Into the cities of scale-folk: Visit any of the 6 lost Cities of Serpentfolk Yss and Jazzirian informed you of.
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??)
Yglathir of the Thousand Falls: Built partly atop and partly within a great plateau that towers over the surrounding jungles, Yglathir was once protected by wards woven by the waters that crashed down from the heights. By mist it was warded from sight and by the fury of the raging waterfalls from any attacker who thought to take the city by force. Its' people were known to trade in serpentstone blood crystal and sepia ink drawn from the blood of the city's colonies of
rainbow serpents that dwelt among the rushing waters as well as more common fare like dried fish, fine pottery and glassware.
Sorzin the Thorn-City: Guarded by a great living barrier of poisonous thorns that does not merely slay but induces madness and delusion in any who would enter the city unbidden, the city's great walls are thought to be if not the direct inspiration for the walls and wards that guard many Sothoryi villages than at least the greatest example of that art. Without a doubt the most involved in the affairs of the warm-bloods the merchant lords of Sorzin both warred with certain tribes of Brindled Men for plunder and slaves and accepted the tributes of others. It was the first great serpentfolk city to fall in the Fading Times as its webs of alliances collapsed leading to its sacking by bands of Sothoryi whose shamans had discovered a way of passing though the weakened hedge
Loz'Syn, the Crown of the World: Sitting on the edge of the Great Inland desert, straddling one of the few major rivers navigable rivers that grant access to the interior Loz'Syn also had the good fortune of being satiated upon a unique leyline node that allowed the growing of gem scarabs without the ruinous cost in treasure that raising the creatures woudl otherwise require. Unlike most other serpentfolk cities Loz'Syn was not destroyed by any calamity or invasion but by the gradual dying up of its river-artery. It is thus likely that many of the city's treasures have been carried away by the last departing inhabitants, then again a smaller portion of its vast wealth would still be precious beyond the dreams of avarice
Tolzeen, Jewel of the Bubbling Waters: A city built on stilts of enchanted wood over poisonous waters bubbling in the caldera of and extinct volcano Tolzteen was known for both its export of rare minerals and crystals and the craft of its alchemists who were said to have achieved immortality by imbibing certain fumes and extracts, though it did not save them from the eruption that scoured the city from the face of the world.
Nagathisaar, Cradle of the Ancestors: The birthplace of the Naga this city is not laid out as the dwellings of men under the sky might be, not even as much as you had seen already of Seth'Vas. Instead the city is a maze of corridors meant to accompany the sinuous forms of the Naga, though one is unlikely to lack for space to stand within its bounds, the naga never stopped growing age upon age. Here guarded by the eternal ancestors lies the Great Ossuary where the bones of the honored dead were interred that the sages of days yet to come might consult them. Alas that that it was the very bones that were Nagathisaar's downfall. An anciant darkness crept though the sacred halls infesting the bones with its malice and as the wards died so too did the sage priests and all in their realm.
Thiv'Zin, The Bountiful: Constructed upon a vast sprawl of channels damns and spillways Thiv'Zin was in its hayday the most populous realm of the serpent-kin, the breadbasket of the empire, though not quite in the manner one might at first imagine for its people could not eat of the rice it grew. Instead they herded vast numbers of the painted lizards grown fat and docile though the generations. Their skill did not end with meat-beasts however. Some lizards were bred for hide others for fine bone and horn, still others for their fair plumage. Yet these herds died long ago for blight and war claimed fair Thiv'Zin.