[X] Crake

So have we become so heretical that we've wrapped back around to faithful?

Next time someone calls us an apostate or something we should point out that we're the most faithful man alive by virtue of believing in the most gods. :V
[X] Crake

So have we become so heretical that we've wrapped back around to faithful?

Next time someone calls us an apostate or something we should point out that we're the most faithful man alive by virtue of believing in the most gods. :V

No, we are not pulling a Euron.

If someone asks "then who gives you power?" we tell them the truth, not a delusion.

"No one. My power is my own."
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@Goldfish, don't we have an item of Honeyed Tongue?

I distinctly remember pestering you about making one, because the buff is so useful at moments when we don't have a reroll-magic.
And I think I saw one on crafting schedule some time back. 2-3 months..?

If we do have one, giving it to the kid would be easy buff with less spellslots spent.
@Goldfish, don't we have an item of Honeyed Tongue?

I distinctly remember pestering you about making one, because the buff is so useful at moments when we don't have a reroll-magic.
And I think I saw one on crafting schedule some time back. 2-3 months..?

If we do have one, giving it to the kid would be easy buff with less spellslots spent.
Not yet. It's on my list, though.
A well earned power trip is still a power trip.

Okay... maybe we are growing a bit arrogant.

On the other hand, we are also generally not hiding the reasons for casting shade or touting superiority. I'm not saying we're morally superior or anything to Lanna and Gerion, for example, and while some people don't agree, I believe that that with what they had to work with they could have done better, to the point that I feel appropriate disgust toward the neglect. And sure, even if you posit that their intent was never to be a net-good for the realm, that's not any less stupid politically and inter-personally, since the Lannisters really can't afford to piss away good will.

The one unabashedly and objectively good thing they did right was sharing knowledge of magic and gribblies with all the Lords they could reach, and they still were backhandedly insulting about not passing it out to the Night's Watch (and I'm assuming any Targ loyalists, because who cares if they turn into demon bait, amirite? Not gonna be our problem).

And people wonder why "traitors" flocked to our tournament... aside from being Westeros and it being a tournament, of course. :V
I wouldn't call this a power trip or us being arrogant. It's just that we're hitting so far out of Lothar's weight class that we have enough latitude to be a bit whimsical in how we deal with him.
I think that right now a power trip and a little gloating is kind of expected. We turned a somewhat normal person into a diplomancer. I for one love the power trip. Never hated it. I want to do this crazy shit more and more.
I wouldn't call this a power trip or us being arrogant. It's just that we're hitting so far out of Lothar's weight class that we have enough latitude to be a bit whimsical in how we deal with him.
Also it's really boring to replay the same scene and it's me you're making re-write the same speech, you know. :V
I wouldn't call this a power trip or us being arrogant. It's just that we're hitting so far out of Lothar's weight class that we have enough latitude to be a bit whimsical in how we deal with him.
That's basically a power trip though, isn't it? We're done ith making an effort and are mostly having fun.

On the other hand, we are empowering the kid with hidden blessings to accomplish our secretive God-related goals... I can't quite figure out if we're his fairy godmother or the BBEG of the first act.
That's basically a power trip though, isn't it? We're done ith making an effort and are mostly having fun.

On the other hand, we are empowering the kid with hidden blessings to accomplish our secretive God-related goals... I can't quite figure out if we're his fairy godmother or the BBEG of the first act.

Definitely both. He's a good kid, and we'll be sure to reward him later on. But we're also definitely the ominous chessmaster type character...
That's basically a power trip though, isn't it? We're done ith making an effort and are mostly having fun.

On the other hand, we are empowering the kid with hidden blessings to accomplish our secretive God-related goals... I can't quite figure out if we're his fairy godmother or the BBEG of the first act.
The power trip is going to end when we fall face first into someone we'd have rolled over if we actually made an effort though. Maybe we could just allocate a budget of innocuous crazy shit to get it out of our system before facing actual challenges?

On the other part, we are neither.
The Big Bad Shoulder Dragon laughs at your petty moral judgements.

Edit: added missing letter.
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The power trip is going to end when we fall face first into someone we'd have rolled over if we actually mad an effort though. Maybe we could just allocate a budget of innocuous crazy shit to get it out of our system before facing actual challenges?

On the other part, we are neither.
The Big Bad Shoulder Dragon laughs at your petty moral judgements.

But we equivocate with the best of them, because we also laugh at petty accusations of hypocrisy! :V

And that's basically what we're doing right now. It's the end of the month, and we're politicking (okay, really just scheming and plotting and fucking around) against people who have no chance against us in the social arena, but also realistically we shouldn't be able to resolve every situation by SURPRISE VISERYS dropping in on them and talking at them. One of these days that's going to backfire spectacularly, but we can avoid meeting that day too soon by mixing things up a little when the stakes are low.
Wait a moment.
I might be wrong here, but I think we did get a sample of Blightburn, didn't we?

In Underdark, I think..?
Or was it on Plane of Earth, near the Mercury lake..?
Blightburn Paste
This heavy stone box measures 2 feet to a side, and the tiny compartment inside is lined with lead. Inside the compartment is a half-ounce of deep green paste. This paste is made of animal fat mixed with ground-up blightburn. Once the box is opened, blightburn paste limits teleportation within 60 feet and irradiates anyone within 60 feet, afflicting them with blightburn sickness (see sidebar for details on both effects). Any creature that touches the paste is afflicted with blightburn sickness (no save), and takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round until the paste is cleaned away with a successful DC 15 Heal check.
Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 30
Blightburn: The mineral blightburn is a green-glowing crystal and burns anyone who touches it, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage per round of contact, and its radiation causes blightburn sickness.
The substance also limits teleportation. Anyone casting a teleportation spell in or teleporting to a cavern with blightburn in its walls must succeed at a DC 30 caster level check.
Cause Blightburn radiation
Type disease, contact (see text); Save Fortitude DC 22
Onset 1/day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con damage and 1d6 Cha damage; contact is automatic when a creature comes within a 60-foot radius, and can be blocked only by lead sheeting, 1 foot of stone, or a force effect; Cure 2 consecutive saves
That thing is very much a must for us, Inquisition, and even minor PCs really - the effect of stopping teleportation is just far too precious, no matter the danger Radiation poisoning offers.

Ah... My point is, we should send someone to gather more, or place an order for Shaitan to.