While it's a "huh, that's neat" kind of bonus to us and Companions, it's a massive upgrade for our forces. In mass combat, that's basically the equivalent of getting to roll twice on all morale tests, unless they're basically auto-fail. And at that point they're facing down the equivalent of an Exalted Bloodthirster and its entire retinue of Honored Bloodletters. Err, Pit Fiend and Horned Devils, I mean.

DP basically wrote it into the quest that "fanatical loyalty is way too hard to model accurately so I'm just not going to".

This is basically tearing that page out of the House Rules in at least one mechanical aspect.
Still want to see if we cant extend it through Legion Standards or something so we dont have to be directly there every time. Not now but at higher Mythic Levels.

Come on at 10 we are the Mortal Mind of a Empire wide Godhead. Legion Standards serving as Idols channeling Beacon of Will shouldn't be outside the scope.

Anyway @DragonParadox did you roll for the current plots and True Names the Nemesis Devil knew? Anything in Planetos and outside?
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While it's a "huh, that's neat" kind of bonus to us and Companions, it's a massive upgrade for our forces. In mass combat, that's basically the equivalent of getting to roll twice on all morale tests, unless they're basically auto-fail. And at that point they're facing down the equivalent of an Exalted Bloodthirster and its entire retinue of Honored Bloodletters. Err, Pit Fiend and Horned Devils, I mean.

DP basically wrote it into the quest that "fanatical loyalty is way too hard to model accurately so I'm just not going to".

This is basically tearing that page out of the House Rules in at least one mechanical aspect.

There are tons of large AoE fear effects and Mind-Affecting effects which can basically neuter large numbers of troops. This ability significantly mitigates that.

We'll be assaulting Deep One fortresses soon, backed by thousands of lower level beings much less resistant to mind fuckery. This ability is so perfect for our needs, I really don't mind the XP expenditure at all.
While it's a "huh, that's neat" kind of bonus to us and Companions, it's a massive upgrade for our forces. In mass combat, that's basically the equivalent of getting to roll twice on all morale tests, unless they're basically auto-fail. And at that point they're facing down the equivalent of an Exalted Bloodthirster and its entire retinue of Honored Bloodletters. Err, Pit Fiend and Horned Devils, I mean.
Or an Adult Red Dragon.
DC 24 Willsave needs a nat. 20 from you average soldier.

Meanwhile we have one working for us.

Edit: On the other hand, if 10% are not fleeing in panik rather than 5%, that's something at least.
So, ah, I asked DP in PMs, and apparently we didn't really bitchslap Ymeri with this.
We had the choice between getting as much power as we can, or going through the Herald's bandwidth and slapping her.
Soing both would have gotten us a chance to fail at both.

Beither did we use the Will bonus Goldfish and I made up ( :( ), because Yss was guiding us around.
With "random" roll or us focusing on slapping Ymeri, though, it would have been outright mandatory.
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DP basically wrote it into the quest that "fanatical loyalty is way too hard to model accurately so I'm just not going to".

This is basically tearing that page out of the House Rules in at least one mechanical aspect.

It bears nothing that the feat does not make them loyal, it strengthens their resolve if they already are. That is a naratively relevant distinction I'd say.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Nov 12, 2019 at 12:31 PM, finished with 80 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] The restricted library, where copies of all the forbidden and dangerous lore we have accumulated is kept in addition to copies of what may be found in the public library. Ask Lya's secondary body, or one of the Erinyes, to assist Urak in the library, as a serpent's form does not lend itself to the accoutrements meant for humanoids.
    [X] The public library, that is the most convenient repository of lore for general acclimatization Urak seeks
    [X] The keep, you can have books brought directly to the serpent, even in Sorcerer's Deep it's form might cause some fears
...so, @DragonParadox how will this new feat interact with the RA we are working on, the Safety in Numbers?
[] Safety in Numbers: The Hell-forged talismans you recovered from slavers in Gogoss may jsut be the answer to the problem of protecting the soldiers of your Legions, or at least one not excessively expensive-
-[] Research a way for (earlier created) Valyrian Steel Banners be made into capactitors for spell Protection From Evil, covering hundreds of Legion members at a time.
(Progress: 35, Cost: 45000)
So I'm seeing plenty of likes but not a lot of votes. I can guess why with the recent troubles in the thread. To help with that is there anything you guys would particularly like to see in terms of character world-building etc...

Focused interludes on Imperial forge creations?

Interludes on the forge creations in the Westerosi Guerilla War, preferably from an enemy perspective?

Interlude on our planar allies' new forge creations in action?
Our allies are going to enjoy using those beasts. They are so very powerful and absolutely capable of fucking up most shit. Although I'm most looking forward to those drakes of ours.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Nov 12, 2019 at 12:31 PM, finished with 80 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] The restricted library, where copies of all the forbidden and dangerous lore we have accumulated is kept in addition to copies of what may be found in the public library. Ask Lya's secondary body, or one of the Erinyes, to assist Urak in the library, as a serpent's form does not lend itself to the accoutrements meant for humanoids.
    [X] The public library, that is the most convenient repository of lore for general acclimatization Urak seeks
    [X] The keep, you can have books brought directly to the serpent, even in Sorcerer's Deep it's form might cause some fears
Part MMMCLXIX: Serpents of Sea and Air
Serpents of Sea and Air

Twentieth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

Though Urak would no doubt find much to learn in the public library, there is doubtlessly a great deal more that is relavant to his interests that could not be found among the public stacks. So it is Lya who leads him away, the soft hissing of countless coils joining and dividing fading into distant echoes as you turn again to Yss with one final request. "Eldest One, you know of the plan to snare the Mother of Dragons in a god-forged trap, and you have aided in its making, but there is one other who might set his will to the task if you lend him your strength for it, Zathir who dances among the clouds."

The vessel is quiet for a long moment, as though listening to some unheard voice. "He coilsss far... beyond the Sundered Lands... sssoon... I will call you."

"He means Westeros, and that's 'soon-in-a-few-hours' not 'soon-in-a-month'," Vee clarifies, much to your relief. You do not have time for Yss to slumber, not if your plans for Tiamat and the Golden Company are to continue apace, though you are still left wondering what Zathir would be doing in Westeros.

"He's just curious about how the world has changed," Dany explains. "He's not looking to pick a sight or anything, the most folk know of his passing is a bit of lucky rain or sunshine to save ailing crops."

You nod in understanding. Though little remains of the mighty He-Who-Was-Jazirian, he would have to look long and hard to find true peril in mortal lands. "Come then, let's see to Yss' mortal herald wile we wait for the clouds to carry Zathir back."


When you reach the harbor onlookers recount that a great light had come over the sea serpent that had swam in from Lys yesterday, much to the dismay of foreign captains who thought the light would somehow turn it into the monster every sailor's tale insisted sea serpents must be. There are quite a few jests made at the expense of 'foreigners who don't know magic like us Deepsmen', though you know for a fact that there was not a captain in port yesterday who did not send some sort of message expressing worry to the harbormaster.

Far from confirming these fears, however, the sea serpent who had been sunning itself on the surface had dived into 'Triton Town', as the aquatic part of the Deep is quickly coming to be known. Bidding farewell to the talkative sailors you, Dany and Vee dive after the new-made herald of Yss and find him almost as soon as your eyes adapt to the shift in light.

Cerulean coils that are almost fifty feet long flow like the waves of the sea streaking out over the rapidly expanding city, the sinuous form armored in scales as thick as any dragon's, though the head is more narrow and serpentine with just a hint of fangs when he opens his mouth to speak "Greetings, King of Land and Sky, I am Nirah," he proclaims. "By the Will of the Timeless One I have Awoken to be his voice over the treacherous seas and lead the most imperiled of his faithful through their trials that they might trade in distant ports. Yet I know that the beasts that rise from the Deep Waters are many and I am but one."

"It would be an honor to have your aid against the Deep Ones, Holy Nirah," you reply, giving him the title of a priest, which you suppose he is by a certain measure, able to call upon the blessings and the wrath of Yss as none of his mortal worshipers yet can. Far more unexpected was the way he spoke of trade, not just in terms of fairness and primal pacts, but the actual flow of goods across he sea. Had Yss intentionally forged the sea serpent to reflect his most recently gained domain, you wonder, the better to minister to his mortal worshipers?

"I will converse with those above and below the sea, the better to know the enemy before we strike," It is only then that you realize that what you had taken for small fish drawn to the brightness of his eyes are in fact much more, the tiny worm-like forms of the Many. Who better to learn of the Deep Ones from.

Though you are more than half-tempted to stay and listen in on what is sure to be a unique conversation, you spot Zathir's bright scales reflected in the shimmer of the waves and return once more to the temple, where Yss will take one final sacrifice to empower his herald. This shall not one of blood for the feathered serpent cannot wield power so gained even though he might accept the sad necessity that some beings must so perish. Instead, in this one instance you must make a sacrifice of magic to the Great Serpent.

What do you sacrifice?

[] Write in (Total CL sacrifice 30; At least one item of CL 12 or higher)

OOC: I spent really long trying to find a proper sea serpent image that was properly draconic and serpentine at the same time, and did not have ships being wrecked as part of it. The closest I found was this, but I do not like the flippers and head tendrils so Nirath will have to do without a pic for now.
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So I'm seeing plenty of likes but not a lot of votes. I can guess why with the recent troubles in the thread. To help with that is there anything you guys would particularly like to see in terms of character world-building etc...
I cannot speak for everyone, but I often only have a chance to check up on this quest once a day. And unless that happens within a few hours of an update the vote has basically already been decided.