Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 13, 2020 at 3:03 PM, finished with 136 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan "Get fucked, Tiamat!"
    -[X] Aegon is subdued as quickly and efficiently as possible by our forces, whether that means beating him unconscious, imprisoning him in a Smoky Confinement bottle or using Amber Sarcophagus, holding him in an Antimagic Field, etc.
    -[X] Viserys uses Miracle to cast Moment of Prescience on himself and Blood Wishes a Surge of Fortune spell on himself, Dany Dreamcasts a Surge of Fortune spell on herself, and Lya renews her Moment of Prescience spell if necessary.
    -[X] Dany activates the Well of Eternity with Viserys, Lya, and Richard each expending as much Mythic Power as they can spare to bolster her or the Well as needed while Teana and Sandor stand guard over them to prevent sudden Interlopers from interfering.
Interlude DCCXXXIII: A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand

Thirteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

The air beneath Daenerys' silver wings was hot and stale, heavy with smoke, dust and the weight of blackest curses, but under it all she could still smell incense and old blood, the scent of her nightmares. If this were a nightmare she would see herself walking out of the shadows soon, black-robed and hollow eyed. If this were a nightmare the monster outside would not be bound in crumbling chains. But She was bound for all her terrible power and this was no nightmare, but the world under the sun. She took courage from her brother's smile, from Lya's hurried incantations and even from Ser Richard muttered curses.

Sandor looked too shocked to even manage that much. "It's almost over now," Dany offered her own nod of reassurance. Every moment was precious, but there was time enough for that. There would always be time enough for that, without it they would have lost or never even had the strength to fight to begin with.

Aegon had friends too, and look where it got him. The thought was unwelcome, but not untrue. They would probably have to kill him, he had too many reasons to hate them and he was much too skilled a sorcerer. Uncle Brynden killed a Blackfyre heir for far less cause and provocation.

At least the boy Tiamat had ruined would not be the only one who would pay the price today. She would suffer for it, She would be made less. The filaments of the Well of Eternity dug into her palm, thrumming with the blessings of seven Powers, eager to fulfill its purpose, the eyes of those very same gods doubtlessly upon them now.

For a moment, as she looked upon the thrashing mountain of hate and power that was the merest expression of Tiamat of Many Colors and of None, Daenerys considered letting the gods handle all of it. For a moment she was the girl answering riddles in the dark again, flinching under the gaze of a monster as old as time. That girl was still with her, but she was not all that Dany was. I've killed and I have healed, I've fought bravely and I have slipped through the shadows to steal the souls of devils from Hell. In the end however it all came down to a sentiment the girl who first met a five-headed dragon in a dream would have understood perfectly.

"I will help keep them all safe, my brother, my friends and the whole realm. I am strong enough to do it." Dany looked right into the burning crimson eye of Tiamat and with a smile she knew to be as angelic as the dream-spun guise she wore she added. "Thank you for helping me learn that."

The roar of pure fury that answered her was music to her ears as she placed a web of stolen scales threaded though with adamantine upon the found vessel and at its heart she placed the Well of Eternity and all the power that was bound within.

Pale roots grew through flesh and bone and gnawed at magic that was Timat's lifeblood. Fire burned upon Her brows, not a crown but a brand to mark a monster for the judgement of the Lord of Light. Was that the hiss of a far distant serpent, or the creak of scales tipping into balance? It seemed that just for a moment the moon had risen again to look upon the scene and from it silver tears dripped, not for the horror now before it, but for all those it had devoured.

As the great beast died and the power within it spent Dany could hear Viserys, Lya and even Ser Richard trying to add their strength to the deed. She did what came naturally, she helped.

Daenerys Gains Two Mythic Ranks

Viserys, Ser Richard and Lya advance One Mythic Rank

OOC: The reason Dany gets two ranks here is because I feel I owed her one from Essaria, back before I even considered the system, not to mention her use of the unraveling to not only escape but swindle Tiamat. I'm going to need a vote on what Mythic path to use for her as well as the advancement for Viserys, Ser Richard and Lya, but no rush to necessarily get it done by morning. You guys got pretty good rolls on power theft, not perfect or anything but above average overall. More details when we return to Viserys' PoV tomorrow.
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Hell yeah. I was expecting to have a few more votes of Tiamat struggling and almost-breaking our bindings, but it is nice to see a plan work out.

Now, where did we put the links to everyone's Mythic Paths? I'll start on one for Daenerys now.
So that takes Viserys to Tier 3 which is where the planned Path starts to take off, Dany gets her own, everyone wins. And now, hopefully, we have an Aegon to loot. Good day, good day all around.
Also @DragonParadox, would it be possible to provoke Tiamat even further and hope for a stronger Avatar in the future? I'm basically seeing Tiamat as a gambler right now who doesn't understand the sunk cost fallacy. She's invested too much into fucking us over to fail. :V
You know, we really need an informational threadmark with links to everyone's Mythic Paths, planned Mythic Paths, or Mythic Path proposals.

I'll try to make one if I can find them.
So that takes Viserys to Tier 3 which is where the planned Path starts to take off, Dany gets her own, everyone wins. And now, hopefully, we have an Aegon to loot. Good day, good day all around.
That's an extremely distant possibility but hope springs eternal.

Personally I would rest easy if we could realistically convert him to our cause, or at least render him a non-threat, if only to assuage our conscience (which we now have) and keep some blood off our hands but I've played this game too long to hang my hat on something that flimsy.

He made his bed, we're just going to have to tuck him in.
That's an extremely distant possibility but hope springs eternal.

Personally I would rest easy if we could realistically convert him to our cause, or at least render him a non-threat, if only to assuage our conscience (which we now have) and keep some blood off our hands but I've played this game too long to hang my hat on something that flimsy.

He made his bed, we're just going to have to tuck him in.
Loot is loot, whether it's people-shaped or gear-shaped.
That's an extremely distant possibility but hope springs eternal.

Personally I would rest easy if we could realistically convert him to our cause, or at least render him a non-threat, if only to assuage our conscience (which we now have) and keep some blood off our hands but I've played this game too long to hang my hat on something that flimsy.

He made his bed, we're just going to have to tuck him in.
I'd really prefer him dead. He's got far too much reason to hate us, and recruiting him means we'd have to resurrect Connington and Ashara who also have reason to hate us.

There is a time and place for recruiting and this isn't it.
Ah, this is truly magnificent.
I can force myself to actually read through this ark now :V

Thank you, @Goldfish, for getting us here. You're a powerhouse of combat-planning.
Thank you, @DragonParadox, for providing a challenge the thread apparently really liked, and a final conclusion to the mess GC has been.

A bit sad we haven't gotten "Perfect" on power-stealing...
But oh well, at least it doesn't seem like she managed to mangle any of our gods.

We'll see how much we got out of her tomorrow...
And hunting down any of the remaining escapees, I suppose.

I really, really hope we can use this bunch of power we stole to track them all down.

@TalonofAnathrax, I actually noted Snowfire's plans for myself not too long ago - Imma drop what semi-finished we have for Lya in a quote in a bit, and here's the Viserys' Path: Ascendant,
Finally! Richard is the highlander!

Upon taking this ability, you can no longer die from old age. If you have penalties to your physical ability scores due to aging, you no longer take those penalties. You still continue to age, and you gain all the benefits to your mental ability scores.

Viserys also doesn't doesn't die from old age anymore.
@TalonofAnathrax, I actually noted Snowfire's plans for myself not too long ago - Imma drop what semi-finished
The last me and them spoke about it, we mentioned a capstone called Akashic Record which allowed her to be a multi-processing research machine with access to FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE on par with the Black Library (or actually better, but even she can't hope to learn everything in the source of all knowledge).
I found Viserys' path, which looks complete. Lya's one is a half-done mess, so I'm rereading the thread to compile it all into one post we can link to. Then I'll look for Richard's Path.

Richard's Rank 10 ability has to be "your castle can fly now"
Lya's path insofar as Snowfire had it before leaving, this has been generally agreed in thread-consensus.
@TalonofAnathrax, note:

Many have walked the Path of the Archmage, delving into the details of magic and the lore surrounding it. Creating great wonders, and laying armies and worlds to ruin with magic beyond the grasp of any but the most skilled wielders of the arcane. Few indeed have ever walked the Path of the Sage. From your very beginnings, you approached magic with boundless fascination, and a total refusal to accept the limits that any would place upon it. Magic is as much a part of your soul as it is a force you call to your hands, and as you step now into legend in power, that force and the genius with which you guide it will walk beside you.

Path Features​
Surge of Inspiration, Forge of Creation​
Path ability​
Path ability​
Unbound By Law​
Path ability​
Path ability​
Path ability​
A Soul's Reach​
Path ability​
Path ability, Akasha​

Surge of Inspiration: To become a Sage is to master more than spells. In becoming what you are, you have sought to unravel the mysteries of magic, walking the line between powers arcane and divine, and finding so much similar between them. As you grew in strength, you challenged the multiverse to prove why they are meant to be different. It has yet to succeed, and now, it never will.

You gain Wild Arcana and Inspired Spell at 1st Tier, forfeiting your 1st Tier Mythic Feat. You have access to Path Abilities from both Archmage abd Hierophant.

Forge of Creation: When seeking to unravel the nature of power, a Sage often turns to the physical objects that anchor it. It was your hands that forged some of the first talismans of power that a world reawakening to magic had ever known, and by their grace where you and your companions saved a thousand times. Now you face greater threats, and for them, greater creations are necessary. In time, they will be able to stand against even the power of gods.

At Rank 1, a Sage gains the Crafting Mastery Mythic Ability. At Rank 3, they gain the Mythic Crafter feat, and gain a single slot for any Mythic Item Creation feat, which can be changed once a month. At Rank 6 and 9 they gain an additional floating feat slot. At Rank 6, a Sage also gains access to the Create Artefact Mythic Feat, which requires two of their floating slots to select.

Create Artefact: A Sage gains access to this feat through Forge of Creation, allowing them to forge workings of power equal in mastery and strength to those of the divinities. A Sage of Mythic Rank 6 or above may use this feat to design and craft Minor Artefacts. A Sage of Mythic Rank 9 or above may use this feat to design and craft Major Artefacts.

Note: the following is not complete but I've pitched the Rank 4 and 8 abilities to the thread and I didn't see anyone say that they disagreed with them. This is just what we need to get Lya started on the Sage Path. I'll right up the other two in full later.
Well, to give the basics?

Surge of Inspiration is mashing Arcane Surge and Inspired Spell together because all of the spells all of the time. This exemplifies how Lya from very early on walked between both worlds of magic, the arcane and the divine, and has come to master both in time. This was where her journey towards becoming a Sage began, and something I see as deeply integral to her myth. Holding arcane power in one hand, and divine in the other, she challenged the world to prove to her why they are meant to be different. So far, it has yet to succeed.

Unbound by Law is, at it's base, Beyond Morality stuck to Perfect Preparation through the lens of how she's dedicated herself so deeply to unravelling the structures of power that bind magic and more in the world. It is how she has forged creations of soulstuff, Outsiders in truth, where so many see the forms of those beings of the Outer Planes as inviolate and unbending. Even in the Abyss, the infinite hall of chaos, there is order in its ranks. Lya, through her Incarnates, has built a new one.

Forge of Creation is where we get Mythic Crafting, and a third of her Mythic Rank in Mythic Item Creation feats, which can be changed through the expenditure of Mythic Power once per...I'm currently looking at week, but I might go to once a month. This is Spark of Creation and her endless fascination with creation of magical artefacts. This goes all the way back to our first creation, made with Velen's help perhaps, but made by us nonetheless. She has always been the crafter of rituals and talisman, that should be recognised. Note: This also is planned to give us the ability to select a Craft Artefact Mythic Feat that I'll have to work on. It takes up two of your maximum of three slots, but it's what it says on the tin. With it, Lya will be able to craft such items as to stand against the power of Gods.

A Soul's Reach is where I literally copy-paste the Spellguard class feature that lets you convert Personal spells into Touch spells. It also involves the multiple bodies aspect of a Sage, allowing them to basically use Cooperative Crafting but for spellcasting and (maybe) allowing burning of Mythic Power to alter Planar Traits to suit the Traits of the body she wields.

And Akasha...well, consider the word and its connotations. She forges a link to the Akashic Record, the combined knowledge of all life. How this will manifest in terms of mechanics, I'm not sure. But it's going to be hella more flavourful than "Oh yeah you get SR now".

@Azel I believe you had some sketch-thoughts on this. Anything you might have of those would be greatly appreciated.
The last me and them spoke about it, we mentioned a capstone called Akashic Record which allowed her to be a multi-processing research machine with access to FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE on par with the Black Library (or actually better, but even she can't hope to learn everything in the source of all knowledge).
Yep, It's here.