their number to contain the spell which he or she may later release as a Standard Action. If the magic is not used within one hour of the ritual being complete it dissipates harmlessly.
  • Channel Vigor: Select one of the following effects, which can be changed as a Move Action. Currently using "Limbs" effect.
    • Limbs: You gain the benefits of a haste spell.
    • Mind: You gain a +4 competence bonus on Knowledge, Listen, and Spot skill checks and on ranged attack rolls.
    • Spirit: You gain a +6 competence bonus on Will saving throws and Bluff and Intimidate checks.
    • Torso: You gain a +6 competence bonus on Fortitude saving throws and concentration checks.
Spells (Caster Level 15): Spell DC: 10 + 7 (CHA) = 17 + spell level
Level 1: Grease, Instant Portrait, Recharge Innate Magic, Web Bolt (1+2/Day)
Level 2: Glitterdust, Invisibility, Knock, Spider Climb, Touch of Idiocy (1+2/Day)
Level 3: Enter Image, Stinking Cloud (0+2/Day)

Grimoire of High Arcana:
Level 1: Mage Armor, Shield
Level 2: Detect Thoughts, Minor Image

Contingency Spells: Renewal Pact; Stalwart Pact; Contingent(Heal)[Activated on Stun, Feeblemind, Insanity, Confusion, Dazed, Nauseated, or loss of 75+ HP]

Anklets of Rapid Translocation:
  1. Benefit from a +30ft Enhancement bonus to ground movement speed.
  2. 2/Day Instantly teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied destination within line of sight and line of effect. The wearer can teleport with objects, up to their maximum load, but cannot bring other creatures.
Bag of Tricks (Tan):
  • This small sack appears empty. Anyone reaching into the bag feels a small, fuzzy ball. If the ball is removed and tossed up to 20 feet away, it turns into an animal. The animal serves the person who drew it from the bag for 10 minutes (or until slain or ordered back into the bag), at which point it disappears. It can follow any of the commands described in the Handle Animal skill.
Boneward Belt: +6 Constitution
  • Healing (3 charges/day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8 points of damage), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8 points of damage)
Disproportionate Sting: +2 Tiny Hand Crossbow (Damage: 3; 19-20/x2, Range Increment: 30ft)
  • Special Ability: This weapon magically poisons one bolt fired, then requires 1d2 rounds for the to replenish the poison. The poison is similar to Black Marsh Spider Poison, but the save DC increases by +2 for each Size Category the target is larger than Diminutive (DC 20 for Medium).
Earring of Arcane Acuity:
  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
Greater Ribbon of Disguise: Alter Self, Magic Aura, Undetectable Alignment (At Will)

Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
  1. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
  2. While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Inquisitor's Redoubt: Create an extra-dimensional space which can serve as a base of operations and secure resting place in dangerous or hostile territory.

  • Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
Minor Cloak of Displacement:
  • The wearer is protected by a Blur spell, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks made against them. It functions continually unless suppressed as a Standard Action. Another Standard Action restores the effect.
Muleback Cords: Strength score is 8 higher than normal when determining carrying capacity.

Psionic Items:
  • Crystal Mask of the Mind's Eye: Wearer benefits from a constant Detect Psionics effect.
  • Gloves of Object Reading: Wearer can use the Object Reading psionic power at will.
Portable Nekro-Kraken: Contained within this specialized triple capacity Portable Hole is a CR 15 Nekro-Kraken which is under the command of the hole's owner.

Prankster's Amulet of Protection from Evil: +6 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, +5 Resistance bonus to saving throws
  • 1/Day use Major Image at 5th caster level.
  • Reinforcement(3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Ring of Chameleon Power:
  1. Use Disguise Self At Will
  2. +10 Competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks.
Ring of Grasping Vines(Slotless): This polished steel ring is crafted to resemble tiny braided vines.
  1. The user can cause the cable to retract back into the ring as a Swift Action with a pulling force equal to their own Strength attribute. The cable must be retracted before it can be extended once more.
  2. The ring can produce lengths of steel cable (Hardness 10, 5 HP, Break DC 26) that look and feel like a sturdy plant vine. At will as a Standard Action, the user can shoot a cable from the ring as though it were a grappling hook, except the range increment is 50 feet and its maximum length is 100 feet.
Soulfire Mithral Bracers of Arcane Freedom (+1):
  1. 2/Day apply the Still Spell Metamagic feat to a spell as a Swift Action.
  2. Immune to all Death spells, magical Death effects, and Energy Drain, and any Negative Energy effects
Spectacles of Aberrant Revelation: Wearer benefits from a constant Detect Aberration effect.

Spectacles of Understanding: Wearer benefits from a +5 Competence bonus to Linguistics skill checks and can read unknown languages as if affected by the Comprehend Languages spell.

Staff of Swarming Insects (50 Charges):
Traveler's Anytool: This 12 inch iron rod can transform into any tool the user might need, including Masterwork-quality artisan tools.

Wand Bracer: Up to five wands can be stored in this clever bracer. A wand can be drawn from the bracer as a Swift Action.
  1. Wand of True Casting (43 Charges)
  2. Wand of Resilient Sphere (41 Charges)
  3. Wand of Dimension Door (47 Charges)
  4. Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 Charges)
  5. Wand of Reach Shivering Touch (32 Charges)
1st Level:
Bless x5
Blessed Aim x5
Comprehend Languages x5
Cure Light Wounds x20
Grease x5
Remove Fear x5
Remove Sickness x5
Shield x5
2nd Level:
Bear's Endurance x3
Bull's Strength x3
Cat's Grace x3
Defending Bone x3
Delay Poison x5
Heart of Air x3
Lesser Restoration x5
Remove Paralysis x3
3rd Level:
Heart of Water x3
Magic Circle Against Evil x2
Major Image x2
Remove Blindness/Deafness x3
Remove Curse x3
Remove Disease x3
Speak with Dead x2
Water Breathing x3
4th Level:
Dimensional Anchor x3
Freedom of Movement x3
Gaseous Form x3
Greater Invisibility x10
Hallucinatory Terrain x2
Life Bubble x3
Panacea x10
Restoration x3
Sending x3
5th Level:
Fickle Winds x2
Geniekind x4
Greater Blink x2
Heart of Fire x3
Pillar of Life x2
Plane Shift x2
Revivify x2
Teleport x2
True Seeing x4
6th Level:
Greater Black Tentacles x2
Heal x3
Smoky Confinement x2
Wind Walk x1
7th Level:
Amber Sarcaphogus x1
Greater Teleport x1
8th Level:
Mage x1
Power Word Petrify x1

Genie Tokens:
2x Plane Shift Charm
2x Sending Stone
1x Teleport Charm

Spell Talismans:
2x Brilliant Barrier Talisman

Githzerai Tokens:
1x Singe-Use Crystal of Null Psionic Field (11th Manifester Level)

Alchemical Substances:
10x Alchemist's Fire
5x Antiplague
5x Antitoxin
3x Auran Mask
15x Fungal Stun Vial
40x Healing Salve
10x Liquid Ice
20x Sleep-Smoke
10x Smokestick
10x Sunrod
10x Tanglefoot Bag
10x Thunderstone
30x Vermin Repellent

Equipped Magic Items: Anklets of Rapid Translocation, Bag of Tricks (Tan), Bead of Newt Prevention, Boneward Belt (+6 CON), Crystal Mask of the Mind's Eye, Disproportionate Sting (+2), Gloves of Object Reading, Gloves of Zephyr's Grace (+6 Dex, +2 STR), Earring of Arcane Acuity, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Handy Haversack, Inquisitor's Redoubt, Launcher, Mind Blank Ring, Minor Cloak of Displacement, Muleback Cords, Portable Necro-Kraken, Prankster's Amulet of Protection vs Evil(+6 CHA, +2 WIS, +2 INT, +5 Resistance), Ring of Chameleon Power, Ring of Grasping Vines(Slotless), Ring of Sustenance(Slotless), Soulfire Mithral Bracers of Arcane Freedom (+1), Spectacles of Aberrant Revelation, Spectacles of Understanding, Staff of Swarming Insects(50 charges), Traveler's Anytool, Wand Bracer(w/wands), Valyrian Steel Spiked Chain +2
[X] Have the Djinn and Shaitan spymasters notified of the fact that a Young Red dragon had escaped the end of the Golden Company on the Material Plane... and went to Efreeti for safety, of all the beings.
-[X] Expecting dragon-grafted forces, or draconic fleshcrafted monsters appearing on the battlefields in the coming months might be prudent, Efreeti aren't known for good morals after all.
This is ridiculous, we've not had a single hint of them being advanced in this discipline.
I've added Velen's level up proposal to my plan. Velen's character sheet will be one of my next projects. It's in severe need of an overhaul, and he needs some basic gear. We'll take care of that this month for sure.

For Velen's level up, there isn't really any focus on significantly enhancing his combat power, as that's never been his focus. Instead, he's keeping to his preferred support role. Good Hope is a fantastic multi-target buff spell and Song of Healing is a great way to augment already really effective Bardic Music performances to provide ongoing healing.

I've selected Encouraging Spell as Velen's new feat because it makes several of his spells more effective. Increasing Morale bonuses by +1 might not sound like much, but it's actually pretty damned amazing. With it, Velen's Elation spell goes from +2 Strength/Dexterity to +3 for both, his Harmonic Chorus spell goes from +2 caster level/spell DCs to +3 for both, and his Good Hope spell goes from +2 to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls to +3.

And if he uses Moment of Greatness on those affected by his Encouraging augmented Morale boosting spells, they can temporarily double the bonus. A +6 bonus to anything listed above, even for only a single action, is amazing.

[] Velen Level Up
-[] Attribute: +1 Charisma
-[] Feat: Encouraging Spell
-[] Class: +1 Sublime Chord
-[] Skills (4 points): +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Perform (Oratory), +1 Sense Motive
-[] New Spells
--[] 3rd Level:
---[] Retrain: Dispel Magic >>> Good Hope
--[] 4th Level: Song of Healing
--[] 5th Level: Greater Dispel Magic
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This is ridiculous, we've not had a single hint of them being advanced in this discipline.
@egoo wanted that included. I didn't mind adding it, as a balm to his paranoia. I agree, however, that the Efreeti aren't likely to have any such capability.

What if I just left the part about mentioning the Wyrmling Red Dragon so they can be on the lookout?
This is ridiculous, we've not had a single hint of them being advanced in this discipline.
Sure, most likely she's just a chair ornament now.

But if she isn't, do we want to keep such info away from our far more involved allies?

Dragons are a really rare strain of shit to find across the Planes, and Chromatics - doubly/triply/quadrupy so.

I have little faith in Efreeti not putting her to some use in their war-campaign, as a unique resource if nothing else, and it all stands on what DP decides to roll for them.

If it annoys you overly much - feel free to delet, I will not try to choose it as the hill to die on.

But I still think warning the spymasters of the possibility is a sensible idea.
She's Mindblanked against Divination already, after all.
Yes, please remove it @Goldfish, and I will underline why it is ridiculous and runs contrary to much of the current world-building.

A) The Deep Ones have numerous Flesh-Grafters and Shapers, and do a lot of their work in much the same way we have produced artisans in the art of enchanting--by hand, with the least skilled doing the busy-work and dealing with the dregs/servitors, and their most skilled making the complex horrors.

Which leads into:

B) Neither the Deep Ones, nor the Efreeti, have Flesh Forges (dubious veracity for the Deep Ones, I admit, but that does nothing to explain why the latter would have the capability), which is as close to 3D printing an army as you can get without having something similar to the Anvil that one Marid Emir had his hands on.

This has huge implications for the setting.

C) The Efreeti are more likely to have constructs in their army than war-beasts, as evidenced by everything we have learned about their magical disciplines. They also seem to heavily favor mercenaries and Outsider generation, as observed by the Divs.
Would Fey Spell Versatility be a good future feat for Theon/Soft Strider? Theon was a sailor/officer under Moonsong and the Children of the Forest are fey right?
That could be pretty nice for Theon, since he's a Mystic Ranger and already able to cast 4th level spells despite only being level 8.

Definitely one to keep in mind for when he reaches 9th level and learns a new feat. There are several useful spells he could add to his Ranger spell list.
Jesus, Varys as an actual force of stability in Robert's court. The absolute actual hilarity of it all. And cool, looks like Other memetic power's aren't that strong, go ahead and frame away. Though I'm thinking depending on how weird the kid is, it might join the changeling triplets et al as Viserys' ward on virtue of being an interesting magical oddity.

And man I'd love to know exactly what shook Baelish up so much. Did one of those Daemons Hannibal lecture him on how shallow and self defeating his whole "king of the ashes" shitick is?

King of the Ashes was only Baelish's Motivation in the show, in the Books he simply wants to prove Hoster Tully and everyone who was dismissive of him as a youth wrong by taking over a Major Lordship like the Vale and making Sansa his replacement Cat.

The show motivation doesn't even make sense for the backstory he was given. it was yet another baffling change from Martin's Original material. . .

It's not the worst change though, that would probably be the character assassination the show did on Stannis Baratheon. . .
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C) The Efreeti are more likely to have constructs in their army than war-beasts, as evidenced by everything we have learned about their magical disciplines. They also seem to heavily favor mercenaries and Outsider generation, as observed by the Divs.
From the Mage Guilds at least I can confirm that they don't have much of a tradition of fleshcrafting.
The Brass Shapers are the closest to these arts and they prefer to work in metal and souls, for Golems and such, with regular undead as a secondary discipline.

Flesh is not viewed as a particularly respected material to craft with there.

When the Efreeti enhance living creatures, it results in things like Rune Giants or Fire-infused warbeasts. Meaning it comes from breeding and directly applied magical augments, not mix-and-match fleshworks.

Edit: Doesn't mean they are sure not to have good fleshcrafters though. There are lots of mages in the City, some will try things outside of the major traditions.
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Glyra's sheet has been updated. I had to move the menagerie to the second page from lack of room though.

Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 21, 2020 at 6:05 AM, finished with 65 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan All The Little Things - King's Landing Edition, Continued
    -[X] The court of Kings Landing
    --[X] General information about recent events and trends.
    --[X] Rough accounting of which lords are still at court and thus likely loyal to the Usurper.
    --[X] Current members of the Kingsguard with how likely they are to stand their ground, flee or surrender when you were to attack the keep with a commando force.
    --[X] Recent activities of Cersei in particular.
    --[X] The state of the royal coffers and Baelish activities, particularly if he is still doing as the "Ghiscari" want.
    --[X] State, location, orders and special equipment of the Royal Fleet.
    --[X] Any information on anti-air capabilities of Kings Landing, should such exist at all.
    --[X] Any information he has on the situation with the Valeryons would be helpful.
    -[X] With all wheels of your economic plot already in motion and not requiring any further input to crash at the right time, Baelish has lost all utility to you. Tell Bloodraven that Baelish can be eliminated at his leisure, but at the latest towards the end of the 3rd month to ensure that he will no interfere with the invasion.I
    [X] (Retroactively) Have the Djinn and Shaitan spymasters notified of the fact that a Wyrmling Red dragon had escaped the end of the Golden Company on the Material Plane... and went to Efreeti for safety, of all the beings.
    -[X] We would appreciate it if they could forward any intelligence relating to her which they might come across.
    [X] Velen Level Up
    -[X] Attribute: +1 Charisma
    -[X] Feat: Encouraging Spell
    -[X] Class: +1 Sublime Chord
    -[X] Skills (4 points): +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Perform (Oratory), +1 Sense Motive
    -[X] New Spells
    --[X] 3rd Level:
    ---[X] Retrain: Dispel Magic >>> Good Hope
    --[X] 4th Level: Song of Healing
    --[X] 5th Level: Greater Dispel Magic
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