- Location
Ultimately you are losing sense of scale, the costs are high because we are taking over undeveloped medieval hell or mismanaged lands owned by corrupt trade magnates.It just feels pointless. What's even the point of taking over the world if our system is so bad that it takes 2 years to make small messenger posts with teleport and magic building tools?
We haven't made a significant amount of money since our raids on the Efreeti not because we are overspending on infrastructure, but because we have not specifically set out to gather wealth. Each time we have done so we have done it out of all proportion of time invested or practical obstacles to even spending that wealth in a timely manner.
I don't want to get rid of of the timescales to effect change of the magnitude we are enacting because then it trivializes empire building. Which is anything but.
Large provinces would complete projects faster if we had PCs helping or if we had smaller provinces dump their administrative actions on speeding them up. These aren't meant to be fast, they're meant to be world-building devices.
Salt in the open, it's faster for me to get a sense of complaints around here considering hardly anyone else bothers to organize the strategic actions around here or propose changes (and that's more work for me to learn already since then I have to reorganize the sheets).
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