Here are this month's true names. I'll probably put them in an update at some point, but I made and posted them now so I won't forget:

SourceTrue Names
2 Uniilas (bookified), 1 Cornugon (sacrificed), 5 Ice Devils, 28 Erinyes (all serving Asmodeus)13 Salikotals , 9 Ink Devils (Unafiliated), 9 Accomplice Devils, 2 Dogai (Servants of Asmodeous)
3 Desert Devils, 4 Sand devils, 6 Zerub, 7 Bearded devils, 3 Imps (all serving Mammon)3 Lead Devil, 2 Harvester Devils (Servants of Mammon)
Advodaza (eaten by Yss - known True Names passed over to Urak the Forgemaster)3 Anygavhaul, 5 Hellchain Weavers, 3 Phistophilus (Servants of Asmodeous Bel and Mephistopheles respectively)
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[X] Crake

Ah, things are getting interesting now, Mr. Roote. I'm glad we brought Rina along.
I completely forgot about that one, despite having Lya make scrolls of it for our Divine casters to use.
Hive-mind boni!
However, OI grants "The subject gains an insight bonus to Wisdom equal to 1/2 your caster level. " - no other insight bonus applied yet?
[X] Crake
@Crake - that here

"One has to remember that rarely is it the case that a being on this Plane or all the Spheres of existence beyond reproach or even atonement, but to those that come from Outside it is harder to say. Who knows what motivates them? What origin their hatred? I only have my own instinct to judge each being by their own worth, and I trust Lady Rina in both counsel and in battle, in peace and in war."

sounds like you say Rina comes from the outside.
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Sounds like a Nymph, only in evil and cold.
That far back, before magic really started to come back to the world, it could have simply been a Wintertouched Wildling woman. If it was much more than that, I expect she would have used something a bit deadlier than a Blue Ice dagger, and Roote's father probably wouldn't have survived.
@Crake why bother trailing off at the end?

Why not just acknowledge the elephant in the room. We intend to take the throne.

Roote isn't one to mince words. Say what we mean, and mean what we say.

He would probably appreciate our candor. Especially after the talk we just went through.

Otherwise it's a vague statement that has no real urgency or meaning.
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I happen to agree about not mincing words. It almost got us in trouble this update. We're also kind of projecting a "talking to you is wasting my time" vibe.

Anyway. Sounds like a Yuki-onna – d20PFSRD doesn't have claw attacks though.
Here are this month's true names. I'll probably put them in an update at some point, but I made and posted them now so I won't forget:

SourceTrue Names
2 Uniilas (bookified), 1 Cornugon (sacrificed), 5 Ice Devils, 28 Erinyes (all serving Asmodeus)13 Salikotals , 9 Ink Devils (Unafiliated), 9 Accomplice Devils, 2 Dogai (Servants of Asmodeous)
3 Desert Devils, 4 Sand devils, 6 Zerub, 7 Bearded devils, 3 Imps (all serving Mammon)3 Lead Devil, 2 Harvester Devils (Servants of Mammon)
Advodaza (eaten by Yss - known True Names passed over to Urak the Forgemaster)3 Anygavhaul, 5 Hellchain Weavers, 3 Phistophilus (Servants of Asmodeous, Bel and Mephistopheles respectively)
Thanks, DP.

It is a bit surprising that Asmy's Uniilas don't know as many True Names as the first one we got... But we'll chalk that up to specialities of theirs.
Advodaza knew surprisingly few Devils by True Names - but all fairly powerful, the sort that would have made Reconquest a bitch is they got placed smartly. We'll be summoning them by standard "1 step removed"-protocol.
Mammon slows down on getting us new Devils, but we'll have our fill of sacrifices summoned from those we kill/capture in Slavers Bay anyway.