Name: Koron Redmane
Titles: N/A
Age: 83 (Physical age 19)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human
Level: 9
Class: Fighter (
Corsair) 6/
Barbarian 3 (
Ferocity ACF)
Feats: Battle Jump,
Improved Bull Rush,
Power Attack(B),
Improved Sunder(B),
Combat Brute,
Great Cleave (B),
Cometary Collision
Class Features:
Languages Spoken:Low Valyrian (Braavosi, Pentoshi, Qohorik, Lyseni, Tyroshi, Myrish, Volantene), Qartheen (poor), Summer Tongue
AC: 10 + 10 (+1 Mwk Segmented Adamantine Full Plate) + 1 (DEX) = 21/
Initiative: +1 (DEX) +2 (Blooded) = +3
Attack: BAB +9/+3
Weapon Proficiency: Dagger, Handaxe, Greataxe Mace, Pike, Lance,
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
DR: 10/Admantine
16 (+3) Strength
15 (+2) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
13 (+1) Intelligence
9 (-1) Wisdom
12 (+1) Charisma
SAVES (+2 vs Evil):
FORTITUDE: 8 + 1 = 9
REFLEX: 3 +2 = 5
WILL: 3 -1 = 2
Appraise 11 +1 (INT) = 12
Balance 11 +2 (DEX) = 13
Climb 10 +2 (DEX) = 12
Profession (sailor) 11 +1 (INT) = 12
Swim 11 +3 (STR) = 14
Corsair abilities (Ex):
Swinging Bull Rush: Grabbing a rope and swinging hard, the corsair plants both heels into an opponent, sending him stumbling back. If the corsair can swing from something while making a bull rush attack, she can use the momentum to her benefit. For every 5 feet swung in the attack, add +1 to the opposed Strength check. If the corsair wins the opposed check, she forces the opponent back an additional 5 feet; the corsair does not need to move with the opponent for these 5 feet. This attack still provokes an attack of opportunity unless the corsair has the Improved Bull Rush feat.
Big Breath: The corsair learns to control her need for air. When she must start making Constitution checks to avoid drowning, the corsair only needs to make the check every other round. The check still increases by one each time, but because a check is made every other round, it increases at half the normal rate.
Combat Brute Abilities (Ex):
Advancing Blows: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt against a foe. During the next round, all your attacks against that foe gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for each square your bull rush moved that foe. For example, if you pushed an orc back 10 (2 squares) feet with a bull rush, you would gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that orc on the following round.
Sundering Cleave: To use this maneuver, you must destroy a foe's weapon or shield with a successful sunder attempt (see page 158 of the Player's Handbook). If you do so, you gain an immediate additional melee attack against the foe. The additional attack is with the same weapon and at the same attack bonus as the attack that destroyed the weapon or shield.
Momentum Swing: To use this maneuver, you must charge a foe in the first round, and you must make an attack using your Power Attack feat in the second round. The penalty you take on your attack roll must be -5 or worse. Your attacks during the second round gain a bonus equal to your attack roll penalty x 1-1/2, or x 3 if you're using a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands. For instance, if you choose to take a -6 penalty on your attack roll, you can deal an extra 9 points of damage, or an extra 18 points if you're using a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands.
Barbarian Abilities(Ex):
Ferocity 1/day: As rage but +4 to DEX and STR
Equipped Magic Items: Ring of Protection from Evil,
+1 Mwk Segmented Adamantine Fullplate