Still think more than two per Moon chaser and higher than CL 7. How does 3 CL 10 sound? That want each round they can deploy 30 panels of 100 HP shielding each. Nice round numbers.
It would cost too much. The two projectors going on the Moonchasers already cost 5,040 IM each. That's 10,080 IM per Moonchaser, roughly 10% of the cost of a new Moonchaser.
If they were made at 10th caster level, they would each cost 7,200 IM, and three of them would run us 21,600 IM, or 20% of a Moonchaser.
Brilliant Barrier doesn't improve a huge amount with level increases, either. It's a Wall of Force, but a limited one, gaining only half the area and HP per level in exchange for being able to be used at longer range as an Immediate Action. At the minimum 7th caster level, it has a range of 680 feet, a duration of 10 rounds, an area of 175 square feet, Hardness 20, and 70 HP. At 10th level, the only improvements are range, which increases to 800 feet, area covered to 250 square feet, and HP to 100.
Say if Brilliant Barriers are ablative. Could we put them on Wyverns too? A 70 HP ablative dome around them would improve their survivability a lot.
Much too costly at this point. It's not the actual expense involved, but the time it takes to enchant them because of it.
Maybe eventually we can start to work on similar upgrades. A 1/Day Brilliant Barrier would only cost 1,080 IM, which is still a lot, though considerably more manageable. We're not that that point, though.
Ok, and
Guardian Figureheads. That's the name I forgot. Dont forget to upgrade all ships with this next month. 135 IM for one minute of Etrophic Barrier protection for vessels. Still need to confirm eith DP if we cant pay more for a longer effect time. Honestly might be worth making it a continual effect on Moonchasers and Dauntless class ships.
Four-leafed Clovers for the Wyverns pilots. Mount them on the flight controls or something. Cheap enough that the bonus could come in handy then and again. Heck I'd ask if we could give mount them on the Alchemical quad launchers for an added bonus to their effect.
Those two should be cheap upgrades for the ships.
We're crafting the Guardian Figureheads for all 17 Wyverns and the Moonchaser this month. That will be a regular upgrade added to all of them from now one.
The Four-Leaf Clovers will be crafted next month, and they'll be a regular upgrade, too.
We're also going to be crafting some standard gear for our Wyvern pilots. Nothing extravagant, but there are some basic items we can give them which would be really helpful. A PfE ring to prevent mind-fuckery while giving them a better chance to resist all spells and effects cast by Evil beings, a Healing Belt for emergencies, a Dexterity booster to improve their reflexes and piloting ability, and a Ring of Sustenance to remove their need to eat and drink while also reducing their need for sleep considerably. It's a lot easier to fly a long sortie if you don't get hungry or thirsty and only begin to grow tired after you've been awake for 22 hours.
It's in our best interest to spread them out as much as possible so they assimilate with the rest of the Imperium, instead of allowing them all to stay in one place and making it easier for them to keep the old raider culture. Putting them in any of the Free Cities would work, though we could easily absorb a huge chunk into Sorcerer's Deep itself.
The Wildlings are comprised of numerous tribes or clans, right? We can keep the clan groups together, but separate them enough that clans do not regularly interact. That will allow them to remain culturally distinct to a certain extent, but make acculturation into greater Imperial society smoother while also reducing the chances they'll all try to band together and do something stupid.
Well there's also how nobles speaking High Valyrian throughout Essos without learning the language via magic probably sound like provincial clowns, whereas even Malarys speaks the variant used since antiquity, with maybe a few different words working their way into common parlance for him especially since he has to work with a lot of minions and underlings.
It's been convenient for not sounding like a backwater bumpkin in front of Viserys' peers tho.
In my head, Malarys speaks with a British accent.