Believe it or not, I agree with Egoo. Working with, not just plainly and obviously playing one side against another, but working WITH another faction of Deep Ones is something that should require serious trust and willingness to compromise to a high degree for some of our current allies.

We SHOULD have to play off the whole thing very carefully.

Which is part of the reason and headache that makes me want to just grind their brains for data that Azel wants. He complains about the player's tendency to have cake and eat it too, but honestly while that is entirely true we already have half the cake and risk losing it by trying to seize the other, more wriggly half.

Trying to imagine a wiggly cake leads to some weird mental imagery. :V
I would have to roll hard will saves to see if he is coherent enough to talk and then another one to see if he tells the truth and not just what he thinks you want to hear.
I guess there would also be the danger of the subject soiling themselves while in the Dragon's mouth. Should probably require a Will save from the Dragon to avoid reflexively using their Breath Weapon to cleanse their palate.
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Can we ask if Dany thinks she learned anything important? Her judgement isnt controlled by the whims of the hivemind.

Also shes wisdom based.

Im fine playing the deepies against each other and taking the money and running.

Dany is curious by nature, she would like to at least gently poke them to see if any cooperation is posibile. Vee who is also wisdom based thinks you should just drop the whole notion because she does not trust them to ever deal in good faith. It says as much about them as it does about the issue at hand though. High wisdom does not mean you do not have personal biases and opinions.
Dany is curious by nature, she would like to at least gently poke them to see if any cooperation is posibile. Vee who is also wisdom based thinks you should just drop the whole notion because she does not trust them to ever deal in good faith. It says as much about them as it does about the issue at hand though. High wisdom does not mean you do not have personal biases and opinions.
Vee is on point, as per usual.
Believe it or not, I agree with Egoo. Working with, not just plainly and obviously playing one side against another, but working WITH another faction of Deep Ones is something that should require serious trust and willingness to compromise to a high degree for some of our current allies.

We SHOULD have to play off the whole thing very carefully.

Which is part of the reason and headache that makes me want to just grind their brains for data that Azel wants. He complains about the player's tendency to have cake and eat it too, but honestly while that is entirely true we already have half the cake and risk losing it by trying to seize the other, more wriggly half.
We will see.

If this boils down to hiring Ishmagnis to eat the other Illithids brains and barf up their juice knowledge, I'll be as happy as a non-euclidian murder-clam.
Didn't even think it was possible for ilithids to rebel. Won't their thoughts of doing so be immediately mind probed by the local master brain?
You get a -10 malus by not being able to properly move your tongue while the other guy is in your mouth

"Thell ush wath you naw abouth da maid thayers!"
As if we would countenance the indignity of talking with our mouth full! We would either use Varys to do the talking for us, she has all our skills after all, or we would use telepathic bond.
Did we make that giant half-dragon crab yet or is that on the list for next month?
We haven't made any such thing IIRC.
If someone recites the specifications to me, I'll pen it in into the next month's planned over-the-top Forge-order.