Path Features
Wild Arcana, Path ability
Path ability
Nature of a Realm
Path ability
Path ability
Bearing of an Empire
Path ability
Path ability
Freedom Upon Twisted Paths
Path ability, Imperium Ascendant
I don't like the nerfbat TNE had you go over some of the FUTP, but that aside, this reads great together, even if inefficient around some edges.Ascendant
A truth you were offered, and with a truth you answered. Your ancestor's power lies deep in the well of your blood, in the dreams you have experienced since first awakening to the arcane, and in the very strength that has made you mighty and brought you back to her once more. In this, you are many things, but above all one who does not bow to the whims or wishes of any, not even that of your very blood. You strike down the dark things of the world, to protect it from the night, and in your every breath you labour not just for your own victory but that of all. You have fought demons, slain aspects of godlike power, returned a faded divinity to his old strength and now pledged to do so for another.
In all these things, you are more than simply a dragon, a man, a sorcerer, a king. You seek conquest upon your own nature, freedom to craft your own fate. And in time, you will have it.
Nature of a Realm (Su/Ex): A Kingdom and his King are not one and the same. Their fortunes are intertwined, sharing the greatest victorious and the most crushing defeats, but yet there always is a divide. The Realm was before the King had been crowned and it will endure beyond him and no matter how great a King, never will he truly grasp the fullness of the Realm as it is. But for you, there is no divide. You shaped your realm from nothingness and in turn, it shaped you into a true King, a union too tight and seamless to say where one begins and the other ends. And as long as one of them endures, so will the other.
Path Features
Wild Arcana, Path ability
Path ability
Nature of a Realm
Path ability
Path ability
Bearing of an Empire
Path ability
Path ability
Freedom Upon Twisted Paths
Path ability, Imperium Ascendant
At 3rd Tier, you gain the ability to grant spells to divine spellcasters who choose to follow your creed, as the Divine Source Mythic Ability (you choose two domains as normal), bestowing upon them an echo of the flame that you have forged into a beacon to the world, standing forever against the dark. For so long as even a single echo endures, so too will you, and thus the realm itself. As long as any follower of yours capable of casting spells of a level equal to (Mythic Tier/3) lives, you are treated as if you had the Longevity Mythic Ability.
Bearing of an Empire (Ex): Many have tried to found kingdoms and more as you have. Many have called down to the people, brought them together beneath them, and used the power that grants to make them stronger, greater. But true Kings do not focus only on what is today. For a kingdom to become an empire, it must be able to endure the tests that would shatter even the most united peoples, and yours has done so not just through your own means, but through the creations brought forth at your command. They serve the Imperium, caring for its members and guiding them towards a better day. And now they will serve you, as well.
At 6th Tier, the power you have invested into the Imperium gathers around you like a cloak, granting you speech and skill beyond even your own mortal limits. The knowledge of your citizens, from the grand libraries to Inquisitional archives, is ready at your beck and call. By expending a single use of Mythic Power, you may apply a fraction of your realm's library bonus equal to a third of your Mythic Rank over 3 - a third at Ranks 3-5, two thirds at Ranks 6-8 and full bonuses at rank 9 or higher to all Knowledge checks for one minute per Mythic Rank. You may also make Gather Information checks as a Standard Action, if relevant knowledge exists to draw upon.
Dossiers and tomes on culture and courtly conduct allow you to add your Mythic Rank to all social combat checks, and you may expend a use of Mythic Power to negate the critfail effects of a natural 1 in that arena. Finally, as a testament to the myriad of species living and tongues spoken within your nation, you gain access to Truespeech as a Magical Language, and may read any language affected by Truespeech as if fluent. This ability does not decipher encoded text.
Freedom Upon Twisted Paths (Su): In the short years of your life, you have walked between the planes and forged alliances with empires older than your own world's history. Beings as old as the dreams of dragons, and fully as powerful. You know well the power of being seemingly everywhere, and have cultivated that reputation in full. Times beyond counting have you come upon wings of magic to the aid of your subjects, and thus it will ever be.
Within your empire, Teleport acts as Greater Teleport or Plane Shift (as necessary), with all locations acting as known and bypassing all non-Mythic barriers. You may expend a use of Mythic Power to divine the area around the destination before you materialise as though via clairaudience/clairvoyance. After gaining this information, you can choose to alter your destination by up to 100 feet in any direction.
In addition, you gain the ability to use Lay of the Land at will as a free action while inside your realm, and may use Discern Location as a supernatural ability three times per day. If the target of a Discern Location is within the Imperium but protected by Screen, Mind Blank or even a Wish spell designed to obscure their location, you can attempt a Caster Level check (DC 10 + CL of the obscuring effect) to defeat these sort of impervious defences. If the Mind Blank was cast by a Mythic Caster, you must expend Mythic Power equal to their Mythic Rank to bypass it, and they add their Mythic Rank to the DC of your Caster Level check.
Bypassing a Mind Blank effect consumes two uses of this ability - and three in the case of Mind Blank cast by a Mythic creature. These uses are consumed regardless of success or failure on your part.
In all cases, if your check succeeds, the target may make an immediate DC 20 Will Save to recognise the violent interaction of forces involved in bypassing their defences. This manifests as a feeling of impending doom.
Imperium Ascendant (Ex): With time, your nature has grown. You began this path as a being of power, unbound by any singular facet. You have built more than an empire, from beings so countless in form and being that it makes an archive all its own. You have stood guard over friends, companions and citizenry from the terrors of Winter, Hell and more. And in this moment, you and your creation step beyond mortality, its nascent power coalescing into full, flowering glory. No more shall you be burdened with the rituals of freedom when bringing Outsiders to your side. No more shall you lack the power to secure yourself and your citizenry from the gaze of vengeful gods.
In this place, your Imperium, you are more than flesh and blood and the power within both. You are Imperator.
At Mythic Rank 10, the Divine Source ability of the Ascended becomes capable of not just granting spells to their followers, but acting as a well from which Outsiders may draw power. This allows beings of the Outer Planar to bind themselves to you under the laws of the First Pact. Any such Outsiders should henceforth be considered new or unique breeds of their species, and a DM should work with the player to realise this.
This apotheosis also grants the Ascended certain powers of true divinity within their Imperium. An Ascended gains the following list of Divine Powers whilst within their Imperium: Damage Reduction, Senses, Remote Sensing, Block Sensing and Remote Communication. All effects treat the Ascended as if they were Divine Rank 1.
The granted Damage Reduction persists beyond the borders of the Imperium, and the Ascended may expend 5 Mythic Power to use their Remote Sensing and Remote Communication from there.
Finally, whilst within the borders of the Imperium, you regain Mythic Power at double the usual rate, and need only half the rest you would normally require to refresh your spells and abilities.
@DragonParadox that was spectacular. When is Lya going to realise that she's stepped onto a Mythic path?
I don't like the nerfbat TNE had you go over some of the FUTP, but that aside, this reads great together, even if inefficient around some edges.
...May we have Lya now, please?
I still have hope for that "imbue reality with planar traits"-stuff, yes.
Many have walked the Path of the Archmage, delving into the details of magic and the lore surrounding it. Creating great wonders, and laying armies and worlds to ruin with magic beyond the grasp of any but the most skilled wielders of the arcane. Few indeed have ever walked the Path of the Sage. From your very beginnings, you approached magic with boundless fascination, and a total refusal to accept the limits that any would place upon it. Magic is as much a part of your soul as it is a force you call to your hands, and as you step now into legend in power, that force and the genius with which you guide it will walk beside you.
as you, Dany and Lya politely pretend not to notice, whiletorment as You Dany and Lya politely pretends not to notice while
Would now see a birth,
Isn't getting me to talk about.The trouble with me isn't getting to to talk about my projects
Neither male or female, young or old, yet somehow instantly recognizable as Targaryen - fuck yes.neither male nor female young nor old yet somehow instantly recognizable as Targaryen
They are to be your voice, sharing warnings and even counsel, before fire and death.They are to be your voice sharing warnings even counsel before fire and death.
The Dragon Has Three Heads.
as you, Dany and Lya politely pretend not to notice, while
Would now see a birth,
Isn't getting me to talk about.
Neither male or female, young or old, yet somehow instantly recognizable as Targaryen - fuck yes.
They are to be your voice, sharing warnings and even counsel, before fire and death.
Let me nitpick the fluffBeings as old as the dreams of dragons, and fully as powerful.
Very nice. Looking forward to what you have in mind for the abilities.
3 heralds, 1 harbinger - 6 heads, 6 faces, 12 eyes.Ten serpentine heads be they of common steel or that which was bathed in the blood of fiends begin to move raping upon stone, five faces loom above, ten eyes bore into yours
I'm pretty sure that unless they know something completely game-changing, Night Hags can be left until we actually move to PoS with Tor++ and use his new knowledge there.Yes, of course, they were planed IC regardless. I'll put the level of detail you guys want to see to a vote I think. Whether you want to do it in person get a report or something else altogether.
Now now, we know that math is not DP's forte.
Let me nitpick the fluff
But that's like saying "beings as powerful as the Immaterium".
I suppose Yss technically counts for age?
Aww, no reality-molding stuff?Well, to give the basics?
Surge of Inspiration is mashing Arcane Surge and Inspired Spell together because all of the spells all of the time. This exemplifies how Lya from very early on walked between both worlds of magic, the arcane and the divine, and has come to master both in time. This was where her journey towards becoming a Sage began, and something I see as deeply integral to her myth. Holding arcane power in one hand, and divine in the other, she challenged the world to prove to her why they are meant to be different. So far, it has yet to succeed.
Unbound by Law is, at it's base, Beyond Morality stuck to Perfect Preparation through the lens of how she's dedicated herself so deeply to unravelling the structures of power that bind magic and more in the world. It is how she has forged creations of soulstuff, Outsiders in truth, where so many see the forms of those beings of the Outer Planes as inviolate and unbending. Even in the Abyss, the infinite hall of chaos, there is order in its ranks. Lya, through her Incarnates, has built a new one.
Forge of Creation is where we get Crafting Mastery, and a third of her Mythic Rank in Mythic Item Creation feats, which can be changed through the expenditure of Mythic Power once per...I'm currently looking at week, but I might go to once a month. This is Spark of Creation and her endless fascination with creation of magical artefacts. This goes all the way back to our first creation, made with Velen's help perhaps, but made by us nonetheless. She has always been the crafter of rituals and talisman, that should be recognised.
A Soul's Reach is where I literally copy-paste the Spellguard class feature that lets you convert Personal spells into Touch spells. It also involves the multiple bodies aspect of a Sage, allowing them to basically use Cooperative Crafting but for spellcasting and (maybe) allowing burning of Mythic Power to alter Planar Traits to suit the Traits of the body she wields.
And Akasha...well, consider the word and its connotations. She forges a link to the Akashic Record, the combined knowledge of all life. How this will manifest in terms of mechanics, I'm not sure. But it's going to be hella more flavourful than "Oh yeah you get SR now".
@Azel I believe you had some sketch-thoughts on this. Anything you might have of those would be greatly appreciated.