Man, all the table lore I want to share with you guys.
From the previous group of the guys I play with, there was another guy, let's call him 'D'. You see, D GM'd multiple games for them, because I guess this table just didn't have a dedicated DM and I am fairly sure everyone has put on the DM hat at least once. I actually think cumulatively D's games tended to last longer just because he wouldn't lose interest in story telling.
I digress, D had a Plot. You see, in this Plot, which kept rearing its head in his campaigns, the party would have to go to a place. We're going to call it Magic Island.
And on Magic Island, a certain number of riffs and keys were hit.
But it all boils down to this, there'd be a young heroine, there would be a contrivance that forces you down a certain path, and some weird ass encounters would happen basically centered around being a mindfuck.
One day, when being told a D story, I blurted out the following realization: "Star Wars: The Last Jedi made this entire fucking plot."
Picture the entire first half of that movie. Old man. Island with mysterious stuff on it. Janky ass acid trip quasi-mystic shenanigans.
They never did finish that Star Wars campaign of theirs, and
one has to wonder...