The most direct progression from the Aeolipile would be a reaction design steam turbine. It's basically an improved Aeolipile in a casing.
Steam turbine - Wikipedia
Curses. So close and yet so far from magi-steam-punk trains.OK that makes sense.
The bulabar have the right idea but the design is still in testing.
we'll get there eventually
That's the idea. The Imperial road network even has the necessary tracks already. So far they are for horse / oxen drawn carts.we'll get there eventually
now i'm imagening steampunk magic trains running over the bridges of the stepstones which would be a sight to behold
now i'm wondering how many more few will be born due to the new things to tell stories about and the superstitions that they will probebly create....That's the idea. The Imperial road network even has the necessary tracks already. So far they are for horse / oxen drawn carts.
No Fey spacecraft. They are ludicrously expensive and have far too much i'm wondering how many more few will be born due to the new things to tell stories about and the superstitions that they will probebly create....
Now i want to make a fey train like we did ship and spacecraft
i meant more like the moonchaser which is the home of a court of fey not a literal Fey spacecraft but i get the confusion there, should have worded that betterNo Fey spacecraft. They are ludicrously expensive and have far too much firepower.
Propably owed to the time-difference from your usual first update of the day.I'm going to need a few more votes guys
Is something unclear , or is the politics just not that engaging?
I'm very happy about how proactive Fowler is, lol.She pauses a moment. "I heard something else of lords and gods. Tyene,. just how comfortable to you think the Fowler twins would be with the idea of blood sacrifice?"
It is not often that your friend is surprised into silence. "What kind?" she asks at last.
"To the Old Gods," your sister replies and that is when you remember something Oberyn had said years ago when he presented you with the sapling that would become the first Heart Tree in Sorcerer's Deep. It had come from Skyreach, seat of House Fowler.
Carefully you reach out along the familiar mind link to the puppet Varys and beyond that to the mind of Bloodraven upon his pale throne. You are not certain if you should be impressed or annoyed at the answer.
"Lord Fowler did not learn how to consecrate his Heart Tree from the Old Gods, he learned it from us," you explain. "He sent a mage with a perfect memory to Myr to observe a public consecration then performed it himself with a sacrifice of outlaws from the Bone Mountains. For what it might be worth Jeyne Fowler is not under any blessing of the Old Gods, she is just skilled with a bow."
Not quite as thrilled about the direction Dayne went."Since the Conclave Lord Dayne has been saying that the Faith should guide sorcerers on a righteous path. Some of them seem to agree, though not the ones who have been east and learned low magic from Scholarum trained sorcerers.
9 votes is plenty, though?I'm going to need a few more votes guys
Is something unclear , or is the politics just not that engaging?
You are pretty early with that update.I'm going to need a few more votes guys
Is something unclear , or is the politics just not that engaging?
Propably owed to the time-difference from your usual first update of the day.