Please add Greater Arcane Vision first before we dispell if @DragonPardox says we can cast it in the time period
Or, for, and this is potentially a bad suggestion, have it in the vote that we cast Greater Arcane Vision as soon as Viserys realised it was the King's daughter, if that would be ok DP? If timing is an issue wrt current plan. I am
deeply curious about what her parents have seen fit to give her with.
Also, tripwires are a good thing to install when you're heavily warding someone imo, espically when you have several limits on how heavy you can make them due to lack of resources (like Westerosi lacks), so a dispel carries its own risks here, if anyone needs a non-curiosity reason
Assuming that magic hitting royalty or lords here has a chance of pinging on Varys' "web" seems like a reasonable caution to hold imo.
*Reads rest of plan* wtf Azel!? No. Do not traumatise the innocent three year old with an image of a devil. That is a "not ok" thing to do. To see a fiend in its true form is to know its foulness, though one may not have the words to describe it. That's like... A thing. And an image of a devil would have the same effect of wrongness.
I was gonna suggest having it be an invisible monster that Varys' refers to using some polite term/title that would make it clear to a mage what he was taking to, but on further thought, why trumatise this child that far even?
[X] Snowfire
And even then I can see a straight chain of events leading a divination trail straight back to Ellea and thingy martell from this.