Wouldn't a new T3 Card be better than His sword? It would serve us very well to defend the ritual, and we could keep it after.
To clarify, the underlying problem is that if we can't trust him to be cooperative in the performance of the ritual in general, any weapon he gives us as a favor is still a weapon he theoretically controls, and can take away from us or even turn against us at will. Whether he loans us a sword or an agent or a legion of angels, the underlying problem is the same.

We need to be sure he is actually willing to cooperate in principle before worrying about securing specific favors.
I know it isn't going to work like this but I suddenly can't help but imagine Ynnead's avatar as a tiny gothic lolita elf girl who called Pandora "big sister".

Like I know that isn't how it works, but Ynnead will be a much younger god and Pandora would be her sempai. Plus it would be funny to see the aneurysms that some of the Eldar would get if their new head god is basically our adopted little sister.

It is never going to happen but it is a hilarious thought.
Dunno if it's gunna be the same here, but in canon Ynnead got married to Morai-Heg and fathered several daughters on her thanks to Warp atemporal shenanigans. So he's presumably a dude.
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To clarify, the underlying problem is that if we can't trust him to be cooperative in the performance of the ritual in general, any weapon he gives us as a favor is still a weapon he theoretically controls, and can take away from us or even turn against us at will. Whether he loans us a sword or an agent or a legion of angels, the underlying problem is the same.

We need to be sure he is actually willing to cooperate in principle before worrying about securing specific favors.
Yeah, I know what you meant to say and completely agree with you that we should keep a Favor in reserve until we're sure Big E doesn't have a problem with Ynnead. I was saying that if we don't the Favor for that, a second T3 would be a better choice than the sword.
It's not like we can bring all of our Agents and Assets with us. We need Celestine to handle the AdMech concessions this turn, the Vangorich Legion should still be keeping the Black Imperium in check, and frankly I want Mona to get to work on politically subverting the Navis Nobilite (or, failing that, do something like reform the Schola Progenium/Telepathica). Wouldn't mind having the Cadian 8th work with Celestine, frankly.

But I'm absolutely in favor of Pandora spending 8-9 years of this turn on Ynnead, and we still have Battlefleet Cadmus, Saya, the Starlit Circle... also Kaldor Draigo (who should be either fighting the Black Imperium or helping at the ritual), plus Sanguinius in our retinue.
Concerning the AdMech concessions, can Celestine take care of it by herself? Because given the stakes involved, it would be safer either to dedicate 1 Pandora AP to it or give her help.
So here's the issue I see. The last Phoenix King was completely powerless to stop the Fall of the Eldar and the current usurper is hated by all of the survivors who are doing whatever they can to buck it's authority.

So it's a bit of a hollow mantle at the moment, don't you think?
Legitimacy is legitimacy. If one can bring a worthy heir, that challenges the claim and brings dignity back to the title. The reign of a false emperors and walords all serve to highlight the glory of the Returned Legitimate Emperor.
Battlefleet Cadmus and the Cadian regiment
You want sent mortals to a greatest battle in the warp (if we go with Ultuan) since the fall if not necron invasion?!
Let me be clear I personaly think that battlefleet and cadians being put under Celestine for obligations is better option than sending them to a t3 battle. Also, I agree that mona should play politics with navigators so we can avoid the stress break
You want sent mortals to a greatest battle in the warp (if we go with Ultuan) since the fall if not necron invasion?!
Let me be clear I personaly think that battlefleet and cadians being put under Celestine for obligations is better option than sending them to a t3 battle. Also, I agree that mona should play politics with navigators so we can avoid the stress break
I agree the Cadians are unlikely to survive, but Battlefleet Cadmus absolutely can. More than that, we need our own space forces. Otherwise the Choas forces attacking can bomb the ritual site from orbit with only Lily running interference.
Ok, so, arguments for ensuring that Ynnead is born that the Emperor will hopefully be appeased by...

1: Ynnead's birth will cut off one of Slaannesh's main sources of power, that being their connection to the Eldar. This will result in a noticeable, if admittedly not that significant, weakening of one of the Four.
2: Ynnead will fight against the Four in general, and Slaannesh in particular, opening up a new front in the War on Chaos that the Emperor doesn't have to fight.
3: Having another non-Chaos God around will allow for us to get them to do things for us, like having Ynnead fix Guilliman.
4: The Eldar will owe us for a VERY long time for helping them get their new god.
While 1 and 2 are fair points, I think 3 runs into 'The Emperor already could heal Gulliman anyway' and 4 runs into 'The Emperor cannot into diplomacy' (See how he hid the Throne Trap thing from us).

I think it would be wiser to use the Emperor Favor in an orthogonal way - Make him grab more of Chaos' attention or attack a spot that will make Chaos much more interested in that place.
I agree the Cadians are unlikely to survive, but Battlefleet Cadmus absolutely can. More than that, we need our own space forces. Otherwise the Choas forces attacking can bomb the ritual site from orbit with only Lily running interference.
I disagree, while Battlefield Cadmus is strong, it is weak compared to the fleets Eldar can bring especially if they risk bringing a craftworld or multiple.
It is mostly crewed by mortals and we didn't have time to ward it correctly
I disagree, while Battlefield Cadmus is strong, it is weak compared to the fleets Eldar can bring especially if they risk bringing a craftworld or multiple.
It is mostly crewed by mortals and we didn't have time to ward it correctly
BC is not weak by any metric, not even compared to Eldar fleets. We also don't know how many ressources the Eldars will be able to dedicate to the ritual, they're stretched even thinner than us. Given the importance of the ritual fir us and the danger it represents for Choas, we can't take the risk of not having extra ships in orbit to help.

The Eldars won't bring Craftworlds. They can't move at lightspeed or enter the Webway, and even if they could no Eldars would bring their home and its Infinity Circuit near the greatest concentration of Slaaneshi forces in recent history.

The Eldars ships are also crewed by mortals, and would face the exact same problem as BC.
BC is not weak by any metric, not even compared to Eldar fleets. We also don't know how many ressources the Eldars will be able to dedicate to the ritual, they're stretched even thinner than us. Given the importance of the ritual fir us and the danger it represents for Choas, we can't take the risk of not having extra ships in orbit to help.

The Eldars won't bring Craftworlds. They can't move at lightspeed or enter the Webway, and even if they could no Eldars would bring their home and its Infinity Circuit near the greatest concentration of Slaaneshi forces in recent history.

The Eldars ships are also crewed by mortals, and would face the exact same problem as BC.

Eldar ships are much better warded against warp-based dangers since they... I believe the technical term is 'know what the F they are doing', which cannot be said for the IoM when it comes to the warp.
I think that ships in general might be a bad idea. Because we are talking about the Deep Warp:
On a whim I followed it while Lily visited the Crone World and braved many dangers as I delved deeper and deeper into the Warp. But I found it, in a place so deep that not even Gods enter carelessly."
Not sure how far down it is, but it sounds pretty deep. And ships generally, be they Imperium or Craftworlder -made? Are not exactly rated for such depths.
I think that ships in general might be a bad idea. Because we are talking about the Deep Warp:

Not sure how far down it is, but it sounds pretty deep. And ships generally, be they Imperium or Craftworlder -made? Are not exactly rated for such depths.
Wouldn't that leave us pretty bare of troops to defend the ritual? Because survival chances in the Warp looks grim except for Devas and Heroes.