- Location
So, with even the OGs thinking they should give up on the Trees north of the Wall, should we really try a conventional war against Winter?
I'm still very much in favor to go North with an oversized party and try to kill the Fey King or Queen behind this. Ultimatly the Others are just another Fey Court, no matter how twisted, so that has a reasonable chance of ending or at least seriously reducing the threat.
And it would cost infinitly less lifes and ressources than trying to hold lands against an endless tide of the dead.
They're also just a catspaw of a greater threat. And go far enough North, and the whole place is basically like the Polar Gates in Warhammer, which is basically like setting your feet into the Kiddie Pool Eye of Terror.
I'm just saying, I don't envy having to fight on their home ground, anymore than I would they since we can prepare our position for years in advance with enough heavy firepower to make Baator hesitate to attack.