@DragonParadox, out of curiosity, could we get a complete series of Legends of the Dawn Age and the Age of Heroes if we assigned the Thenn's storyteller and our Children of the Forest to it, attended to by a dragonpen? I want all of it scribed down and codified, then the full version added to Lya's collection and a censored version released to the library. Hell, maybe even correlated with all Royce and Night's Watch records.

I don't mind if it takes months, I just wanted the okay to do this.

You could yes, at east so far as the Children and the Thenns know.
[X] Snowfire


Im also putting this on the evidence pile for "the 7 are letting their followers handle strategic concerns".

Which is just...

Mortals gotta agency guys, but this is not the time to be letting your followers flail around wildly.

He does not really have the time for something like that, unless it has some practical use. Bloodraven does not have free time only time with less pressing emergencies.

Is that like our big list of priorities?
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I'll roll for it in the morning.
Hey, DP, I don't think you ended up rolling for that...

*looks some more*

Neither did you do Garin's book and Tyene/Waymar's combined one.
Garin - Infiltrator's handbook basically
Waymar/Tyene - Guide to harvesting and testing arcane reagents for viability
And then there's the Tyroshi Daemon-worshippers' super!book, the one that started the whole infestation...

Just a reminder, but kinda a one that needs to be done with before we end the month and take a look at changling the system of Research Actions over books, so they would actually get read and give bonuses, instead of eating time away :/
@DragonParadox For our Teleporting Suicide Drones; can the Constructs (which I'm basing on a Lesser False Raven chassis) have the single use Teleport effect built into them, and if so, will that also benefit from the -10% enchanting discount we gain from using the Lifespark gem to craft sentient Constructs?
Is that like our big list of priorities?

Yes, only worse.:V

Hey, DP, I don't think you ended up rolling for that...

*looks some more*

Neither did you do Garin's book and Tyene/Waymar's combined one.

And then there's the Tyroshi Daemon-worshippers' super!book, the one that started the whole infestation...

Just a reminder, but kinda a one that needs to be done with before we end the month and take a look at changling the system of Research Actions over books, so they would actually get read and give bonuses, instead of eating time away :/

Thanks for reminding me. I'll cover it tomorow.

@DragonParadox For our Teleporting Suicide Drones; can the Constructs (which I'm basing on a Lesser False Raven chassis) have the single use Teleport effect built into them, and if so, will that also benefit from the -10% enchanting discount we gain from using the Lifespark gem to craft sentient Constructs?

  1. Yes
  2. No for moral reasons. Lya is not making sentient beings designed to suicide


A IC year ago I might have agreed with you, but we are juggling way more existential threats than Brynden!

I think he's got the shittier accommodations given he's right up next to the setting's biggest baddest mambajamba, but I think our sheer VARIETY and length and breadth of trashfire extinguishing concerns is in that ballpark!

A IC year ago I might have agreed with you, but we are juggling way more existential threats than Brynden!

I think he's got the shittier accommodations given he's right up next to the setting's biggest baddest mambajamba, but I think our sheer VARIETY and length and breadth of trashfire extinguishing concerns is in that ballpark!

Keep in mind that up until recently his options for solving problems included warging animals and sending dream messages. The options have been getting better with leshies and fey pacts as well as inquisition connections but he still has to juggle efficiency and secrecy
@egoo @DragonParadox

Give characters one free background action. This can be used to put in time learning a language, reading a lore article/book for bonuses, or similar non-intensive things that don't really count as a full-action but appear too often and with little change in implication to be a minor action. While reading books about interesting things is cool, they only really matter and show the character is knowledgeable in that subject when the subject matter is relevant.

Just track the bonus in a Lore Bonus tab on each character sheet. Done.
@egoo @DragonParadox

Give characters one free background action. This can be used to put in time learning a language, reading a lore article/book for bonuses, or similar non-intensive things that don't really count as a full-action but appear too often and with little change in implication to be a minor action. While reading books about interesting things is cool, they only really matter and show the character is knowledgeable in that subject when the subject matter is relevant.

Just track the bonus in a Lore Bonus tab on each character sheet. Done.

Probably best yeah. It's not so much adding complexity as organizing it.
[X] Snowfire

whoop. We may get to meet one of the most fascinating societies in all of D&D.
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@egoo @DragonParadox

Give characters one free background action. This can be used to put in time learning a language, reading a lore article/book for bonuses, or similar non-intensive things that don't really count as a full-action but appear too often and with little change in implication to be a minor action. While reading books about interesting things is cool, they only really matter and show the character is knowledgeable in that subject when the subject matter is relevant.

Just track the bonus in a Lore Bonus tab on each character sheet. Done.
I've been meaning to ask about Language Learning, @DragonParadox. I've got several more I'd like Viserys to learn with our expanding interests. Can we get that taken care of?

EDIT: As a start, he needs to know all the languages that are currently under our rule. Naathi, Dothraki, Sarnori, etc.

And I really want him to learn Yi Tish as much as possible.
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Also it's that time again.

@Snowfire Build proposal for Ting.

[] Ting Level-up Vote
-[] Skills: +1 Acrobatics, +1 Listen, +1 Spot, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Diplomacy
-[] Feat: Jabbing Dancer
-[] Style Strike: Footstomp
-[] Gains: Improved Evasion (Ex)
Next turn Ting gets Medusa's Wrath, avoiding the non-useful prerequisites because it comes from Unchained Monk's bonus feat list. Two attacks at full bonuses for free on stunned or otherwise incapacitated enemies.

With Jabbing Master, at level 12, which increases the bonus from the second unarmed hit to 2d6, and subsequent hits to 4d6.

Foot Stomp for now since he won't get Improved Trip for a while yet, and with no obvious counter for instantaneous teleportation (besides being hit by a Dimensional Anchor by Ceria) that's about as good as you can get fighting a foe without some type of translocation item, and just about all the movement options you could ask for besides. All while crying home to mommy because the pseudoasian man won't stop turning their bones into powdered chalky dust.
Keep in mind that up until recently his options for solving problems included warging animals and sending dream messages. The options have been getting better with leshies and fey pacts as well as inquisition connections but he still has to juggle efficiency and secrecy
Just a reminder here that he can requisition whatever he needs from us, from a few patsies right to Wyvern bombing runs or Harbinger visitations.
Does anyone else find it ironic that we sent the Alchemist's Guild straight down into the pit for building their own high CR abomination, killed the Seven's High CR servitor, and just finished this turn out by... creating our own high CR monster-golem? :V
Just a reminder here that he can requisition whatever he needs from us, from a few patsies right to Wyvern bombing runs or Harbinger visitations.
The OGs divination must be remarkable - they utilized Brynden despite his personal track record, and up to now that seems like a really good investment.