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Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jul 13, 2019 at 11:34 AM, finished with 49 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Vee uses a 5th level spell slot to Summon 1d3+1 Jannis to scout beyond the obstruction. They will use their Invisibility and Ethereal Jaunt SLAs to scout as far as they can into the Necropolis without being noticed while still leaving themselves time to get back into range to Telepathically relay their findings to the group.
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Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 13, 2019 at 11:42 AM, finished with 55 posts and 11 votes.
What do ya'll think of using the Pathfinder version of Shapechange rather than the D&D 3.5 version?

The Pathfinder version is much less powerful, but quite in line with other 9th level spells, as opposed to the potentially game breaking OPness that is the D&D 3.5 version. While less powerful, it's effects are also much more easily applied to the spellcaster.
Wining vote:

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Adhoc vote count started by Xon on Jul 13, 2019 at 11:43 AM, finished with 55 posts and 11 votes.
Part MMCMLII: The Black Blight
The Black Blight

Eleventh Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

Deciding to err on the side of caution, you bid Vee to send a company of conjured Janni into the fray before you. Light of step as ghosts and bold as only those conjured for a purpose can be, the trio of warriors pass by the strange film and into the first level of the structure. Though still bearing the scars of the battle with Tor, the entranceway had been fortified again before Riz'Neth decided to move his people east towards the sea, yet both it and the former living quarters below show signs of the strange slime, and nothing of what might have made it.

Once the false genies are out of 'earshot' you are left with nothing to do besides ponder the strange substance. Carefully, so as not to disturb the iris, Lya takes a flask from where it had dripped onto the steps. "Maybe Waymar or Denys will have some clue of what this is."

"Perhaps, though I am not so in love with caution that I would wait here to be eaten alive by bugs while they study it," you say only half in jest. The mosquitoes are somehow managing to draw blood, even though between the aspect of your draconic resiliency that follows you even in human form and your Serpent's Sin cloak ripped from an Archdevil's hide your skin can turn away steel blades.

With that realization the annoyed batting turns into a purposeful grab that ends with you holding one of the little pests in hand. "What the hell..?" you curse, noticing a faint almost imperceptible aura of magic on the insect.

"Most of them are not magical in the slightest," Lya says, looking around. "Maybe some have adapted some petty sorcery to feed on the Painted Lizards..."

"No, this ain't natural, not even here," Vee replies a moment later. "They're mobbing each other, eating their own kin once they've fed."

Her eyes are sharper by far you know. "Are they acting with purpose, or...?"

As though the question had been a signal the swarm redoubles in size until you cannot see through it, only a dense cloud of black that descends upon the lot of you like a wave... or try to at least. With a wave of your hand you fill air with fire, and the swarms dies with nothing but a faint hissing sound.

"I think we can take that to mean 'yes,' Your Grace," Ser Richard offers. "Something doesn't want us in these ruins."

"Scouts are back, two of 'em at least," Vee cuts him off abruptly. "They didn't find whatever's making the slime, but there's a lot of it around, as deep as they could go. Strangest thing is that it doesn't seem to stick to the graves or the bigger doors even though it seems to be thickest around the smaller ones, even marking one that should've been secret."

"Magic mosquitoes that attack when you talk about them... strange slime on some of the doors, but nothing to make it," Lya shakes her head. "Not enough pieces. I think we should go in... carefully."

"Perhaps the key we are missing is sorcery itself," Malarys interjects unexpectedly. "The front entrance would have been warded at various points during the complex occupancy as would have several other passages within, including those hidden by other means. Perhaps the slime, like the mosquitoes, are feeding on magic."

"It does not look like it is doing anything with the magic, though," Dany protests, while Ser Richard who had already been eyeing the jungle with suspicion now splits his ire between that and the complex.

"An insect is a far higher form of life than that..." the mage-priest motions to the shimmering barrier. "Yet it was barely possible to perceive that it held any power after it had fed. I 'arcano-vore' is well served not wasting its power in flickering displays of power."

"Something is consuming the magic of our city," Vrath spoke for the first time, his mind-voice as suffused with anger as you had ever heard in one of the Children of Yss. "We must make an end of this." So saying he severs the black film and enters the halls of his ancestors.


Nothing moves, not a sound can be heard within the twisting corridors, save water wearing away at stone, though in places the black pools are more of the dark mold, dripping in rivulets across the floor. Is it reaching for you, or is that merely a trick the mind plays upon itself searching for an enemy?

"Do we try to clean this up?" Lya asks, looking around, obviously worried that some ancient arcane treasure that had survived the march of years would be consumed by this blight moments before it could be recovered.

"There is nothing of great worth in the upper halls that the White Lord did not take with him on our journey," the black-scale admits reluctantly. He would obviously wish to see his former home cleansed.

"We could lay a trap for whoever's doing this," Vee offers.

"We do not even know if this is done with intent," you point out. "While we wait here, whether it's clearing slime or laying in ambush, the lower levels could be overrun with more of this blight."

What do you do?

[] Head directly for the fourth level where Valaena and her companions left off

[] Sweep through the upper levels meticulously, cleaning slime as you go

[] Write in

OOC: The plot and the goo thickens.
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[X] Head directly for the fourth level where Valaena and her companions left off
Leftover slime would be easy-ish to clean out once the source of it stops doing... whatever it's doing.
And eating the city's magic.
It'd just take time.

And hurrying to deal with it seems a good idea.
I'm not happy that it managed to eat as much as it did - but I absolutely refuse to lose even more :eek:
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I have the feeling that we are intended to purge this while place with fire.

Unless we can weaponize that goo, somehow.
[X] Seep though the upper levels meticulously, cleaning slime as you go

Burn it bit by bit, leave not enough to form a single Ooze behind us.
Best case someone tries to stop us from doing so, worst case we are at least not leaving danger in our back.

Fire is cheap, we can still use an infinite amount of Fiery Bursts.
Unless we can weaponize that goo, somehow.
It's magical goo.

Even if it's nothing short of nuclear waste, we can do something with it.

First thing that comes to my mind - feed it to Fleshforge.
It is biologocal and magical - which means it's eligible for that.
Hmm well I had a thought when I saw the mosquitos. We should make some in the forge and have them track down our enemies for their blood. One mosquito can't carry much but doing so over long periods of time to get a lot of blood can have some very interesting uses later on.
Hmm well I had a thought when I saw the mosquitos. We should make some in the forge and have them track down our enemies for their blood. One mosquito can't carry much but doing so over long periods of time to get a lot of blood can have some very interesting uses later on.

Holy shit, you just invented the ultimate tool for our police state: taking live samples to cast remote curses and divinaitons from unsuspecting victims.
The Black Blight

Eleventh Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

Deciding to err on the side of caution, you bid Vee to send a company of conjured Janni into the fray before you. Light of step as ghosts, and bold as only those conjured for a purpose can be, the trio of warriors pass by the strange film and into the first level of the structure. Although still bearing the scars of the battle with Tor, the entrance way had been fortified again before Riz'Neth decided to move his people east towards the sea. Now both it and the former living quarters below show signs of the strange slime, and nothing of what might have made it.

Once the false genies are out of 'earshot', you are left with nothing to do besides ponder the strange substance. Carefully so as not to disturb the iris, Lya takes a flask from where it had dripped onto the steps. "Maybe Waymar or Denys will have some clue what this is."

"Perhaps, though I am not so in love with caution that I would wait here to be eaten alive by bugs while they study it," you say only half in jest. The mosquitoes are somehow managing to draw blood, even between the aspect of your draconic resiliency that follows you even in human form and the Serpent Skin your skin can turn steel blades.

With that realization, the annoyed batting turns into a purposeful grab that ends with you holding one of the little pests in hand. "What the hell..?" you curse, noticing a faint almost imperceptible aura of magic on the insect.

"Most of them are not magical in the slightest," Lya says looking around. "Maybe some have adapted some petty sorcery to feed on the painted lizards..."

"No, this ain't natural. Not even here," Vee replies a moment later. "They are mobbing each other, eating their own kin once they've fed."

Her eyes are sharper by far, you know. "Are they acting with purpose or...?"

As though the question had been a signal the swarm redoubles in size until you cannot see though it only a dense cloud of black that descends upon the six of you like a wave... or try to at least. with a wave of your hand you fill air with fire and the swarms die with nothing but a faint hissing sound.

"I think we can take that to mean yes, Your Grace," Ser Richard offers. Something doesn't want you in these ruins.

"Scouts are back, two of 'em at least!" Vee cuts him off abruptly. "They didn't find whatever''s making the slime, but there's a lot of it around as deep as they could go. Strangest thing is that it doesn't seem to stick to the graves or the bigger doors even though it seems to be tickest around the smaller ones, even marking one that should've been secret."

"Magic mosquitoes that attack when you talk about them... strange slime on some of the doors, but nothing to make it," Lya shakes her head. "Not enough pieces. I think we should go in... carefully."

"Perhaps the key we are missing is sorcery itself," Malarys interjects unexpectedly. The front entrance would have been warded at various points during the occupancy of the complex, as would several other passages within, including those hidden by other means. "Perhaps the slime, like the mosquitoes is feeding on magic."

"It does not look like it is doing anything with magic though," Dany protests, while Ser Richard, who had already been eyeing the jungle with suspicion, now split his ire between that and the jungle.

"An insect is a far higher form of life that that..." the mage-priest motions to the shimmering barrier. "Yet it was barely possible to perceive that it held any power after it had fed. An arcano-vore is well served not wasting its power in flickering displays of power."

"Something is consuming the magic of our city," Vrath spoke for the first time, his mind voice as suffused with anger as you had ever heard one of the Children of Yss. "We must make an end of this." So saying, he severs the black film and enters the halls of his ancestors.


Nothing moves. Not a sound can be heard within the twisting corridors, save water wearing away at stone, though in places the black pools are more of the dark mold, dripping in rivulets across the floor. Is it reaching for you, or is that merely a trick the mind plays upon itself searching for an enemy?

"Do we try to clean this up?" Lya asks looking around, obviously worried that some ancient arcane treasure that had survived the march of years would be consumed b this blight moments before it could be recovered.

"There is nothing of great worth in the upper halls that the White Lord did not take with him on our journey," the black-scale admits reluctantly. He would obviously wish to see his former home cleansed.

"We could lay a trap for whoever's doing this," Vee offers.

"We do not even know if this is done with intent," you point out. "While we wait here, whether it's clearing slime or laying in ambush the lower levels could be overrun with more of the blight."

What do you do?

[] Head directly for the fourth level where Valaena and her companions left off

[] Seep though the upper levels meticulously, cleaning slime as you go

[] Write in

OOC: The plot and the goo thickens.
Made some edits to the chapter, DP.

Everyone should be using Vermin Repellent, BTW. They're all carrying enough of the stuff to make use of it for the entire expedition.
Clearly the magical vermin doesn't care about the vermin repellent :D
Or perhaps it eats it! Alchemy involves magic, after all.