Lobby for collars
DC 80(Zootopia)/100(America)
97+40(Bellwether Diplomacy Stat) -44(1/2 of Hard Hitting Journalism)=93!
Result: Collar Opinion is grimly optimistic in zootopia but looked down on by the United States as a whole.
Mayor Bellwether isn't happy AT ALL about this turn of events.
It sucks quite a bit, that she was able to lobby for those fucking TAME Collars at all, but at least our Kamp Krusty shenanigans as well as the Mystery Box from that Kent Brockman omake indirectly caused her ridiculous Diplo score of 40 to effectively be *negated* and those collars to stay confined to Zootopia itself
...also allows me to think a bit more about how to write a certain character in that Candace follow-up omake I am planning to write some time in the future (although rn, it looks like STACY will be the main PoV character instead of Candace herself^^)
Finish up making their first Animated Show
??? + ??? = 107
Since I keep forgetting which of the relatively new Kings is behind Leviathan, I don´t really have anything to say about that one except voicing relief that at least some Toons are able to still work in their rpoper profession despite Dooms speciesist lobbying.
Get ??? Out of ???
DC 95
??? + ??? = 112
Random Event Roll:
Reward: Abe gains a hillbilly Army! (And his first unit, we'll explain in a later turn) which can be assigned to martial actions fighting in or near Springfield for a bonus of +10!
Dang - looks like the FEds finally managed to retrieve whatever-the-fuck was being kept by Cletus´ brood (no way in hell is he JUST a "cousin" to most of them^^)
But at least that - in combination with our little trip to Kamp Krusty paying even more dividends - convinced the Spuckler clan throw their weight behind our cause, which should allow us to literally punch a bit above our weight class.
...and damn if we don´t need that for a certain big problem next turn - but more on THAT whole shitshow soon...
Build the Freezer with ???!
DC 120
Abe Intrigue Check
Does Abe notice?
DC 100
Result: 13(Roll)+16(Abe intrigue)+30(The Finale Spy Master bonus)+3(Loyalty)=62
Guess the government is finally taking things seriously you guess?
So far Shego hasn't made any public statement about the prison, but you can't help but wonder how she will respond to this?
Hmmmm, since there was an Intrigue check that we failed, I guess that this "Freezer" is either a scam and PR gag or genuine but made with Masquerade-straining stuff - either way, not much we can do about and with it rn.
We´re planning our own Prison Improvement to keep those like Gill under lock and key anyway, so...-shrugs-
Result: 22
While that was happening, Danville and nearby locations were suffering from an unexpected case of…raining gnomes?!
You don't understand how it happened, but reports said that gnomes started falling from the sky in waves, causing countless proprietary damage and blocking up roads and streets. While luckily nobody was hurt too badly because of this unexpected phenomena, the citizens are a tad bit annoyed and scared of what happened.
DEI promised to fix all the damage this incident caused as well as repay the cost of fixes and rebuildings.
...the Doofster just hasn´t got much luck with his Inators, does he?
At least this time we aren´t the ones having to weather that BS...
Leviathan Corp
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
??? + ??? = 34
DEI (Doofensmirthz)
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
??? + ??? = 82
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
??? + ??? = 78
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
???+??? = 62
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
??? + ??? = 104
KRONOS CORP (Syndrome)
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
??? + ??? = 131
GLOMGOLD INDUSTRIES (Flintheart Glomgold)
Find the Birthday Bandit
DC 120
??? + ??? = 127
...*holy shitballs*
Everyone and their fucking grandma seems to be gunning for the Birthday Bandit rn, huh?
In terms of failures to find him, we got Leviathan (who really shat the bed and might have to do some damage control to counteract their falling stocks), Doof (whom we now can confirm has got Mirage on his payroll again - is that just a coincidence or actual Gridlocked canon of her comingunder his aegis?), Shego, the Feds (just barely not crit-failing as well - really not their run rn either, with everything going on) and *fucking XANATOS of all people* (then again, he doesn´t seem to have gone all in with his Intrigue moxie and still came within spitting distance of making it, so it´s still par for the course for him)... meaning that we don´t have to throw down with any of those Kings on top of Burns (I really don´t want that wannabe-Lich get that much dosh to get back into the game again AT ALL, thanks very much)
Good for our chances, but that still leaves two other competitors to be concerned about...
*Glomgold and Syndrome himself*
While I am not too concerned about GG (although his ruthlessness definitely can rival that of Burns and he can just bury us in hired goons with his Stew score of "YES"), Syndrome has got me worried a lot because if nothing else, I totally expect him to backstab anyone (while of course still maintaining plausible deniability) who brings the Bandit to him - that and he just so happens to be one of the punchiest KKings on the board Martial-wise.
With all of this in mind, we need to cram Willie (OUR punchiest Martial Operative aside from a *Very situational* Finale) full of omake buffs - as many as we can get, preferably - as well as have Cletus´ Hillbilly Horde accompany him. This way, I am expecting us to have a *genuine chance* at grabbing the Bandit in what´s probably going a *five-way Martial contest* (Syndrome vs. us vs. Burns vs Glomgold vs. the Bandit) - meaning that every combattant got a base chance of 1-in-5 to win!
...just imagine if *Every Player we know of had succeeded their respective "Find the Bandit" NA* - that would have increased the total amount of combattants to *frigging TEN*
Damn, we came relatively close to having to compete in what would essentially have been *A proper Battle Royale* - but even with "only" the five of use, this NA resulting in an Interlude (maybe even a mini-Adventure!) is almost a certainty, no matter who rolls what^^