So uh quick question the Adamantium Golem it's the Hell Engine variant right? Does that effect its disposition or personality if we awaken it? I mean it is fluff wise powered by infernal contracts. That do anything to it?
Very unlikely that that is the case.
The Hellfire and summoned Devils would have been mentioned if it was that.
Propably just the regular version.
That's good to here. And hey, this looks neat for a CR1. Would it be any use? Celedons, maybe for the Imerial Deity when we get it going? Turn a Construct preacher into a construct Public Building attendant for Imperial Government Buildings.

I know, I know but I've got a weakness for creatures with nice Song based abilities ok? It just ain't fantasy to me without it. Magic or Scifi. And I figure I'd have more luck slipping something low level like this in instead of an Animate Aria.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 27, 2019 at 2:31 PM, finished with 90 posts and 15 votes.
Aren't we distributing indestructible flyers with caricatures within this month or next?
Not so much indestructible as extremely resistant to damage, so much so that people might try to use the broadsheets as armor...

I believe the Truespeech upgrade to the printing presses will also be ready this month, so anyone, even the illiterate will be able to comprehend their message.
I believe the Truespeech upgrade to the printing presses will also be ready this month
It's... already complete.
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover | Page 12187
Truespeech Printing Presses Progress 25/20 (Will be completed this month)
Like, I went so far* as to ask Duesal, and quoted that back at you already?

Either way, we need but to vote on specifics of what we are to print and where/how to spread, and we could print it yesterday. Literally.

*admittedly, not really that far :V
It's... already complete.
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover | Page 12187

Like, I went so far* as to ask Duesal, and quoted that back at you already?

Either way, we need but to vote on specifics of what we are to print and where/how to spread, and we could print it yesterday. Literally.

*admittedly, not really that far :V
Dunno how many times I can remind y'all that my memory is shit... :(

Besides, the message says it will be completed this month, not that it is complete.
Winning vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 27, 2019 at 2:31 PM, finished with 90 posts and 15 votes.
Part MMCMXIX: Arcane Reflections
Arcane Reflections

Sixth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

Though the hour grows late as you leave the Water Gardens, the moon already well above the horizon, you do not head back to the Deep to find your bed but only to find Lya before stepping further east to Myr, seeking lore of shaping glass guardians and clarification for a troublesome legal situation. The Scholarum Charter might be clear on the obligation of members to divulge any lore they possess, but that does not mean the Myrish will be content to hand over freely what they had once tried to trade away.

Lady Dorera Phassen, ruler of Myr in fact if not in name, greets the two of you with a light repast laid out on silvered plates, stuffed figs and honeyed dates besides Qohorik bamieh with saffron and rose water, served besides the local white wine. There are no servants present, likely in anticipation of discussing matters of state.

"Do you wish to set the wards or should I?" Lady Phassen asks, rising gracefully to her feet, her silk dress rustling faintly, though beneath it you hear the faint clink of what sounds to be True Silver mesh woven between. Any assassin expecting her to be protected by sorcery alone would meet with an unexpected surprise.

Though tempted to take her up on her offer to see for a hint of how strong her power runs and what it is rooted in, you decide it more prudent to leave the matter to Lya in the end.

When the requirements of courtesy are fulfilled and the offerings of the table afforded proper attention, the question you are asked is refreshingly direct. "What do you need of me, Your Grace?"

"It pertains to the lore of crafting Glass Golems," you reply in like manner. "By article three of the Scholarum Charter, all mages are to hold it above partisan interests..."

"So we would then have to share knowledge of the ritual with other affiliated mages freely," Lady Phassen interjects. "A fair bargain as far as we are concerned, but it is not only those who took up a mage's craft who were instrumental in rediscovering the process. Before the annexation, arcane lore much like any other trade secret belonged to the guild as a whole and could only be shared by a general vote of all master glassmakers, whether they be sorcerers or not. If one were to simply decree that it belonged to the mages alone that would cause... considerable ill will."

"I will not bend the law every time it might prove inconvenient," you reply, keeping any hint of an accusation from your voice. You would much rather have her on your side to make the rest of the guild compliant.

"Of course not," she agrees quickly. "Yet one must consider the fact that it is mages alone who are under the obligation to share arcane lore that might create a perverse incentive."

"For scholars with no true skill at spellcraft to gather arcane lore for their own use?" Lya guesses. At the lady's nod she continues, "In that case the law aught to be expanded for their protection as much as that of the realm. The Scholarum is not merely an instrument of royal authority anymore than the assemblies that vote laws into being are. It is designed for those of us with interests in the arcane to both represent our interests in society and complete our projects safely and effectively."

"So perhaps an affiliation status for those with no true skill at magic, but who through their own efforts have come into the possession of arcane lore?" the lady asks. "That would help soothe some of the frustration of giving up what have until recently been trade secrets, but most importantly they address a wider concern."

What do you reply?

[] Agree to Lady Phassen's proposal to create a Scholarum affiliation project for those who delve in arcane secrets without being mages themselves, though limiting the contribution of the Glassmaker's Guild to only the members who contributed the most to golem crafting
-[] Write in changes to the charter

[] Refuse the notion and offer a counter-proposal
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: I hope I got Lady Phassen down properly here. She is trying to salvage some advantage to show the guild masters, but by the same token she does have a point about magical lore in non-magical hands.
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[] Agree to Lady Phassen's proposal to create a Scholarum affiliation project for those who delve in arcane secrets without being mages themselves, though limiting the contribution of the Glassmaker's Guild to only the members who contributed the most to golem crafting
-[] Write in changes to the charter
If we do this, arcane and divine secrets should be treated equally.
As long as arcane and divine lore is shared equally along all lines the situation should be remedied. We are okay with non-magical using magic for their own purposes no?
"So perhaps an affiliation status for those with no true skill at magic, but who through their own efforts have come into the possession of arcane lore?" the lady asks. "That would help soothe some of the frustration of giving up what have until recently been trade secrets, but most importantly they address a wider concern."
Is that even still a thing?

Someone with talent for research and significant magical knowledge is basically a step away from becoming a Wizard, Archivist or at least Hedgemage anyway.
Not all of their secrets are actually magical.

Hell i'd barely any of them are.
I'm talking about the relevant ones I guess?
Truth about their god, his servants, what and how much each ritual they employ does, if it empowers said god and so on.

Knowledge (Religion, Arcana, The Planes), not whatever bullshit they thought up in the absence/incommunicativeness of real gods over the last centuries.
If we do this, arcane and divine secrets should be treated equally.

As long as they are magical secrets that is automatic.

Is that even still a thing?

Someone with talent for research and significant magical knowledge is basically a step away from becoming a Wizard, Archivist or at least Hedgemage anyway.

Not really, plenty of inquisitors have an arcana or planes skill without spellcasting.
If we do this, arcane and divine secrets should be treated equally.
I'm deeply uncomfortable with introducing this sort of status to a group that is supposed to be all-encompassing - especially with it carrying less responsibilities than being an actual member.

This whole thing feels like setting a naaasty precedent for few (relatively) assholes that we (for some reason) should care about.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind rasing the entirety of Glassmakers to the ground just to evade employing further legalise of this sort.
I'm talking about the relevant ones I guess?
Truth about their god, his servants, what and how much each ritual they employ does, if it empowers said god and so on.

Knowledge (Religion, Arcana, The Planes), not whatever bullshit they thought up in the absence/incommunicativeness of real gods over the last centuries.
"relevant ones" is kind of vague, but we can let Lya/the scholarium decide "relevant" I suppose.