Aww, thanks.
On another note :
@DragonParadox, will I be adding a few new Scholarum centers to the Google Sheets document? Do Braavos and Volantis have magical training schools of some sort, or are they all run on the apprentice system? I was under the impression that Braavos doesn't have a school, and mostly functions through apprenticeships (the list you gave me conveyed that impression, at least).
Then there's the following problem : every mage in the cities we have conquered should have entered the Scholarum - even if they don't follow classes, their name should be on the registers. How will we handle that? Will you be giving us a list for each conquest that I'll put in the document (perhaps as a Scholarum center without any teachers or something, so that they level up but don't train new magelings).
Or shall we agree to abstract that away and only really keep track of those we have trained up in our Scholarums, counting weak local magelings as less useful and dependable?
There's a spell to ignore ageing penalties. He can get it on an item. He'll be fine. It's also a less invasive and politicall risky process as Reincarnation into a new body.
And why are we giving him a Launcher? Weren't those meant to stay characteristic of our forces? Can he even afford to restock his ammo?
An Intimidate build is honestly quite good. Most humanoids and monsters are in fact still vulnerable to Fear, unless they're undead, constructs or Plants. It's an interesting change of pace and doesn't need much changing IMO.
His magical gear should help him deal more damage anyway.