- Location
- Germany
All the more reason to park a few thousand tons of facts in the lower atmosphere.Keep in mind information flow is not perfect out in the middle of nowhere. A lot of wild rumors, few certainties.
All the more reason to park a few thousand tons of facts in the lower atmosphere.Keep in mind information flow is not perfect out in the middle of nowhere. A lot of wild rumors, few certainties.
These creatures usually take the form of scroll cases or boxes for papers, being indistinguishable from a reinforced iron casing from the outside. Inside though rests a small layer of lead infused and necromantically animated flesh that keeps the case tightly shut. This layer wards off all attempts to learn the contents of the case with divinations and will release a strong acid to destroy them, should somebody try to open the case without giving the right password, or attempting to force it open. Much like the Firefly, if the Necro-Case is killed, it automatically releases it's acid to destroy its contents.
Necro-Case, CR 1
Soulforged, Lead-Clad Necrocraft
Corpsecrafted, Bolstered Resistance
Cost 10 IM
NE Tiny undead
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+0 Dex, +7 natural, +2 Size)
hp 7 (1d8 + 3)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1
Resistances Turning Resistance 5, Electricity 5
Immune undead traits
Speed Immobile
Special Destroy Contents
Str 11, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 8, Cha 11
Base Atk +0;
Feats Toughness B
SQ Divination Immunity
Divination Immunity (Ex)
A lead-clad creature is immune to divination spells and effects cast to derive information about it. Detect magic, detect poison, detect thoughts, and detect alignment spells fail to reveal any information about the lead-clad creature or the objects it carries. Furthermore, a lead-clad creature is invisible and inaudible to scrying, arcane eyes, and clairaudience/clairvoyance. Lead-clad creatures and their equipment cannot be located by discern location, nor can locate object find objects they carry.
@egoo, added the two new creatures to the Imperial Undead post.Black Warden
By binding lead to the flesh of a Black Knight and increasing it's strength to offset the increased weight, this variant becomes immune to divinations, making it uniquely suited to serve as a soldier of the Inquisition. For a price increase of 70 IM, it can be equipped with wings that grant it a Swim speed of 30 ft. and a Fly speed of 30 ft. (clumsy).
Black Warden, CR 8
Advanced, Lead-Infused, Soulforged Necrocraft
Corpsecrafted, Bolstered Resistance
Cost 490 IM
NE Large undead
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 32, touch 8, flat-footed 32 (-1 Size, -1 DEX, +15 natural, +9 Armor)
hp 73 (7d8 + 14 + 7 + 14 + 7)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +8
Immune undead traits
Resistance cold 5, electricity 5
DR 5/Bludgeoning
Turn Resistance 11
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Greatsword +15; 3d6 + 10; 19-20/x2
Str 31, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +5
Feats Toughness B
SQ Construction Points (Faster, Mostly Skeletons, Metal Armor),
Divination Immunity
Divination Immunity (Ex)
A lead-clad creature is immune to divination spells and effects cast to derive information about it. Detect magic, detect poison, detect thoughts, and detect alignment spells fail to reveal any information about the lead-clad creature or the objects it carries. Furthermore, a lead-clad creature is invisible and inaudible to scrying, arcane eyes, and clairaudience/clairvoyance. Lead-clad creatures and their equipment cannot be located by discern location, nor can locate object find objects they carry.
Will do.@egoo, added the two new creatures to the Imperial Undead post.
Please add 1,000x Necro-Cases (10 IM each, 10,000 IM total), 50x Black Warden (630 IM each, 31,500 IM total) and 10x Black Warden with Mobility Upgrade (700 IM each, 7,000 IM total).
Because undivinable killbots make the totalitarian state work.
Investigate Enemy Spies in Volantis |
Establish Inquisition Base in Qohor (41/32) |
Expand Law Enforcement in Orange Shore (4/56) |
Establish Messenger Service in Orange Shore (20/112) |
Establish Messenger Service in Volon Therys (7/18) |
Establish Messenger Service in Eastern Disputed Lands (7/74) |
Establish Messenger Service in Volon Sar (8/14) |
Establish Messenger Service in Valysar (9/13) -> Valysar Wealth increased by 1. Now 9 |
Establish Messenger Service in Selhorys (4/14) -> Lose 8,000 IM |
Those are all for the Inquisition.
Competently greedy minions!Valysar continues to be a fount of good news for the second month in a row with the excellent deals struck for horses emboldening many of the local magisters to expand their stables, taking in mostly Dothraki stock though some ships travel as far as Dorne and the Reach in search of studs, taking advantage of the House of Mirror's predictions to make deals that would once have seemed too risky thanks to the difficulty of transporting horses in good condition by sea.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.Infrastructure Report on Greater Volantis
Personal annotation on previous report: See to it that the fey have their iron mine and ask them if they have some affinity towards mundane iron from their time serving the Orphne court. A strange attachment if so, given the fey aversion to truest cold iron, but no one ever accused the children of faerie of being predictable, least of all the Tinker Fey. For the Brigands in the Eastern Flatlands you send two orders, one to the legion to see them hunted down and one to the inquisition to see to it that their leaders and sorcerers are interrogated and any benefactors dealt with.
Regarding the last month's inquisition actions in Volantis and its greater sphere of influence, you are satisfied to hear that the new office in the City had successfully expanded operations to Qohor, making use of, among other things,the personal connections of several Mysterium mages in a growing favor-based economy between the two institutions. Both mages and spies readily trade in secrets, after all. Speaking of secrets, the Volantine inquisition has also revealed a spy ring ostensibly belonging to the Most Ancient Guild of Spicers, but which some suspect to be the work of the Warlocks of Qarth. The Qarthi spies had been working to obtain the scrying rituals of the House of Mirrors, but were eventually stopped in no small part thanks to the existence of said rituals.
Investigate Enemy Spies in Volantis Establish Inquisition Base in Qohor (41/32)
The expansion of both the local law enforcement and the messenger service in Volantis on the Orange Shore continues apace, though the former lags behind the latter due to shortages in trained manpower.
Expand Law Enforcement in Orange Shore (4/56) Establish Messenger Service in Orange Shore (20/112)
Messenger networks in Volon Therys and the Eastern Disputed lands are roughly keeping up with each other, though thanks to the vast difference in population between the provinces, efforts in the former borderlands will be complete long before prosperous Volon Therys. Meanwhile in Volon Sar, the infrastructure is also being put in place slightly ahead of schedule, the horses tack and other necessities have all been acquired, missing only the riders to make the rounds.
Establish Messenger Service in Volon Therys (7/18) Establish Messenger Service in Eastern Disputed Lands (7/74)
Establish Messenger Service in Volon Sar (8/14)
Valysar continues to be a fount of good news for the second month in a row, with the excellent deals struck for horses emboldening many of the local magisters to expand their stables, taking in mostly Dothraki stock though some ships travel as far as Dorne and the Reach in search of studs, taking advantage of the House of Mirror's predictions to make deals that would once have seemed too risky thanks to the difficulty of transporting horses in good condition by sea.
Alas, the profits seen there may have emboldened the magisters of Selhorys to foolish extremes. A conflict sparked over a public auction to provide supplies to expanding infrastructure raged out of control, going so far as to see several warehouses burned and over a score of people dead, including three blatant assassinations. The delays and necessity to buy from further afield than originally budgeted have unfortunately cost not only time but coin as well.
As you reach the end of the report you have to go over a paragraph twice to ensure you actually understood it. A pair of skyborn griffins had apparently bought out one of the struggling stables. Much to the irritation of the new feathered owners the locals seem to believe they just want to eat the horses. They will learn eventually.
Establish Messenger Service in Valysar (9/13) -> Valysar Wealth increased by 1. Now 9 Establish Messenger Service in Selhorys (4/14) -> Lose 8000 IM
Do you offer any incentive to the Valysar magisters who have been so useful?
[] Yes
-[] Public Commendation, they will doubtless appreciate the pomp involved (Lose 1000 IM)
-[] Arrange Low interest loans making up the difference (Lose 4000 IM)
[] No, their success is reward enough
OOC: Two crits on the same action in two consecutive months. I almost feel like I should do an interlude about Valysar and its horses. Not yet edited.
Alas the profits seen there may have emboldened the magisters of Selhorys to foolish extremes. A conflict sparked over a public auction to provide supplies to expanding infrastructure ranged out of control, going to far as to see several warehouses burned and over a score of people dead, including three blatant assassinations. The delays and necessity to buy from further afield than originally budgeted have unfortunately cost not only time but coin.
Holy shit, I hope we investigate this and hang all the morons.