
I'm not opposed to it (a Dire Bear mount for a Mormont would be more thematic than Putin riding a Russian warbear), but I question the usefulness of giving Jeor a mount of any kind. He should be commanding from the Wall, not out fighting himself. Giving him such an awesome mount would just encourage him to use it.
I'm pretty sure he is far too reasonable to do something dumb. Also, the bear is hardly a waste if it doubles as a mid-level utility and support caster.
If we were going to make Limbo easier on them, we would be better off transporting huge blocks of stone, which they could then use to make permanent structures that don't rely on constant mental reinforcement to avoid returning to formless chaos.
I doubt that works.

Limbo activly breaks down unsupported structures, wether they were made from "real" material or not will matter little.
I'm pretty sure he is far too reasonable to do something dumb. Also, the bear is hardly a waste if it doubles as a mid-level utility and support caster.
Gotta agree here, @Goldfish. Mormont has repeatedly demonstrated competence and practicality when dealing with us.
Like I said, I'm not opposed to it, I just didn't know if we should. If ya'll want him to have one, we can grow it no problem.

The question then becomes whether we want it to be a dumb animal or a sentient being? If sentient, it can't just be a mount we're giving him, but would be something more like a partner or guardian whose services we are lending to Jeor and the Night Watch.
I doubt that works.

Limbo activly breaks down unsupported structures, wether they were made from "real" material or not will matter little.
Are you sure? I know my memory is untrustworthy, but I'm pretty sure there are permanent islands of stone which have been imported into Limbo in the past.
I'm kind of worried about deliberately causing a schism in the squids before we break their power. Right now they're operating as mostly one unit, which makes them stronger, but also makes easier to effect as a whole group. If they break up into dozens of factions we could be hunting squid schismatics (squidmatics? :V) till the end of time.

Odd are we'll need to deal with some of that in the aftermath of the bloody waters conflict (or whatever we were calling it), but the kind of resources they can flee with would be significantly different. The seed resources of any future illithid factions will be much higher if we split them up before we break them.

On the Gith trade front, did we make any items ofPerinarch for them? I think this is a significant trade resource we can use to get useful stuff out of them if done right.
Eh, I was not really thinking about this in terms of "we blast this right as we have it ready", and more of "we prepare it and then use it right when we attack one of their major strongholds".

My thought process was: even minor dissent it could cause will be a great boon in such an overly-stacked situation.

Every illithid is a deadly caster that can reasonably kill most anyone we send if they are lucky enough.
There are thousands of illithids on Plane of Balance.
And nigh-endless tides of shark men and such.
And some elite "fuck this city in particular" high-cr units.

I dont really see us winning this without pulling every trick we can.
A mind-bomb with access to their Psionic channels might be one such.
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Are you sure? I know my memory is untrustworthy, but I'm pretty sure there are permanent islands of stone which have been imported into Limbo in the past.
Pathfinder SRD makes it sound like Limbo is constantly breaking down reality and recycling it to the Positive Energy plane to make new stuff from it.

In this quote from the Gith-mastermonk we met it sounds like the parts of Elysium that fall into Limbo dissolve or at least negativly change without mental defences from the people living on them:
"As the tides of Limbo rose around the isles that remained of Elysium we taught those who dwelt upon them what we could of how to hold them back, but for many the knowledge was not enough. It is hard enough to learn how to discipline one's mind in a time of peace, as all of us can attest from our youth... how much worse to do so in the midst of war and heartbreak."
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Like I said, I'm not opposed to it, I just didn't know if we should. If ya'll want him to have one, we can grow it no problem.

The question then becomes whether we want it to be a dumb animal or a sentient being? If sentient, it can't just be a mount we're giving him, but would be something more like a partner or guardian whose services we are lending to Jeor and the Night Watch.
If made sentient it could just be a partner we assign to work with him. We could design it like the Verdant Wolves and make it anti-Other.
Pathfinder SRD makes it sound like Limbo is constantly breaking down reality and recycling it to the Positive Energy plane to make new stuff from it.

In this quote from the Gith-mastermonk we met it sounds like the parts of Elysium that fall into Limbo dissolve or at least negativly change without mental defences from the people living on them:
Pathfinder's version of Limbo is very different than D&D 3.5's version, and the one we appear to be using in this setting comes from D&D.

Right or wrong, I interpreted the Gith monk's explanation of Elysium breaking up a bit more literally, as in pieces of Elysium's land masses were breaking off and falling into Limbo, not because Limbo had a deleterious effect on them, but because Elysium itself was coming apart at the seems. With mental control over local Limbo environment, with Gith teachings the inhabitants could have used Limbo to hold the pieces together.
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If made sentient it could just be a partner we assign to work with him. We could design it like the Verdant Wolves and make it anti-Other.
In that case we should wait until after the Fungal Forge gets the CR 15 upgrade so that we can make an Advanced Plant-Imbued Druid Creature Dire Bear with some extra HD. That way it won't only be a rocking mount, but when Jeor isn't in the field it can stand on the Wall and lob spells at the Others like a bossbear.
Laenor Targaryen secured as Scholarum Teacher (Level 13 Concept Cleric of Knowledge and Dream)
@DragonParadox, does he have 12 ranks in Diplomacy or 6 ranks in Profession (teacher) ?

Casts as a level 11 Sorcerer.
I can't see his stats (it's on D20pfsrd), so could you please tell me if he has 12 ranks in Diplomacy or 6 ranks in Profession (teacher) ?
@DragonParadox, does he have 12 ranks in Diplomacy or 6 ranks in Profession (teacher) ?

I can't see his stats (it's on D20pfsrd), so could you please tell me if he has 12 ranks in Diplomacy or 6 ranks in Profession (teacher) ?
No, but he has other skills and abilities that should qualify him.
Raelis CR 10

XP 9,600
CG Large outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16


AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+4 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 115 (11d10+55)
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +9
DR 10/cold iron and evil; Immune electricity, petrification, rune mastery; Resist cold 10, fire 10


Speed 50 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)
Melee 2 slams +19 (2d8+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +16)

Constantfreedom of movement, nondetection
At willalter self
3/daydimension door, modify memory (DC 17)
1/daygreater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), plane shift (DC 21)

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 11th; concentration +15)

5th (4/day)seeming, sending, symbol of pain (DC 20), symbol of sleep (DC 20)
4th (7/day)confusion (DC 18), greater invisibility, scrying (DC 18)
3rd (7/day)beast shape I, explosive runes (DC 18), glyph of warding (DC 18), haste, lightning bolt (DC 17), sepia snake sigil (DC 18), suggestion (DC 17)
2nd (7/day)detect thoughts (DC 16), hypnotic pattern (DC 16), invisibility, scorching ray, see invisibility
1st (7/day)erase, feather fall, hypnotism, silent image (DC 15), ventriloquism (DC 15)
0 (at will)arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic


Str 24, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 19
Base Atk +11; CMB +19 (+23 grapple); CMD 33 (35 vs. grapple)
Feats Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +18, Disguise +14, Fly +20, Knowledge (geography, planes) +18, Knowledge (history) +15, Perception +16, Perform (oratory) +18, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +10 Disguise
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; truespeech
SQ rune mastery, word caller

Rune Mastery (Ex)
Raelises add explosive runes, glyph of warding, sepia snake sigil, symbol of pain, and symbol of sleep to their list of spells known and increase these spells' DCs by 1. Additionally, raelises are immune to these spells.
Raelises casts spells as 11th-level sorcerers.
Word Caller (Su)
Raelises sense the presence and basic topics of any books, scrolls, or other writings. As a standard action, they can read 100 pages of non-magical writing, or read one scroll as if with read magic. These abilities' range is 50 feet.
Right or wrong, I interpreted the Gith monk's explanation of Elysium breaking up a bit more literally, as in pieces of Elysium's land masses were breaking off and falling into Limbo, not because Limbo had a deleterious effect on them, but because Elysium itself was coming apart at the seems.
Yes, I understood that part too, but I also read that the Githzerai tried to help those people who lived on parts of Elysium that did already fall into Limbo, but without mental discipline from the inhabitants they couldn't stop their homes from further breaking apart?
Yes, I understood that part too, but I also read that the Githzerai tried to help those people who lived on parts of Elysium that did already fall into Limbo, but without mental discipline from the inhabitants they couldn't stop their homes from further breaking apart?
Depends on how strongly the weird gravity binds things together in Limbo, maybe? If you're on a piece of Elysium which suddenly breaks off and finds itself in Limbo, how well does the soil, vegetation, and water adhere to how ever much bedrock it was originally sitting on?

And we might be looking at it the wrong way, too. Elysium was never a Material Plane, so it would have originally been formed from Astral or Ethereal energies by whatever deities originally created it. Sure, the matter there might have remained intact after those deities were dead and gone, but that's more because it was a self-sustaining system by that point...until the Void broke reality and pieces of it could just fall into other Planes, like Limbo. Once those pieces are in Limbo, they're no more real than anything else created there, and thus subject to dissolution.
Simple solution:
@DragonParadox How stable are materials from the Material Plane in Limbo?
Would unattended objects be changed in the constant chaos over time?
Would it be easier to maintain them in their original shape compared to the pure manipulations of Limbo that the Gith's current homes are shaped from?
I have a question, if anyone's got some time. Has there been any discussion/decision-making in regard to what the rest of the world looks like, besides what's on the main map image? No canon sources exist, that I know of, just a few fan-made efforts (which are pretty cool). Two reasons for asking:
1. Just curious.
2. Given the upcoming Deep One conflict, the possible existence of a LOT more ocean (if we're postulating an Earth-like planet) than what's on-screen, as it were, changes the nature of the conflict quite a bit. Purely in volume of assets available to them, and they'd be assets which we couldn't easily access.
There's no particular NEED to define the rest of the world, I don't think. What's already there represents plenty of quest. I was just wondering if it had ever come up. Thanks!