Frankly I'll consider it a win as long as we get that demon. I honestly don't care about the people here. It would have been nice to have new minions, but we don't need them.

[X] TotallyNotEvil
Edit. Oh shit. I thought I'm gonna finish it today, seeing as I'm on page 9 hundred-ish and there's only 1k pages but then I squinted my eyes and realised that there's 10k pages.


Boy, are you in for a hell of a ride.
Should the poor lad really have to wade through all that salt though?
Needs to build up resistance, tho.
Fyi your name autocorrected to "Totally prevail" :whistle:
worked alone or in pairs as to not draw attention to our activities.
Slipped into first person.
send teams into the each of the entrances to the sewers t
Extra "the".
began. "These things have stalked the people in this city for months without our knowledge, we will not allow their deaths to go unavenged".
This bit is weird, I initially thought he wouldn't let the monster's deaths go unavenged. Should probably finish with them stalking the city for months without their knowledge, as it goes well with the initial "be wary", the "these things are dangerous/sneaky" goes unsaid but clearly heard.

I would give for advice, besides what's already said:
1) It's sometimes repetitive. You often say things like "he was serious about this, as he had brought in help to deal with this". Instead of saying "when he entered the room, he saw that", you could say "entering the room, he saw that" or "he could see the Maester was serious about this, having brought in outside help [to deal with it]."
2) The dialogue is somewhat stilted. Build up the scene some more.
3) Somewhat related to 2, but you could use some extra verbs and adverbs here and there. "A mighty thrust", "a hefty blow", "fast as a viper, he strikes", "darkness loomed beyond the pooled light of their lanterns", "he furiously stomped on the chittering masses", "his gaze sharpened as he leaned forward, drawing the other's attentions to his next words."

In general, describe and qualify how and what people are doing, as to better paint the scene, you get me? Flesh things out, otherwise it feels rushed and disconnected.

Instead of going blow-for-blow in a somewhat repetitive fashion, try to condense things. Roll the combat while jotting down the rolls to help you keep track of what happened, and then build a narrative around the results. For example, while Ser Richard can land four attacks in a round, he often decapitates or disembowels foes "in a single strike", even as sometimes he "rains blows down upon the demon".

It's very, very hard to pull a blow-by-blow battle scene. If you want to do it, I recommend reading Cornwell's Saxon Chronicles, as you all but feel the mud on your boots and the blood on your face as you struggle mightily upon the shield wall, swords flashing and axes biting, the screams of the dying only drowned by the dim of battle.
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Don't you dare toy with my feelings. Just come out and say it.

He's talking about. Fucking. WISPS. :mad:

There is not a Hell cold enough for them.
[X] Retcon: No Retcon.

One of the things that I dislike about this quest is the number of retcons.

[X] TotallyNotEvil
They can be part of the greater action, gaining fealty of the Shadow Court. ATM aren't they operating within Braavos as essentially sovereign? We will be inheriting whatever the arrangement is quite soon.
[X] Retcon: No Retcon.

One of the things that I dislike about this quest is the number of retcons.

[X] TotallyNotEvil
[X] Retcon: Screw you guys, retcons are a great thing, and you are wrong.
-[X] No retcon, but only because I don't particularly care about this arc at all.
10207 pages in, we have produced a lot of hilarious posts.
What is the funniest thing posted in the thread, people?

In my opinion it's Azel's amazing way to resolve a squabble between France and Germany: "I'll meet you in Belgium".

Second place goes to whoever first thought of the Aurane-meter.
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10207 pages in, we have produced a lot of hilarious posts.
What is the funniest thing posted in the thread, people?

In my opinion it's Azel's amazing way to resolve a squabble between France and Germany: "I'll meet you in Belgium".

Second place goes to whoever first thought of the Aurane-meter.
The Old Gods are training.
10207 pages in, we have produced a lot of hilarious posts.
What is the funniest thing posted in the thread, people?

In my opinion it's Azel's amazing way to resolve a squabble between France and Germany: "I'll meet you in Belgium".

Second place goes to whoever first thought of the Aurane-meter.
Are you sure it is a good idea to encourage me to do more shitposting?

Also, there has been a great many good memes that are all but forgotten by now.
- the Demon Brothel / Whorsthouse
- using Wisps as nightlights by stuffing them in a fishbowl
- Bob The Huecuva
- using dead enemies as sock-puppets
That's actually a joke stolen from Order of the Stick, right?

Oooh, I loved the rap battle with Grey Worm. DP was writing a great social combat, then suddenly someone said "rap battle" and the thread utterly lost the mood but made everything a million times better. Great stuff there, whoever thought of it.