Totally Not Creating Problems Where None Existed
- Location
- Russia
We could pop one down near Robert's place.
Make it look like "his" tawern.
*Evil intensifies* [/jk]
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We could pop one down near Robert's place.
With templates to make them terrifying.
I wonder what is Danelle's reaction to all this:
"So, he is casually dropping CR 15 creatures to defend the guy he just recruited... how many of those does he have?"
Viserys: "YES"
Our undead and abominations shall work wonders. 👌It's not likely that she was able to perceive the full abilities of the Black Knights at a glance, the kraken are a lot more obvious.
The Black Knight she saw is only CR 7 with a CR 2 mold controlling it.I wonder what is Danelle's reaction to all this:
"So, he is casually dropping CR 15 creatures to defend the guy he just recruited... how many of those does he have?"
Viserys: "YES"
Now this is deeply admirable cheese.The Black Knight she saw is only CR 7 with a CR 2 mold controlling it.
She didn't see the CR 15 Brute that can easily deal 200+ damage in a full attack, is controlled by a CR 15 murder mold and riding a CR 15 death Kraken that is in turn host to a lesser CR 10 murder mold.
See edit. It gets worse.
Don't set your expectations too high, chances are, we'll all fucking die to the squids' frankly ridiculous forces if they actually start an attack now*.We'll do what we can. I'm honestly expecting an attack, only for it to be pathetically bitchslapped into the stratosphere by our quite frankly ridiculous number of beatsticks.
I'd really rather tbh, but I feel like I'm gonna be overruled on that :/
We'll be fine, but it'll hurt. Nothing they can target is truly irrecoverable and I don't see them killing us. It's hard to deal with a group of high level mindblanked PCs unless you actually bait them into an ambush or you had a good counter to their own attack.Don't set your expectations too high, chances are, we'll all fucking die to the squids' frankly ridiculous forces if they actually start an attack now*.
Our "general defense"-forge order is faaaar from done, what with it haven't even been made.
*I'm assuming the best from DP. Which is to make Squids deadly beyond belief. Sue me.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.Of Plots and Profit
Twenty-Eight Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
It is fortunate that you had decided to divine answers before approaching Lyan Chester, for you and... for him. The enchantment, as Jeyne is able to find among the tablets bequeathed to you by the Monastery of the Unbroken Circle, is one favored by the Deep Ones in their agents, knowing and unknowing. Suspected in some manner, Jeyne can only speculate about is the urge to kill himself by the swiftest, surest means. Had you worked any magic upon the captain, given any hint of your identity or your interest in his dealings with the Deep Ones without first incapacitating him, he would have faced the same fate as the unfortunate Uther of Oakshield and you would have been no closer to solving the mystery of his father's dealings with the Deep Ones.
Forewarned of the danger, you sift instead through the minds of his crew. The captain my know the most, but officers must know something of the ship's comings and goings to do their jobs well, and there is little else for the crew to do on the long day at sea save gossip and trade tales. You discover Lyan owns a stake in a budding trade company headquartered at Old Town, Sunset Shores, so named for the supposed ambition of its founder to be the first to find great lands beyond the Sunset Sea. Given that the company is widely known to make use of divination in its endeavors, much to the profit of all involved, you suspect direct Deep One involvement at once, but what troubles you the most is the sheer extent of the trading network hinted at by the memories of the skip's crew as well a perusal of its logs.
"This isn't a handful of fools chasing their doom and leading their crews to it in turn," you shake your head. "A score ships at least, perhaps twice that number, a few Ironborn of the New Way, but many Reachers and Westerlanders as well. It would be a perfect way to get this new cult of the Drowned God spread far and wide, especially with all of them showing profits."
"Then why the death spells?" Dany muses. "Not just here, but at Oakshield? Why the Dream call that got all of us involved in this to begin with? They had a perfectly good way of spreading their influence and we likely would not have noticed, at least until the Inquisition spread out to the western coast, maybe longer."
"Volmark," Danelle interjects, looking through the dingy back wall of the tavern without seeing it. "From what you told me of what happened there, this cabal was taking a heavier hand there, likely because it was among Ironborn, but they lost a great deal to the Reader's armsmen, then to your own involvement. They needed whatever they wanted to do with those children, but they did not get it."
"So they panicked," Lya picks up the thread of the theory. "Tried to secure their most important pieces with enchantments and spies even while they summoned new Drowned Men in the Dream."
"They could have also moved their recruitment outside the Iron Islands for fear of the dark intelligence that leads the Deep Ones, if they are indeed traitors," you muse. "If one part of your plan is working perfectly and the other part is on fire, shift the load."
What do you do?
[] Speak to Lord Chester
-[] Write in
[] Remove Lyan's death compulsion and speak to him
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: A bit short again, but it's really late for me and the other updates today have been pretty long so I think we covered a fair bit of ground. Not yet edited.