Soul destruction isn't kin slaying.

And if worst comes to worst, we can bottle him.

Bottle him up I can get behind. For destroying his soul...... That still doesn't change certain people being upset and angry about it.

Edit: Not sure if people would see it not kinslaying even if its technically true. Still killing his soul.
What would we actually do if Rhaegar was brought back? Can't really kill him. That would be kinslaying and would make certain people upset who Viserys doesn't want to be angry and upset.

.....Man I can just picture Rhaegar walking around our kingdom thinking he owns the place and our citizens would look to see if this is really happening and if so why he thinks that.

What do you think friends are for? Just bemoan the fact that killing one's family is a no-no, even if they are monsters, and give Richard and Garin significant looks :D.
- Deciphering the Golden Egg
- Establish Training Center - SD (Gunners and Engineers)
- Raise Ships
- setting monetary policy for fiat currency

Also these minor actions, if you happen to roll anything special for these otherwise backgroudn things.
-[] Give Flask of False Life to Wyla for further experimentation, sharing current progress with her.
-[] Continue Blood Wishing fertility on everyone who we've previously designated who has not already received it (Serpentfolk, Minotaurs, Pseudodragons, all Hippogriffs, Bone-Breaker the Istaheq, etc.)

I seem to remember we did all the actions mentioned except Deciphering the Golden Egg. We certainly did currency. That was a good part of the interlude that had the rumors in it.
Why would Tiamat not recruit our niece the same way she recruited Dany or for that matter how the old Gods recruited us by bring back her dad. I think we should add tracking or brothers soul down and making sure no one can bring him back to our list of things to do.
It's not that important, we don't want the moron resurrected, but he would be a minor annoyance if it happened, he has no actual chance of claiming our throne.
I seem to remember we did all the actions mentioned except Deciphering the Golden Egg. We certainly did currency. That was a good part of the interlude that had the rumors in it.
...I will not argue here, as I jsut looked at Azel's threadmared post and remembered only some of that stuff :/
It's not that important, we don't want the moron resurrected, but he would be a minor annoyance if it happened, he has no actual chance of claiming our throne. are heavily underestimating the moronic people of westeros and his charisma.
Once we conquer the place, no, he's no threat.

But if he's rezzed while we are in the process?
Well, that's going to be "fun" to deal with.
I don't see any need to soul destroy Rhaegar

Either he gets resurrected after we conquer Westeros (making his claim invalid cause of "lol, I'm THE DRAGON REBORN.") or if brought back before, it was probably someone that we would kill anyways and force us to kill Rhaegar too. Again. And for realsies this time :p
I don't see any need to soul destroy Rhaegar

Either he gets resurrected after we conquer Westeros (making his claim invalid cause of "lol, I'm THE DRAGON REBORN.") or if brought back before, it was probably someone that we would kill anyways and force us to kill Rhaegar too. Again. And for realsies this time :p
What this guy says. The only thing Rhaegar had going for him was his Charisma, and we're superhumanly charismatic. We're already better than him at the one thing he was good at. No point worrying about it. are heavily underestimating the moronic people of westeros and his charisma.
Once we conquer the place, no, he's no threat.

But if he's rezzed while we are in the process?
Well, that's going to be "fun" to deal with.
If he get rezzed before we conquer the place, we find him, capture him and send him off-plane until our claim is secure, if he don't like that then that's his problem.
I don't see any need to soul destroy Rhaegar
I myself see no point either.
A lot of people close to us do care for him.

Bottling his soul and keeping it safe and pointedly not resurrected by anyone untill we conquer everything is a great idea, Imo.

Then rezz him and offer him to take the black, or cyclic reincarnation, because he's still family, although a freaking moron.
Garin I can see doing the killing because we asked but Richard is questionable. He was Rhaegars squire. Also not sure on how he thinks of Rhaegar.

Totally forgot Richard was his squire. That's a fair point, my greater point still stands. Make friends who are willing to kill your horrible family if you need them to so you won't have to do it yourself.

Soul destruction isn't kin slaying.
True death, being the most dead that a thing can be, would therefore be more heavy on the kin-slaying than regular killing. How you can view otherwise suggests to me that we have vastly differing ideas about what True death is, and I am confused and fascinated. This isn't like a challenge or attack*, I am honestly curious about your take on the two death-types and why one is kosher and the other isn't
Because if you convince me that we can true-kill kin, then that makes me much happier. Because not even aging someone to death is a sure way. There's a spell for that :/ (Well, a plot-hook in the form of a spell, you cast it and then beat or do some work for a psychopomp or something)

And unsure how to word this in a way that gets my intent across. Fuck it, I'll make a stab:
"How does your definition of Soul destruction, the complete ending of an existence, not count as slaying someone?"
Or "Why would a rule against killing (regular-style) a group of people not apply to the greater version of killing those people?"

*Can't measure how I'm coming across. (Moreso than usual)
Christ, everything is multi-path and idea-shapes are detaching from their associated words. TO BED!
Also got to consider what others would think if we did something to Rhaegar if brought back. How would Rhaella, Dany, Richard and Rhaenys react? Heck would Viserys even consider the get rid of options if Rhaegar hasn't done something bad when brought back? Viserys has been trying to not think badly of Rhaegar because he doesn't want to hate more family members. Only way I can see Viserys getting rid of Rhaegar is Rhaegar doing something bad and stupid.
I myself see no point either.
A lot of people close to us do care for him.

Bottling his soul and keeping it safe and pointedly not resurrected by anyone untill we conquer everything is a great idea, Imo.

Then rezz him and offer him to take the black, or cyclic reincarnation, because he's still family, although a freaking moron.
Bottling his soul is also not worth the bother, I mean it would be convenient to have it bottled, but it's not worth a fetch-quest to the afterlife, if he should be resurrected we can just imprison him.
Totally forgot Richard was his squire. That's a fair point, my greater point still stands. Make friends who are willing to kill your horrible family if you need them to so you won't have to do it yourself.

True death, being the most dead that a thing can be, would therefore be more heavy on the kin-slaying than regular killing. How you can view otherwise suggests to me that we have vastly differing ideas about what True death is, and I am confused and fascinated. This isn't like a challenge or attack*, I am honestly curious about your take on the two death-types and why one is kosher and the other isn't
Because if you convince me that we can true-kill kin, then that makes me much happier. Because not even aging someone to death is a sure way. There's a spell for that :/ (Well, a plot-hook in the form of a spell, you cast it and then beat or do some work for a psychopomp or something)

And unsure how to word this in a way that gets my intent across. Fuck it, I'll make a stab:
"How does your definition of Soul destruction, the complete ending of an existence, not count as slaying someone?"
Or "Why would a rule against killing (regular-style) a group of people not apply to the greater version of killing those people?"

*Can't measure how I'm coming across. (Moreso than usual)
Christ, everything is multi-path and idea-shapes are detaching from their associated words. TO BED!

Simple. If he's already dead when we destroy his soul, then we aren't making him "extra dead". His life is over, so at worst, we're preventing him from being Resurrected.

This is how I believe the OG would interpret the matter.
The Prince of Dorne sighs: "I think she might still hold a grudge over Rhaegar." Judging from the momentary darkening of his expression you suspect he had to bite back some uncomplimentary remark about your elder brother. Probably an accurate one if you are being honest with yourself. "Odd for one so young..."

We were all hoping this wouldn't happen.
Simple. If he's already dead when we destroy his soul, then we aren't making him "extra dead". His life is over, so at worst, we're preventing him from being Resurrected.

This is how I believe the OG would interpret the matter.
It's called the afterlife for a reason, with life being just as important as after, it's after your mortal body's life, but your soul is still living, destroying his soul is soul-killing him, which is killing him a second time.

Making resurrection harder is not killing, but destroying the soul is.
Simple. If he's already dead when we destroy his soul, then we aren't making him "extra dead". His life is over, so at worst, we're preventing him from being Resurrected.

This is how I believe the OG would interpret the matter.

Well. That... Didn't occur to me. Simple to you, but i've been failing to sleep for some time now!

All of my arguments were based on ensouled body (living/undead) -> feed to Yss/equivalent action. Getting the soul, while it's dead and ending it is something I did not consider.

Just... Let's run "What does Viserys think the OG will thank of this" by DP before embarking on a plan that has this as a major component, shall we? Viserys' dad might still count as his dad untill the soul is reborn in another body. ;)
@Goldfish, could you finish up our Fungus Forge order? Only your part is still missing.
Four of my Advanced Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Rays is what I would want to finish the order. The left over corpse HD after that isn't enough for another one. Unless we want to pay the difference? I'm that case, five would be great.

Advanced Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Ray (CR 6)
Size/Type: Colossal Plant (Aquatic, Augmented)
Hit Dice: 12d8+120 (174 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: Swim 180 ft.
AC: 21 (-8 Size, +2 Dex, +17 Natural), Touch 4, Flat-Footed 19
Base Attack +9
Attack: Tail Slap +18 (2d6+25)
Space: 30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities, Trample (2d8+25, DC 33)
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5, DR 15/Magic, Plant Immunities, SR 17, Blindsense 30 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +6, Will +9
Abilities: Str 44, Dex 15, Con 31, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 13
Skills: Listen +20, Spot +20, Survival +20, Swim +40; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim
Feats: Ability Focus (Sunburst), Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Entangle), Swim-by-Attack
Languages: Aquan, Common, Sylvan
Alignment: Neutral

Immunities (Ex): Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Rays are immune to mind-effecting affects (Charms, Compulsions, Morale effects, Patterns, and Phantasms), Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, and Stun. They are also Immune to Disease.

Acute Senses (Ex): Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Rays can instantly sense anything within 60 feet; they cannot be flanked or surprised and gain Improved Uncanny Dodge as if they possessed rogue levels equal to their Hit Dice. They can also detect invisible foes or opponents in obscuring conditions allowing them to strike without any miss chance.

Trample (Ex): As a Full-Round Action, a Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Ray can attempt to Overrun any creature that is Gargantuan-sized or smaller. This works just like the Overrun combat maneuver, but the Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Ray does not need to make a check, it merely has to move over opponents in its path. Targets of the Trample suffer 2d8+25 points of damage. Targets of the Trample can attempt a DC 33 Reflex save to take half damage. A Plant-Imbued Gigantean Manta Ray can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.

Spell–Like Abilities (CL 12): At will: Freedom of Movement (Self and passengers only), 3/Day: Quickened Entangle(DC 16), Magic Fang, 1/Day: Sunburst(DC 25), Tree Stride(Aquatic Plants Only)
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