I'm really really hoping that he's too much of an asshole to cooperate with. I want his hoard.
I'm not aiming for that, obviously, but I wouldn't be upset if it went that way. I'm expecting Relathx2... :confused:

I wonder if his hoard includes the Aquatic Trolls who serve him?
Under the sea... under the sea.

This ain't the Bazaar, but you still keep what you catch.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 14, 2020 at 8:30 PM, finished with 37 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dragon Diplomacy
    -[X] In addition to their normal longer-term combat and social buffs (anything that lasts 10 minutes/level or longer), Viserys and Lya will each cast Moment of Prescience on themselves, her via prepared spell and Viserys via Wild Arcana, Lya will cast Energy Immunity (Acid) on each of them (prepared ahead of time for this meeting in place of Banishment and Chains of Light). They will engage their full suite of shorter term buffs immediately before the meeting if possible, prioritizing sensory spells like True Seeing and Greater Arcane Sight.
    -[X] Viserys will assume his True Dragon form for the meeting with Althazi.
    --[X] When Althazi arrives and is introduced, Viserys will greet the Dragon as is considered proper between Dragons of similar standing and influence (he knows the customs and expectations to follow better than I can articulate here). He will be polite, but formal, saying nothing that could be deemed an insult by even the most prickly of Brine Dragons, a breed known for just such a disposition.
    ---[X] In broad terms, Viserys will speak of our realm, the Garden, which is both our home and our hoard. It has unfortunately picked up an infestation of Deep Ones, the same creatures who were recently defeated here on the Plane of Water. Our investigations have revealed that Althazi and the forces under his command were among those powers responsible for the defeat of the Deep Ones. In the interest of shortening what promises to be a protracted war and mitigating the loss of resources and subjects which could damage the value of our hoard, we are seeking out those who may be interested in fighting the Deep Ones again, this time in the Garden itself. The inhabitants of the Plane of Water are uniquely suited to this task, due not only to their recent experience fighting them, but for the Deep Ones' preference for aquatic environments.
    ----[X] Attempt to learn if Althazi would be willing to lend us his aid for a generous price, and if so, what exactly that price may be.
@Goldfish the Factotum might be humbler than your (illegal!) PF Monk, but I could Plane Shift you and your dog no prob :whistle:

Just join the totally not evil megacorp I'm assuming @Azel is game for founding with me.
Much appreciated! :corgi:

Talon already okayed using Pathfinder's Unchained Monk as an addition to the challenge.

I would probably stick around for a while, at least until things look extra fucked. Having Akashic Form as a SLA really makes one a bit more willing to risk life and limb.
Last time we fought a dragon, we flexed on them so hard we had time to admire our own handiwork in the middle of the fight. :V
IIRC, the Hex Dragon was Very Old, right? We could beat it, but that Dragon is no pushover. Hex Dragons have some very problematic abilities.
Anyone want to go jump that Hex Dragon later?
Not sure if we'd have time this month - Viserys is busy as an overworked, caffeine-addicted bee, and everyone else is going to be halping on Tiamat, which is a massive operation.

If we have some time, I'd like to go and try to grab the Char-serpents in PoF - those are kinda under a threat of extinction via hunters. Were under threat. Its complicated.
Our last update was 3 month ago, chances are it is either dead, or no longer needs any help...

We probably can fit that into 1st or 2nd months if all goes well on timmie-front.

Our order of priority (for massive delves/Adventures) roughly seems to be something like..:
Sarnori Undead (exterminate the leadership, leave chaff for later) -->
Quohori forge (either grab it, or render unusable if Eldritch Corruption from Black Goat/"Druids" happened) -->
Rina's "Eidolon" (we have to loot it, somewhere Beyond the Wall, before Others get too close to it) -->
Vernari Silver Mines (Sothoryos) and the vampire-hags in there (previously Drow, a danger to allied snek-people) -->
Variable: Either one of Snek-Cities, one of Valyrian cities (gimmie dat librareh), the "Broken Divine Forge" in Plane of Fire, or attacking Efreeti massively in one of the 3 currently stalemated battlefields.

After that, inevitable Illithids to manage, even with the kindest projections on our time-limit.

[] A Kingdom, Resting at Last: The Undead of Sallosh, wakened by Golden Company and Tiamat's meddling, are too much of a danger to all living – but most of all, the danger is their 'leaders'. Tear down the "royalty" of theirs, and bring an end to organized efforts of Undead, making further destruction of their forces a much easier task.
(Opposition: ?? – somewhat tied to Tiamat's Shadow Fortress – Rat King may be an opponent; Rewards: ??).
[] The secrets of Quohor: With the map you gained from Zherys, and the turmoil in Essos, perhaps it's finally time to visit Quohor, gaining the access to its Flesh-forge… and dealing with whatever forces struggle to control the city (Layout plans available).
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: Flesh-forge, state unknown)
[] The Last of Frost Untainted: When torn away from the clutches of Others, Rina connected to something -- a focus, or perhaps even a source of her powers, if the comparisons you can draw to other forms of magi are correct -- yet said something was far, far in the reaches of the North - where even you couldn't dare to casually walk then. Now, with far more power at your side, and knowledge that sooner or later the taint of Others will get to where it lies - you shall recover it before it's too late.
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: Something Rina's connected to, apparently not an Eidolon as per DP's PMs with Takesis)
[] Beneath the Silver Mountains: Clear out the Venthari silver mines.
(Opposition: Degenerate Fleshcrafters Drow (Hags), ??; Rewards: ??)
[] In Oil and Smoke, Divinity's Carcass: The "Sundered" Divine forge, reported to us by Hadhayosh as the place of his birth, can be of significant strategic use, even if all one can recover are mere scraps of lore. Had only it not been lost to tumultuous and chaotic edges of Plane of Fire... Find the Forge, loot as much as possible.
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??)
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??).

[] Changing the Battlefields, One at a Time: take a personal part in the war against Efreeti - hopefully breaking stalemates beyond mortal memory.
-[] The Ashen Cysts: Said to be the colony of some lost Formian realm the Cysts tower above the shores of the Sea of Fire like a trio of oddly pyramidal mountains. They lie atop valuable deposits of iron, copper, and other base metals. The vast fortresses that have sprung up upon the slopes also provide a deep pool of Azer slaves known as 'the Pale Ones' as they are raised in total darkness before they see the light of the auction block.
Status: Partial Shaitan encirclement. The network of old formian tunnels has proven hard to cut off even when the Shaitan otherwise closed the gap. Shaitan employ earth-ships in order to try and break through.
--[] Update: The Ashen Cysts remain a bloody quagmire with the Shaitan not quite able to tighten the noose or incite rebellion among the 'Pale Ones', leaving only the slow grinding advance of dozens of 'Xorn-Spirals' to eat away at the Efreeti fortresses one by one.

-[] Div's Delight: Once these caverns at the edge of the Plane of Fire were a place of great, if stark and unforgiving, beauty but centuries of attrition to claim the easy passages between the realms has made them into a haunted wasteland, most beloved of the wretched div who hunt the warriors of both sides to add to their ranks.
Status: Centuries-old stalemate.
--[] Update: Div's Delight endures in its age-old stalemate, though there have been more Shaitan losses than usual. You suspect the urgency in wishing to capture that damned place has to do with the revaluation of the Efreeti's willingness to create divs in their war, but so far there is no intelligence report on that front.

[] Balerion's Might: Seek out The Arch of Balerion… or whatever is left of it – and the great arsenal inside of it, famed to be 'enough to wage war on Hell itself".
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??).

[] The Knowledge Unburnt: Seek out Great Library of Oros, the place that held the combined knowledge of Valyria old and new and, supposedly, visited by Fourteen Gods themselves .
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??, works of Valyrian Scholars and knowledge recovered from the rule of Red Dragons).

[] Into the Heart of Doom: Venture into the deepest and darkest pars of Valyria – and face the blight that poisons all its descendants and their works.
(Opposition: The 15th God of Valyria, ??; Rewards: ??, the bodies of 14 Gods of Valyria)

[] Into the cities of scale-folk: Visit any of the 6 lost Cities of Serpentfolk Yss and Jazzirian informed you of.
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??)
-----[] Yglathir of the Thousand Falls: Built partly atop and partly within a great plateau that towers over the surrounding jungles, Yglathir was once protected by wards woven by the waters that crashed down from the heights. By mist it was warded from sight and by the fury of the raging waterfalls from any attacker who thought to take the city by force. Its' people were known to trade in serpentstone blood crystal and sepia ink drawn from the blood of the city's colonies of rainbow serpents that dwelt among the rushing waters as well as more common fare like dried fish, fine pottery and glassware.
-----[] Sorzin the Thorn-City: Guarded by a great living barrier of poisonous thorns that does not merely slay but induces madness and delusion in any who would enter the city unbidden, the city's great walls are thought to be if not the direct inspiration for the walls and wards that guard many Sothoryi villages than at least the greatest example of that art. Without a doubt the most involved in the affairs of the warm-bloods the merchant lords of Sorzin both warred with certain tribes of Brindled Men for plunder and slaves and accepted the tributes of others. It was the first great serpentfolk city to fall in the Fading Times as its webs of alliances collapsed leading to its sacking by bands of Sothoryi whose shamans had discovered a way of passing though the weakened hedge
-----[] Loz'Syn, the Crown of the World: Sitting on the edge of the Great Inland desert, straddling one of the few major rivers navigable rivers that grant access to the interior Loz'Syn also had the good fortune of being satiated upon a unique leyline node that allowed the growing of gem scarabs without the ruinous cost in treasure that raising the creatures woudl otherwise require. Unlike most other serpentfolk cities Loz'Syn was not destroyed by any calamity or invasion but by the gradual dying up of its river-artery. It is thus likely that many of the city's treasures have been carried away by the last departing inhabitants, then again a smaller portion of its vast wealth would still be precious beyond the dreams of avarice
-----[] Tolzeen, Jewel of the Bubbling Waters: A city built on stilts of enchanted wood over poisonous waters bubbling in the caldera of and extinct volcano Tolzteen was known for both its export of rare minerals and crystals and the craft of its alchemists who were said to have achieved immortality by imbibing certain fumes and extracts, though it did not save them from the eruption that scoured the city from the face of the world.
-----[] Nagathisaar, Cradle of the Ancestors: The birthplace of the Naga this city is not laid out as the dwellings of men under the sky might be, not even as much as you had seen already of Seth'Vas. Instead the city is a maze of corridors meant to accompany the sinuous forms of the Naga, though one is unlikely to lack for space to stand within its bounds, the naga never stopped growing age upon age. Here guarded by the eternal ancestors lies the Great Ossuary where the bones of the honored dead were interred that the sages of days yet to come might consult them. Alas that that it was the very bones that were Nagathisaar's downfall. An anciant darkness crept though the sacred halls infesting the bones with its malice and as the wards died so too did the sage priests and all in their realm.
-----[] Thiv'Zin, The Bountiful: Constructed upon a vast sprawl of channels damns and spillways Thiv'Zin was in its hayday the most populous realm of the serpent-kin, the breadbasket of the empire, though not quite in the manner one might at first imagine for its people could not eat of the rice it grew. Instead they herded vast numbers of the painted lizards grown fat and docile though the generations. Their skill did not end with meat-beasts however. Some lizards were bred for hide others for fine bone and horn, still others for their fair plumage. Yet these herds died long ago for blight and war claimed fair Thiv'Zin.
Mind, none of this is set in stone, I'm just trying to look at the available actions from the point of view "Does this have the potential to explode badly if we start a war with illithids and fail to win quickly enough?", with the final (Variable) delve likely not even being available if the illithids move soon.

Does the outlined "priority" sound about right, @Crake, @Azel, @Duesal?
at least, where "Viserys' direct attention being likely needed" is concerned?
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It wouldn't be too hard a fight. Especially if we set it up properly. Hit him with a couple Shivering Touch, knock his ass to the ground and beat him into unconsciousness or death. Whichever works.
Mind's we'd be attacking a Necromancer in his lair.

There are few things as opposite to smart as going doors-breaking into a home of a caster that specializes on making minions :/
Well manage him, sure - but we shouldn't go in looking for an easy delve.
IIRC, the Hex Dragon was Very Old, right? We could beat it, but that Dragon is no pushover. Hex Dragons have some very problematic abilities.
Yes, a Very Old hex.
[] A Hateful Eye: Go into the Plane of Earth, to take out Thrasyr, The Hateful Eye. His slights against Shaitan and Efreeti alike had made him no friends, but more importantly, he holds many a treasure beyond mere riches – his knowledge on Undeath may prove to be extremely useful against many dangers Garden faces these days.
(Opposition: Very Old Hex Dragon (CR 19), Rewards: ??)
Am in no state to look for the chapter, but iirc, he ate a convoy of Shaitan, they took offense and got ready to exterminate, he decided warring it out won't be really worth it and paid "eating people"-tax.
He has no friends in Shaitan as far as we know of, but that's about it on him, iirc.
Does the outlined "priority" sound about right, @Crake, @Azel, @Duesal?
at least, where "Viserys' direct attention being likely needed" is concerned?
Cleaning up the Vale next month, then shoring up any hot spots in Westeros the second month, yoinking anyone important left who we haven't. Then setting up the dramatic reveal in the Westerlands that Tywin's enslaved half his bannermen on the second half of the third month, just in case we fuck up, since by that point we'll be ready to throw down or just about anyway. If we're going to "negotiate" with Lanna and Gerion, and by negotiate I mean make the medicine go down, it'll be on the last day of that month, and we'll have voted on invasion plans already.

This is all only if nothing dramatically fucking terrible happens to interrupt all of that, obviously, and shift the time-table forward. For example, we can't do jackshit if we don't deal with the Deep Ones definitively enough to scupper all plans to attack us in the middle of our invasion, or for example miss too many of Tiamat's assets, or discovering Asmodeus is way closer to fruition of whatever his current scheme is that it would open up an entirely new warfront.
Cleaning up the Vale next month, then shoring up any hot spots in Westeros the second month, yoinking anyone important left who we haven't. Then setting up the dramatic reveal in the Westerlands that Tywin's enslaved half his bannermen on the second half of the third month, just in case we fuck up, since by that point we'll be ready to throw down or just about anyway. If we're going to "negotiate" with Lanna and Gerion, and by negotiate I mean make the medicine go down, it'll be on the last day of that month, and we'll have voted on invasion plans already.

This is all only if nothing dramatically fucking terrible happens to interrupt all of that, obviously, and shift the time-table forward. For example, we can't do jackshit if we don't deal with the Deep Ones definitively enough to scupper all plans to attack us in the middle of our invasion, or for example miss too many of Tiamat's assets, or discovering Asmodeus is way closer to fruition of whatever his current scheme is that it would open up an entirely new warfront.
Erm, I rather meant this as the timetable for massive adventure-actions tbd "before our war with the Deep Ones" - it likely starting 2nd or 3rd month if we are lucky.

I appreciate the round-up of Westeros-fuckery though, gives some perspective.
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I'm not aiming for that, obviously, but I wouldn't be upset if it went that way. I'm expecting Relathx2... :confused:

I wonder if his hoard includes the Aquatic Trolls who serve him?
Under the sea... under the sea.

This ain't the Bazaar, but you still keep what you catch.
I support any and all dragon hunts.
The real prize is not the hoard, but the dragons themselves.

See Relath, Amrelath, and so on.

And with the talk of being a player character, I have wanted to try and be a familar myself .
Dragon minions are alright. Their antics amuse me. I think the ones like Ysandrix are the best though. Imperial acculturation for the little wyrmlings.
I'm honestly over recruiting a third dragon, especially another evil one. Let's embrace our inner murderhobo and gank this dude, book him for Qyburn, then render him down for sacrifice or fleshforging.