There's no Mind Blank. We know that there are three Adult Shadow Dragons in addition to the female Mature Adult Shadow Dragon that we already knew about specifically because they don't have a mind blank. DP gave us the info after I asked if it could be divined.
No, I mean they might benefit from the effects of a Mind Blank here in this temple while Tiamat's blessing (somehow linked to the amethyst light shining in their eyes and the eyes of idols spread around the temple) persists.
I wonder if Benerro couldn't call down a spark of R'hllor's power to temporarily counter that blessing, even for just a few seconds. If he had access to 9th level spells, this would be the perfect time for a Miracle. The kind of Miracle you fuel with XP.
No, I mean they might benefit from the effects of a Mind Blank here in this temple while Tiamat's blessing (somehow linked to the amethyst light shining in their eyes and the eyes of idols spread around the temple) persists.
I wonder if Benerro couldn't call down a spark of R'hllor's power to temporarily counter that blessing, even for just a few seconds. If he had access to 9th level spells, this would be the perfect time for a Miracle. The kind of Miracle you fuel with XP.
We'll just have to rely on our team's innate power, which is quite considerable, rather than Divine intervention.
In a single round, Zherys alone, with his Arcane Spellsurge spell running and benefiting from his Fire Casting feat, can hit a Dragon with a level Split Ray Disintegrate (that's effectively two 38d6 Disintegrate spells, an average of 266 damage), then follow it up with two more Disintegrate spells as Swift Actions thanks to his Dragon Wing graft (for another 266 average damage). Assuming all of the spells hit, overcome Spell Resistance, and the Dragon doesn't succeed on its saving throw, that will fucking vaporize damned near any Dragon. Just two of the four hitting could kill a Mature Adult Shadow Dragon
Since the spells would benefit from Fire Casting and his Arcane Thesis feat further enhances the Disintegrate feat, they would have a caster level of 19th and a Fortitude save DC of 29.
It would be foolishly optimistic to assume all of those spells actually succeed, but if they did, Zherys could slay two of the Dragons in a single round.
And that's just for Zherys. Everyone in the group has tricks up their sleeves.
There are actually special rules for multiple opposing Spell Turning effects. Unfortunately, it doesn't do anything for AoE spells or Touch spells. That's one of the reasons I'm so interested in that suped up Staff of Power we took from the Volantene mage twins, since DP said it comes with a special version of Spell Turning which can affect Touch spells such as Amber Sarcophagus. It might also work on AoEs.
If you and a spellcasting attacker are both warded by spell turning effects in operation, a resonating field is created.
Roll randomly to determine the result.
Spell drains away without effect.
Spell affects both of you equally at full effect.
Both turning effects are rendered nonfunctional for 1d4 minutes.
That said I fully expect him to make our life difficult, considering we're dismantling literally everything he's worked towards. He hasn't been shy about blood sacrifice, and it seems like Tiamat pulling out some esoteric weapons.
--[X] Rina re-targets her previously cast Fell DrainBoreal Wind on another section of camp then casts her Summon Giants spell to Summon a Fiendish Frost Giant.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 8, 2020 at 4:25 AM, finished with 113 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Plan Escalation -[X] Team Viserys: This is sheer provocation. It might not have much effect, but it is sure to piss off the devout Tiamat worshipers (and the Bitch Queen herself) and maybe draw them out. Everyone will of course be on high alert, ready to counter enemy actions should they take any against us. --[X] Viserys Blood Wishes a Mage's Decree spell which he allows to be heard out to the full 20 mile radius: "Servants of Tiamat, the Bitch Queen has lead you to ruin in her hatred and greed. Surrender or die. This will be your only warning." He then uses a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage caused by Blood Wish. --[X] Lya turns the full strength of her previously cast Control Winds (Tornado force, 175+ mph winds) spell against the Temple of Tiamat, then target it and its surroundings with a Greater Black Tentacles spell. -[X] Team Malarys: Malarys, Waymar, Amrelath, and their other forces keep waiting for things to get serious (enemy Dragons, high level mages, etc.) while remaining vigilant for any enemy counterattack. They send a Herald over to join the Harbinger to begin helping it heal via magical fire. --[X] Tyene casts another Sunburst, this one targeting another large section of the camp. The damage is minimal for anything except a mook, but very few beings within the 80 foot radius are going to be able to avoid being Blinded. --[X] Rina re-targets her previously cast Fell DrainBoreal Wind on another section of camp then casts her Summon Giants spell to Summon a Fiendish Frost Giant. --[X] Nettles uses one of their assigned Greater Black Tentacles scrolls targeted on the Necromancer's tent. That will keep him distracted if he's actually still in the tent, plus it will occupy any Undead monstrosities he has stored inside. -[X] Team Havoc continues engaging the war elephants and their mages. -[X] Team Vee keeps on Summoning but stays on guard for an enemy counterattack. Team Minotaur should be fully Enlarged by now and eager to wreck anything that looks crosswise at Team Vee. They also send a Herald over to help the Harbinger heal. -[X] Team Wyvern begins hitting the Drakes with Teleporting Beetle Bombs. -[X] Team Moonchaser waits for an enemy Dragon to show up, then opens up on that poor unfortunate creature with its Magic Army spell enhanced Steam Cannons while bombardiers target enemy Dragon(s), remaining Drakes, and anything else that looks hostile with a full spread of Teleporting Beetle Bombs. -[X] Team Yss waits for shit to get serious.
It's all right, I guess. Better for her to re-target the Boreal Wind rather than have it blowing ineffectually. The Summoning will just be delayed a bit, or postponed if her group is interrupted.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 8, 2020 at 4:25 AM, finished with 113 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Plan Escalation -[X] Team Viserys: This is sheer provocation. It might not have much effect, but it is sure to piss off the devout Tiamat worshipers (and the Bitch Queen herself) and maybe draw them out. Everyone will of course be on high alert, ready to counter enemy actions should they take any against us. --[X] Viserys Blood Wishes a Mage's Decree spell which he allows to be heard out to the full 20 mile radius: "Servants of Tiamat, the Bitch Queen has lead you to ruin in her hatred and greed. Surrender or die. This will be your only warning." He then uses a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage caused by Blood Wish. --[X] Lya turns the full strength of her previously cast Control Winds (Tornado force, 175+ mph winds) spell against the Temple of Tiamat, then target it and its surroundings with a Greater Black Tentacles spell. -[X] Team Malarys: Malarys, Waymar, Amrelath, and their other forces keep waiting for things to get serious (enemy Dragons, high level mages, etc.) while remaining vigilant for any enemy counterattack. They send a Herald over to join the Harbinger to begin helping it heal via magical fire. --[X] Tyene casts another Sunburst, this one targeting another large section of the camp. The damage is minimal for anything except a mook, but very few beings within the 80 foot radius are going to be able to avoid being Blinded. --[X] Rina re-targets her previously cast Fell DrainBoreal Wind on another section of camp then casts her Summon Giants spell to Summon a Fiendish Frost Giant. --[X] Nettles uses one of their assigned Greater Black Tentacles scrolls targeted on the Necromancer's tent. That will keep him distracted if he's actually still in the tent, plus it will occupy any Undead monstrosities he has stored inside. -[X] Team Havoc continues engaging the war elephants and their mages. -[X] Team Vee keeps on Summoning but stays on guard for an enemy counterattack. Team Minotaur should be fully Enlarged by now and eager to wreck anything that looks crosswise at Team Vee. They also send a Herald over to help the Harbinger heal. -[X] Team Wyvern begins hitting the Drakes with Teleporting Beetle Bombs. -[X] Team Moonchaser waits for an enemy Dragon to show up, then opens up on that poor unfortunate creature with its Magic Army spell enhanced Steam Cannons while bombardiers target enemy Dragon(s), remaining Drakes, and anything else that looks hostile with a full spread of Teleporting Beetle Bombs. -[X] Team Yss waits for shit to get serious.
As the sky fills with magic and death, Rina's frozen veil sweeping through the tents of lesser officers and common soldiers alike and Lya's conjured winds turns towards the temple, you wish into being a challenge to ring in the ears of all those below: "Servants of Tiamat, the Bitch Queen has lead you to ruin in her hatred and greed. Surrender or die. This will be your only warning."
Perhaps the most transparent lie you have ever told, you have no intention to spare any of those who marched under the banners of the Golden Company simply because they had surrendered first, but you know without a doubt the pride of Tiamat is wounded as surely as the walls of the temple shake with the fury of the storm its wards cannot unmake. You watch with pride as Nettles puts her newfound arcane talents to good use as tendrils of black shadow stuff tear at the necromancer's tent, you watch as dead beasts meet the Drakes in the sky, ethereal claw against rotted maws and bone spurs sharp as daggers.
The last of the Fireflies burst into flame killing one of the Drakes outright, though rather than plummeting into the ground below the dragon-kin gives one last defiant screech and explodes into a corona of poisoned light. You can almost taste the colors at the back of your throat, intoxicating and deadly. It rips wards and blessings from anyone close by, though thankfully the black knights had been able to pin it away from any of your Companions.
3x Riders (Killed)
1x Drake (Killed)
3x Drakes (wounded and teleported away)
The feeling of satisfaction fades in an instant as shadows manifest against the glaring light, sinuous and sharp edged all at once, creatures you had seen but once before in a dream... or better to say a nightmare. Tiamat's Dreamland guards pour into the world of form like tar spilling through cracks in the world, but they do not, instead one word emerges from two hissing throats: "Die." Two Erinyes fall from the sky, their hearts burst from the terror of the magic, two others recoil as phantom wounds appear upon their flesh.
8x Necro-Harpies
4x Black knights
7x Spitter Swarms
25x Firefly (Self-Destruct)
2x Erinyes (Dead)
2x Erynyes (Lightly Wounded)
What does it say for the men of the Golden Company that they take heart at these twin horrors who wield terror as a sword? You wonder for a moment caught. What does it say of you that you feel rage and sorrow both at the death of Devils? You would restore them to life as you had vowed of course, but you know the shame they feel in their failing will not be so easily healed.
One of the mages atop the two remaining elephants casts a desperate banishing spell, hurling the Brass Bull across the spheres back to the Eternal Furnace with a flash of angry flames and a fading bellow. The elephant collapses while crushing the most damaged of the black knights under its weight only to have its throat sliced open by his fellow with the chilling precision of a perfectly crafted weapon. The last mage vanishes in a ripple of twisted space, elephant and all, just as claws of Valyrian Steel are about to rend him limb from bloody limb. An impressive leap. The Harbinger takes flight again, looking for its next target, eyes of wildfire drawn to the temple, the damage done to it of little importance before the mission it had been set to do.
Taking so fearsome an opponent as the Hadhayosh from the field must seem like an even greater victory for the defenders, particularly if they think it dead rather rather than merely banished. The Wyverns come screaming in, sleek steel and cunning sorcery bound together carrying a payload that does not need to fly through the air, but simply translocation onto the remaining drakes, the ones that had not engaged, that were still weaving patterns in the air...
Six die, magic spilling madly out of control like wounds across the heavens, their riders never stood a chance of surviving, though you note that unlike the one that perished in the midst of its deadly swan song these drakes do not fade away to pure magic, but instead crash down to earth as creatures of flesh and blood. Had it been the surprise? you wonder. Do they have to call to Tiamat in the moment of their death to take revenge on their enemies? It sounds like something that would appeal to their vanity.
6x Drakes
6x Riders
What do you do next?
[] Call in the Moonchaser
[] Call in Herald of Yss and his company
[] Call in Malarys, Amrelath, and Company
[] Challenge the two Nightmare Dragons yourself
[] Write in
OOC: Here we are, it took a while to roll, not to mention get those dragons' spell-lists and stats done, but it was fun.
Our casualties are kinda rising...mostly because they are all undead. We lost two Eriynes....that sucks. Hadoyoshi is banished...which isn't a terrible loss. We can always get him back.