Alright, for real.

@Crake, seing as that proposal you mentioned making seems to be the last chance to push through any meaningful additions to "extended turnvote", I would apprecaite you dropping the following individuals:

Onto hinting out Winter-touched barrows udner Bloodraven's guidance.
Maybe a few Erynies, too.

We have literally no one else avaliable for doign that :confused:

Okay. Sounds fine? We probably have more people than you realize to handle this though. I will definitely kick together a team for it if that's your main concern and you're not particular about who does it.
Alright, for real.

@Crake, seing as that proposal you mentioned making seems to be the last chance to push through any meaningful additions to "extended turnvote", I would apprecaite you dropping the following individuals:

Onto hinting out Winter-touched barrows udner Bloodraven's guidance.
Maybe a few Erynies, too.

We have literally no one else avaliable for doign that :confused:
No Nettles & Sheepstealer.

Amrelath has the option of subtlety since he can go into human form, but Nettles and Sheepstealer don't share that ability. They are staying in the Deep, or they can adventure in Essos and Sothoryos. Westeros is a no-go at the moment.
No Nettles & Sheepstealer.

Amrelath has the option of subtlety since he can go into human form, but Nettles and Sheepstealer don't share that ability. They are staying in the Deep, or they can adventure in Essos and Sothoryos. Westeros is a no-go at the moment.

Which was my main concern, and I am going to have her do Enforce Martial Law instead.
Alright, for real.

@Crake, seing as that proposal you mentioned making seems to be the last chance to push through any meaningful additions to "extended turnvote", I would apprecaite you dropping the following individuals:

Onto hinting out Winter-touched barrows udner Bloodraven's guidance.
Maybe a few Erynies, too.

We have literally no one else avaliable for doign that :confused:
Eh, Red Dragon former Lych. Dragon and Rider, Rakshasa turned unique shadow creature and a Child of the forest. All being guided by freakin Bloodraven.

They are called...Bloodravens Beatsticks.

Also can we add like a couple more steam cannons to that SD defense plan or the discussed walls? I'd settle for just Czech Hedgehogs on the beach at this point. Something to break charging hoards into points of entrance.
Last edited:
Consensus? Please vote if not.
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Jun 27, 2019 at 10:57 AM, finished with 39 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
    -[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
    -[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
    -[X] "Also, I urge you to leave a stronger guard at the translocation passage and assert formal control over it in either case."
    [X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
    -[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
    -[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
    [X] Recommend to accept what happened. Clearly the better sister got the position, she and her co-conspirator deserve their victory.
@DragonParadox, this is for finding Felzath's hoard, yes?

Dibs on the Manticore Wondrous Figurine as our price for recovering it.

Yes, though thinking about it the vote looks like it has a pretty solid consensus, so I might as well close and move on. I need time to develop and interesting encounter in any case.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 27, 2019 at 11:19 AM, finished with 47 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
    -[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
    -[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
    -[X] "Also, I urge you to leave a stronger guard at the translocation passage and assert formal control over it in either case."
    [X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
    -[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
    -[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
    [X] Recommend to accept what happened. Clearly the better sister got the position, she and her co-conspirator deserve their victory.
He used a Salient Divine Ability, even so he had to be very careful to only make the smallest of changes since he did not wnat to leave a mind-blank-like after effect.

I had assumed that he simply set up a chain of events that led to the snake being there, and that he made the chain long enough to fool most divinations.
There must be a limit to how far back the causal chain divinations can go, because otherwise a single Mind Blank could block all Divination over entire armies of cities.

And if this seems implausible, remember that we don't know how many such plans fail every day... We only see the unlikely successes.
On a side note:
"Now all we need is a tree," Danar proclaims, a satisfied smile just shy of a full fledged grin upon his face. "We could just raise one here of course, but they have a saying in Westeros these days that Your Grace may not have heard yet, 'red leaves, red wings'. The mark of a dragon a new-grown Heart Tree is."
It's about time we had our own unofficial words!
Good job.

What right does the Lady Valena have to rule anything she can't keep control of?
What right to set herself above an enchanter whos spells she can't resist?

[X] Recommend to accept what happened. Clearly the better sister got the position, she and her co-conspirator deserve their victory.

Yeah ... no. Deciding a Lordship on the basis of a few failed Will Saves is not a precedent I want to set.

[X] Crake

I had assumed that he simply set up a chain of events that led to the snake being there, and that he made the chain long enough to fool most divinations.
There must be a limit to how far back the causal chain divinations can go, because otherwise a single Mind Blank could block all Divination over entire armies of cities.

And if this seems implausible, remember that we don't know how many such plans fail every day... We only see the unlikely successes.

That works too, in fact I like your idea better so I'm stealing it. :V
Our career started when two servants and later a crimeboss failed a few Willsaves against Charm.

Don't diss a few willsaves, they change the world.


Can't argue with that. Except that you CAN.

Functionality isn't the same as sensibility, and no rational mind is going to think "yeah I guess that checks out, my position and status is basically up for grabs up to and including the line of succession being entirely irrelevant".

This is how you start wars.
Winning vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 27, 2019 at 11:19 AM, finished with 47 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
    -[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
    -[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
    -[X] "Also, I urge you to leave a stronger guard at the translocation passage and assert formal control over it in either case."
    [X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
    -[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
    -[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
    [X] Recommend to accept what happened. Clearly the better sister got the position, she and her co-conspirator deserve their victory.