Original Charter of the Scholarum of Sorcerer's Deep
Let it be here consigned by the word of Viserys Targaryen First of that name King in the Deep that the following shall be the obligations and privileges of those practitioners of sorcerous arts gained through study, by blood or through pact and prayer. Let none mortal spirit or undying fey nor of any other thinking kindred yet unknown flaunt this decree on pain of royal sanction proportional to the transgressions committed.
I. To deal fairly with any who come before them asking for aid or service.
II. To pay the dues established by the Scholarum according to its internal strictures.
III. To hold fealty to the Scholarum above petty partisan interests and never willfully work against its interests.
IV. To remain in a state of readiness of war in the service of the realm in times of great strife.
V. To keep any secrets of the Scholarum in utmost sanctity from those who do not belong, nor are affiliated with it.
VI. To undertake at least one Journey of Wisdom in the service of the Scholarum should their Craft allow.
I. The lawful practice of magic within the Deep and any other lands that fall under the authority thereof.
II. The use of Scholarum insignia of establish quality of one's work.
III. The use of Scholarum resources for the furthering of one's studies and other work.
IV. Protection from undue persecution in all its forms.
V. The backing of the Scholarum in maters of trade and craft.