- Location
The Seeker is neither mindless nor something to feel sorry for, it's origins may be heinous but not it's existence.
I think it should be given the opportunity to be useful but even that is mostly projection on my part because it's quite happy standing still in a closet for the next 2000 years.
And the next day...
Westeros Loyalty ChartThe North
House Stark: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Wull: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Burley: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Harclay: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Liddle: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Norrey: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Flint of Breakstone Hill: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Cassel: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Forrester: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Flint of Widow's Watch: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Flint of Flint's Finger: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Glover: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Reed: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Tallhart: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)
House Manderly: Aligned (House Stark)
House Woolfield: Aligned (House Stark) - Ally (Lord Wyman)
House Hornwood: Neutral
House Umber: Neutral - Steady (House Targaryen)
House Lake: Neutral - Ally (Lord Greatjon)
House Mormont: Neutral - Steady (House Targaryen)
House Overton: Neutral
House Marsh: Neutral
House Slate: Neutral
House Bolton: Loyalist - Mercenary (Highest Bidder)
House Dustin: Belligerent
House Karstark: Belligerent
House Crowl: Loyalist - Rebellious
House Magnar: Belligerent
House Stane: Belligerent
House Ryswell: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Roose)
House Whitehill: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Roose)
House Baratheon of Storm's End: Loyalist
House Caron: Neutral - Hostile (Lord Stannis)
House Morrigen: Neutral - Hostile (Lord Stannis)
House Wylde: Loyalist
House Swann: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Stannis)
House Grandison: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Stannis)
House Staedmon: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Stannis)
House Buckler: Loyalist - Steady (Overwhelming Force)
House Cafferen: Neutral - Hostile (House Targaryen)
House Fell: Loyalist
House Connington: Loyalist
House Trant: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Dondarrion: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Peasebury: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Penrose: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Whitehead: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Estermont: Neutral - Unsteady (Conflict of Interest)
House Errol: Loyalist
House Tarth: Loyalist
House Darry: Loyalist
House Mooton: Loyalist - Steady (Strong Heir)
House Blanetree: Loyalist - Ally (House Cox)
House Cox: Loyalist
House Terrick: Loyalist - Rebellious (Ser Karl Terrick) - Ally (House Cox)
House Goodbrook: Loyalist - Rebellious (Ser Garse Goodbrook)
House Frey: Loyalist - Mercenary (Highest Bidder)
House Hawick: Loyalist - Rebellious (Ser Harold Hawick)
House Rygar: Loyalist - Unsteady (Conflict of Interest)
House Blackwood: Neutral - Steady (House Targaryen)
House Bracken: Neutral - Unsteady (Rivalry)
House Keath: Neutral - Hostile (House Targaryen)
House Lolliston: Neutral - Mercenary
House Lychester: Neutral - Mercenary (Impoverished)
House Roote: Neutral - Belligerent
House Shawney: Neutral - Unknown
House Smallwood: Neutral - Sympathetic (House Targaryen)
House Vypren: Neutral - Unsteady (Pious)
House Whent: Loyalist
House Tully: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Unsteady (Cornered)
House Deddings: Aligned - Unknown
House Grell: Aligned - Unknown
House Mallister: Aligned (House Tully)
House Paege: Aligned - Unknown
House Piper: Aligned (House Tully)
House Vance of Atranta: Aligned (House Tully)
House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest: Aligned (House Tully)
House Wayn: Aligned - Unknown
House Velaryon: Loyalist
House Celtigar: Loyalist
House Brune of Dyre Den: Loyalist (Ballsy)
House Brune of Brown Hollow: Loyalist
House Boggs: Loyalist
House Cave: Loyalist
House Pyne: Loyalist
House Crabb: Loyalist (Impoverished)
House Hardy: Loyalist
House Bar Emmon: Loyalist
House Massey: Loyalist
House Rykker Loyalist
House Buckwell: Loyalist
House Langwald: Loyalist
House Staunton: Loyalist
House Wendwater: Loyalist
House Longwaters: Loyalist
House Byrch: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Bywater: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Cressey: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Edgerton: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Follard: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Harte: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Hayford: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Manning: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Pyne: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Rollingford: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Rosby: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Stokeworth: Aligned - (House Lannister)
House Lannister of Dragonstone - Belligerent
House Blount: Neutral
House Chelsted: Aligned - (House Baratheon of King's Landing)
House Chyttering: Neutral
House Farring: Neutral - Unknown (Paranoid)
House Mallery: Aligned - Unknown
House Rambton: Aligned - (High Septon)
House Sunglass: Aligned - (High Septon)
Note: I will be adding blurbs to most of these to summarize basic information as to their relationship with us or our enemies as appropriate and over time. @Duesal offered to help me track down some of this stuff, but as a note I'm just starting with the Stormlands because it was relevant. Any alterations to these statuses will be updated as the situation changes.
See latest changes at the bottom.
Blount appears to have been isolated by their own shame and lack of a reasonable third party to ally with.
Chelsted at least outwardly seems to have chosen to directly align with House Baratheon, or rather whoever sits on the Iron Throne, since whoever sits there has direct leverage on their heir.
Chyttering seems to be trying to go about finding contacts to the east for some reason.
Farring is either paranoid, or the Maester Conspiracy tried to pull something at an inopportune time for them, and he decided (quite reasonably) someone was out to get him.
Mallery wasn't covered in the latest Bloodraven update.
Rambton and Sunglass are sticking up for the High Septon.
Tygett continues to be murderously rustled.
I think we should meet with the current lords of Blount, Chyttering, Mallery first, then investigate Farring and see if we can pull him loose, we have reasons to be paranoid about Maesters as well and maybe we can pin something on them. Another subtle supporter for tearing down that institution wouldn't be bad.
Chelsted unfortunately even if they weren't at all loyal to the Crown has done the stupid and made sure their heir was readily available for a shanking, so they're a bit more trouble than they're worth without some extensive planning.
Assassinate Guncer Sunglass and use one of our connections to get the heir on our side.
Need to know more about Lord Rambton to have an idea of what to do with him. I wouldn't do the above assassination without some semblance of what the High Septon's political strategy is, anyway.
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