I don't
think that starting the month with separate votes for separate categories would make it easier on anyone, either.
To ensure every category is thoroughly covered,
someone would have to make preliminary assignment of people around beforehand anyway, like I tried to this month.
As in, imagine us rolling out a vote on RAs... and putting so many people on them, we won't have enough for adventure/Intrigue?
But generally, I don't mind that approach, no. At least it will have people reading through the turn-vote more, and maybe discussing things.
...I hope I don't sound like that nebulous "tyrant of the voting council", which
apparently took over most matters of importance and doesn't let
anyone new in.
I just want to make this process easier on everyone and limit potential salt as much as I can
@DragonParadox, shall I get started on compiling MAs list?
Mate, my first "contribution" to the quest was nagging at DP to have us grab books from a library.
Which spiralled into no less than 10(!) updates of squarely that along the line, poisoning some people to the concept.
And then also took up
major amount of DP's time and attention to write up a bunch of "Unique" books...
Most which didn't
ever appear on/off-screen not were relevant in spite of all awesome lore DP had wrote up.
What I'm trying to say is,
please don't measure your participation in thread by "usefulness".
Trust me, mere
shitposting would be greatly appreciated these days, with few people beyond core players ever discussing things.
Yes, really.
At least we can laugh at shitposts, and some of the best ideas in this thread actually
came from that.