Bloodied Axes The Bearded Priests of Norvos proclaimed the cult of R'hllor to be servants of demons and in league with their old foes of Qohor falling upon the already proscribed cult with rewed fury, but the faithful of the Red God are not cowed, for they say Azor Ahai is near and he will swoop down from the heavens to deliver them.
Huh, sudden urge to go listen to Deliver Us on youtube.
Oh, well more dead bodies and lost minor NPCs. Well might get some Grizzled Minor PCs out of it eventually.
There aren't any more slaves in Essos from what I heard
Not entirely yet..but soon, very very soon.

But still no reaction to Bravos and Volantis? Are we gonna have to throw another Tournament to get their attention or what? Because by move I'll have T-Rex jousting if that's what it will take.
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New Tide Upon Shores of Iron: Roderik the Reader regent of an empty seat and bearer of a bloody blade both, formally proclaimed the danger of the Deep Ones mentioned in the Conclave of Oldtown, further declaring the Drowned Men to be deeply infected by that rot and unfit to minister to the souls of the Ironborn. However when the missionaries of the Faith set ashore at Pyke they found they had somehow been outsailed by priests from far off Essos. Claiming to speak for the 'Merling King' who is the foe of the scourge of the depths these eastern priests were summoned at the regent's behest. Talk of weirwood trees sprouting on the islands for the first time since the Salt Taking only stir the proverbial pot more, though most are content to see the Ironborn looking to their rocks and not their longboats whatever the cause may be.
@DragonParadox, which priests would these be? Are they tritons?

Also, people are growing weirwoods, there?
Assuming the missive was truly from him then she wondered what he had decided to report back after all this time. While it was her duty to teach others and keep them alive if possible once they graduated one mage could take up nearly any profession or path in life as long as they still held loyalty to greater Empire. The King was not about limiting one's potential after all unless it was truly harmful to others.
We don't actually have any such requirement, our policy is law follow or land fly, so while working against us will of course be punished, you are allowed to leave the Empire and hold no loyalty towards it, as long as you don't hold any enmity either, we don't prevent anyone from leaving our Empire, regardless of how useful their skills are, only if they are either working off a criminal sentence, or in the case of Fiends and the like, can't be trusted not to use their freedom to harm others, do we insist on them staying.

Our laws are only for citizens to follow, and there's no law that say once a citizen always a citizen, if you want to leave our Empire to make your own fortune, that's your choice.
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We really do need to check in on the place. Honestly still surprised they haven't all just dissapeared one day. Pulled by the Deep Ones as repopulating their cattle supply.
I imagine the Deep Ones are focused on other things. And there isn't exactly much of a prize to be gained in pillaging the Iron Islands, along with the fact that an open attack of that scale would probably draw the eye of the nearby Chosen alongside our own attention. I remember DP saying the Deep Ones were warring with Devils, so they haven't exactly been plotting with impunity.
Most of them are just plain Essosi priests of the Merling king, though there are a handful of tritons who risked the journey
Excellent. Hopefully we can get Temples of the Merling King erected.
Ill-Fated Name-Day: Prtincess Myrcella Baratheon's third name-day was marked by strife and ill will as the King refused the Old Lion's gifts for his daughter until the Lannisters could gift him 'a net to tangle the damn dragon so I can take his Head'. The Queen was supossedly incensed such that the maids of the Red Keep did not sleep easy for weeks. Several prominent Crownlander houses have cited the queen's manner as reasons to withdraw from court in protest while assuring the King of their continued loyalty.
Come on Robert, thats just being a bad parent!.
[] Look for a suitable gift for Princess Myrcella and deliver it to her personally.
We are not taking the blame for that poor girl's ruined birthday.
Are we not going to talk about Robert asking Tywin to build a mousetrap for a dragon so he can whack us with a hammer?

Can he even get past our AC?
I'm sure he'll get his hands on something crafted by the Lannister witch. Probably dragonbane something.
And he's probably ~level 10 himself at the very least.
Stormgod's blood, all the jazz.

Basically, I think in theory, he might have a slim chance if Lannsiters get their hands on "hundreds of thousands of IM in cost"-gear from off-plane.
Just more of a reason to bomb him from our Glorious Fleet, really.
Come on Robert, thats just being a bad parent!.
[] Look for a suitable gift for Princess Myrcella and deliver it to her personally.
We are not taking the blame for that poor girl's ruined birthday.
You joke but I feel bad enough for the girl that I am inclined towards giving her the best goddam gift...the gift of magical primers and how to slay monsters.
And he's probably ~level 10 himself at the very least.
Stormgod's blood, all the jazz.

Basically, I think in theory, he might have a slim chance if Lannsiters get their hands on "hundreds of thousands of IM in cost"-gear from off-plane.
Just more of a reason to bomb him from our Glorious Fleet, really.
For all we know Robert might surprise us all and try to make a deal with Asmodeus so that he has a fair shot at killing us. :V