[X] Plan Action Surge
-[X] National Actions
–[X] Martial: Upgrade Your Security Force (DC 60)
=25(Roll)+24(ABE MARTIAL)=49. Failure
While you waited for the rest of your employees to get their issues in order to go on a mission to rescue your grandkids, you decided to be as productive as you could be, meaning trying to train these whippersnappers how to kick ass!
To achieve that, you drew upon your experience in basic training in the military to show them how it's done. Heck you even have an obstacle course made in the parking lot!
Unfortunately…the workers didn't take well to this training, some tried to follow the routine, but after a few days no one have managed to complete even a single lap.
You might need to rethink your strategy.
Results: Power Plant security guards still need training. DC reduced by 10 for next turn.
–[X] Diplomacy: Talk With The Duck Girl (DC 70) (Flanders)
To be continued in "Duck Duck Gospel …"
–[X] Diplomacy: Restructure The PR Department (DC 90) (Free) (2 Income)
When you set your mind on restructuring your PR department, you can admit without fault that you had no idea where to start with.
One thing was for sure though, the current people working there had to change their tune fast or they would have to go.
So, you took some time to sat down with them and tell them straight that with you in the wheels here things would definitely be different that how Burns did things, either they could accept that and help you move the company how you wished or they could leave.
Most of them accepted the news quite well, 1 or 2 guys decided to leave, but that was okay.
Next you began working with them to make sure a new brand image could be made for the Power Plant, one that was more aligned to your vision that was the previous owner did.
At first you thought things would be smooth sailing from here once you sorted them out and could leave them to their devices, but apparently, public relations are nowhere easy. They required lots of research and resources, heck they apparently even opened a social media account for the Power Plant.
At the end of the second month, while rushed and even though pretty sure you could have done it better, your Power Plant had a new PR department ready to work!
Results: PR Department renovated! Second National Diplomacy Action Unlocked! Following Vote to Rename the Power Plant if wished. Head of PR Position unlocked!
[] {New Name for the Company} Keep it the same.
[] {New Name for the Company} Choose a new one.
-[] {Write in}
QM Note:
Congratulations! You have Unlocked your first Position!
Positions are basically posts in a certain department or area, where the one assigned to it can exercise a bit more authority and power than your average worker. Those positions are obviously meant to be filled by a Hero Unit of your choosing.
Assigning a Hero Unit to a Position brings several benefits to you guys. For starters, depending on the Hero placed, they will apply a particular trait or bonus to your whole Power Plant!
Whoever is currently placed in a Position of a Head of a Department, can act as a normal Hero Unit, can be placed to act in National Actions, go to Adventures, and do their personals like normal. BUT, if you wish so, by giving up their ability to act on a National or go to an Adventure that turn, you can instead have them apply half of their particular stat that their position is related to instead of Abe's when rolling. And if you give up their ability to take a Personal Action that turn too, you apply their full bonus! As the worker focuses full time on their assigned job, Crunch time!
One thing to take note is that you can't have a Head of Department take the last option (Ignore personal action to apply full bonus), twice in a row. Need to wait another turn before using it once again.
As you have unlocked the Head of PR department Position, you can choose a Hero Unit right now to be assigned! Take in mind, Every Hero Unit has particular positions they can only be chosen for, meaning don't be surprised if they aren't available to be chosen for another one, either because they don't want to work there, or Abe thinks they aren't a good fit for it.
Current Options:
[] {Head of PR}Flanders:
Bonus he provides: Doubles opinion gains and halves opinion maluses.
[] {Head of PR} Mona: When doing any National Diplomacy opposed roll against someone else/faction, opposition gets a -10 to the roll.
–[X] Stewardship: Buy Moe's Tavern (DC 30) (1 Income)
Once you learned that your son's favorite bar was in financial trouble, you didn't think twice about what to do.
So, after you told the guys to get ready you set out to Moe's in order to buy it. Luckily, you had met the guy before, so it was rather easy to buy the tavern from him.
At first, he was worried that you were kicking him out from there, but once you calmed his worries, he was fully on board for you to become the new owner. You would pay the bills while hiring him to continue doing his job as usual. It was a win-win situation for everyone!
Speaking of which, once you took a good look at the tavern, you decided it could use some renovations, so, without worrying about the expenses you decided to renovate the place, makings sure the place looked as new as if it was just made yesterday! Heck, you even gave Moe enough money to be able to buy the good stuff for his customers, top shelf only!
While you seemed to be on a roll you decided to keep going. For the lack of customers, you decided to give discounts to all Power Plant employees that went there, alongside other benefits, to motivate more people than your son and Carl and Lenny to go there daily.
And with your new PR department, you make sure everyone knows of this place. With all of that, you expected for the tavern to become popular in no time!
So far, the results have spoken for themselves. Place seems to be busting with people every day, so bad, that Moe is considering hiring some people to lend him a hand.
Boy, its good when things work out in the end, isn't that right?
Moe has been so grateful for the attention you have given his tavern that he let you into a little secret… apparently there's a secret organization composed of Bartenders called "The Confidential"!
They are a really obscure organization, where almost no outsiders are allowed, but he thinks that if you can help some of the other members with their business as you did with his you could make some nice friends.
Reward: Acquired Moe's Tavern! After a quick renovation the place is better than ever and has once again become one of the most famous locations of the city! Increased income gain by 1! Recruited Moe Szyslak as a Hero Unit! National Action Unlocked to reach out to "The Confidential" unlocked!
–[X] Stewardship: Bribe Quimby (DC 5) (Jasper Bonus) (1 Income/turn until stopped)
To be continued in Interlude "Money Talks…"
–[X] Stewardship: Restructure The Power Plant Administration (DC 110) (Free) (2 Income) (Apu)
=51(ROLL)+8(ABE STEWARDSHIP)+25(APU STEWARDSHIP)+20(Omake bonus from radioxaxa)+2(LOYALTY)=106. BARE FAILURE.
For his first task, you asked Apu to focus his efforts on reorganizing the administration of the power plant, and he happily accepted the orders. You gave him a budget and told him you wanted this done by the end of the second month. You were pretty sure he had this on the bag.
Unfortunately, while Apu is a diligent worker, it was a bit too much for him to finish in the set time. Company was just too big for him to finish reorganizing, he made greats strides to set everything up, but there's still work to do.
Result: Power Plant Administration not properly upgraded yet, DC halved to 55.
–[X] Intrigue: Look Into Burns (Contested Intrigue) (Mona)
DC: 14(Roll)+27(Burns)+22(Grimes Jr.)+2(Loyalty)=65
To be continued in Interlude "Burns of the Third Degree…"
–[X] Intrigue: Create Your Own Spy Network (DC 100) (Free) (2 Income)
You decided that now was the time to make your own spy network…thought that was easier said than done, you have zero idea where to start with this!
With no one to help you decided to draw upon your knowledge of military intelligence and a load of spy movies you watched the other day on your T.V.
For starters you began hiring several people who wouldn't mind skulking around and doing any type of dirty work. Fat Tony was able to point out to a few people as he continued his search for one of his former mafia members.
Now that you have some people you need to find ways for them to relay information to you carefully and with the least risks possible…so you decided to employ one of the most reliable ways to deliver intel safely…. Homing Pigeons.
It took several weeks and loads of cash to train them, but in no time, you had dozens of pigeons that could go anywhere and deliver any intel without worries. You mean, come on, who is going to suspect a pigeon of being a spy?
With your agents and pigeons ready to deploy you were feeling like in one of those Bond Movies.
Results: Second Intrigue National Action Unlocked! Spymaster Position unlocked!
Choose a Hero Unit to work on this position, whoever you place will add their Intrigue Bonus to opposed Intrigue rolls against people trying to infiltrate the Power Plant.
[] {Spymaster} Mona:
+15 bonus when infiltrating another king's organization or acting against government/corporations.
[] {Spymaster} The Finale:
At the start of each turn, The Finale will do an opposed Intrigue roll to try and find any intruders or hidden factions in Springfield. (Roll would be applying only The Finale Stats. Basically The Finale rolls Intrigue, and thats the DC, every person or faction hiding in the city has to roll and pass that DC to not be found by him).
[] {Spymaster} Fat Tony:
Adds intrigue score stat to DC for enemies to infiltrate Springfield or to do actions inside of it.
–[X] Learning: Upgrade The Plant's Waste Disposal Methods (DC 45) (Frink)
Frink started this project by asking if your company actually has an official waste disposal site. It was a formality, really.
Anyone who's lived in Springfield knows that's burns negligence in this department was less of an "open secret" and more a fact of life. Hundreds, maybe thousands of barrels could be found scattered across the neighboring counties for any Tom, Dick, and Larry to stumble upon. And when they did, burns always managed to get away with it by bending the law around his knee.
But he wasn't in charge now. And it just so happens that many local scientists have been itching for an excuse to rework this nadir of nuclear negligence for...n'decades, you included. Better barrels, transports, storage, the whole nine yards.
Surprisingly, there are official waste disposal sites for the company. Dozens, in fact. Each with a land-based "margin for error" clause that could absolutely NOT be legal.
You eventually narrow the list down to the safest, most secure place in the books...the Official Springfield Toxic Wastedump[
Springfield Toxic Waste Dump - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki]. Really? You honestly thought that was a front.
Sometime later...
You're about to inspect some barrels when the custom, ultrasensitive Geiger counter in your pocket bellows like a rainstorm in a labcoat. Quick inspection shows that the barrels do barely enought to contain the radiation
A better one shows that the waste shouldn't be nearly as potent
Rewards: increased opinion with Springfield and the government. [-10 DC on Upgrade Your Power Reactor from finding out that is hasn't been draining its isotopes to the fullest and -10 DC to Nuclear Neotypes 1(?!?) from having Very Reasonable questions about how much radiation you're being exposed to and how you're not dead yet]
–[X] Occult: Look For Magically Inclined People (DC 50)
=37(ROLL)+0(ABE OCCULT)+10(Omake bonus from nightmaster)=47. BARE FAILURE.
You tried your best to put the word out there you could use those knowledgeable in magic. You got some funny looks, but you were more than used to that.
Unfortunately, no one responded before you finished setting up for your mission. Unfortunate, but you supposed it happening immediately was a bit of a long shot anyways.
At the very least you wouldn't have to worry about Flanders being salty at you for now.
Results: Magically Inclined People still needed to be obtained. DC halved to 25.
-[X] Personal Actions
–[X] Abe
—[X] Hire Willie=AUTOSUCCESS
Well you decided to hire that groundskeeper that works at Bart and Lisa's school and after checking the phone book, then giving up and phoning the school to ask them what's Willie's phone number and home, then finding out he doesn't have a home and lives in a shack.
You eventually decided "blast it" and went to the school to find him yourself, which is now why you're in his shack drinking whisky (Scotlands national drink according to him) from his private booze storage with him.
"Ach so you finally came crawling to wille did yer! Will willie don't need yer fancy paying job or yer fancy 3 window gardening shack with a fireplace!"
"Um I don't think it has a fireplace or anything to heat it up besides some heaters-"
"...Alright then...can I take some of this liquor with me or…?"
"Ach take as much as yer want wille has plenty more stashed away, infact here take some Irn Bru ter help with the hangover yer going get, it's Scotlands other national drink"
"you have 2 national drinks?"
"Aye one gives yer a hangover the other cures it."
REWARD: new hero unit unlocked!; Willie (HE'S SCOTTISH!)
—[X] Spend Time With Your Son
=ROLL WITH ADVANTAGE (Omake bonus from radioxaxa):
Once you finished ordering the last tasks to your workers, Fat Tony, Wilhelm, The Finale and You were ready to depart.
As you exited the Power Plant Building and approached the parking lot, you could see the guys waiting for you in the company issued car. Well, only Fat Tony and The Finale, Wilhelm was waiting besides them, mounted on his horse, he seemed really happy to be able to ride again.
As you entered the passengers' seat car, Fat Tony, who was in the driver's seat, spoke to you. "Are you ready to depart, boss?" He asks as he bites hard into one of his cigars, a foul mood apparent on him.
You suppose that with his son Michael being also in the Kamp and the recent fiasco he suffered with Jasper, he really wasn't having a good time.
You shake your head. "Not yet, there is one last stop we need to do." You say as you put on your seat belt. "Drive us to my son's house, I'm bringing his fat ass to this mission one way or another."
You tried to reach out to your son and tried to recruit him to save the kids, but the guy is as stubborn as you and refuses to give you a chance to talk. You are out of time now, you and him are going to have words NOW.
Fat Tony nods, not feeling that chatty today, as he starts the car, the sound of the ignition. The sound wakes up The Finale, who was sleeping in the backseat hugging his rifle.
And with the Kaiser following behind the car while riding his horse and doing Cowboy noises, you set up to recruit your son.
As you arrive to your son's residence, you exit the car in a swift move and with firm and determined steps you reach his house and begin ringing the bell to his door.
You do it once, twice and thrice, and wait a few seconds, expecting him or his wife to open up the door, but after a minute nothing happens.
You began then knocking on the door, trying to get their attention.
"Homer! It's me!" You shout as you continue knocking on the door, harder each time. "I know you don't want anything to do with me, but I'm dragging you with us to rescue your children!" You continue shouting as you are literally hitting at the door right now.
After that you wait there, supporting yourself on the door as you gasp for breath and hold your crazy beating-heart. You need a moment to recover.
But, even with all your shouting, no one comes to open the door, what's going on here?!
As your thoughts continue to darken, you hear a voice to your right reach out. "Um, sir, are you alright?"
You turn your head to look at were the voice come from and you are surprised to see a man standing outside the door of the house next door.
Uh, you thought that house was abandoned, you don't remember anyone living in it for a while now. Wonder when that changed.
As you ponder that, you realize you have been staring at him for a while now, an expression of weariness in his face.
Quickly you answer him. "Um, yeah, of course I am. Just…family issues, y'know?" You give a weak laugh as you rub your head and look to the side.
"If you say so pal?" He says while arching an eyebrow. As you look at him again, you get a better picture of how he looks. The man is in his forties or fifties most likely, has a muscular appearance and some good height on him. He shares with your son baldness and overweight but doesn't seem to be as bad as Homer's. He still has some blond hair as the back and sides of his head, and he is wearing jeans and a red shirt.
"Um…sorry but what's your name?" You ask a bit lost. "Last I remember, no one lived in that house, you new?"
"Yeah." He says as he crosses his arms and watches you. "Name's Robert Duncan, me and my family just moved here a week ago." He comments as he tries to put a friendly expression. "If, you don't mind me asking, what are you looking Homer for?"
You remember how you acted just now…and couldn't help but grimace.
"S-Sorry for the commotion. "You say a bit ashamed. "Just, having a rough patch with my son you know?" You say, thought it feels like a weak excuse. "Have you seen my son? I kind of need his help with something."
"Unfortunately, he and Marge haven't been here since the morning." Robert informs you as he relaxes a little. "They went out to look for a lawyer or something. I didn't understand very well what they were up to." He says with a shrug.
You couldn't help but sigh and stare at the ground at hearing that. Once again, you tried but failed.
As you start wallowing in sadness, a honk from the car drags you out of your pity party.
"Come on old man! Why are you feeling sappy right now?! We have a Kamp to raid!" Fat Tony shouts as he keeps sounding the horn to grab your attention.
That snaps you out of your thoughts, and with renewed focus you turn back to look at Robert.
"Thanks for your time, sir. If my son comes back, tell him I WILL speak to him later." You say with a nod as you go back to the car.
Robert Duncan on the other hand isn't looking at you anymore, instead, he is staring at the Kaiser riding a Zombie horse, standing near your car. Stupefied expression on his face.
And with that, you enter once again the car, put on your seatbelt, and Fat Tony starts driving, with Kaiser following close behind you.
Continued in Adventure: Fun Times Ahead on Kamp Krusty!
—[X] Hire A Personal Caretaker For Your Manor
----[X] All 3 =AUTOSUCCESS
You had to admit, you were a little nervous. You had no way of knowing who could possibly answer your call for manor Caretakers. But you were no yellow belly! Plus, maybe the company could be good for you…
"Wow! This place is almost as big as Uncle Scrooge's!" A cheerful, loud voice exclaimed from your front door… followed by the sound of something breaking. "...Much less durable though."
"Webbigail!" A feminine British voice scolded.
"Kid, I would prefer if you didn't get us fired before we even began." A tired voice sighed, though there is a weird hint of nostalgia there. Huh. Odd.
"Oh the follies of youth. I still remember Master Fisk's youthful days…" one last voice sighed as well.
You manage to finally make your way to the front door (way too many steps if you did say so yourself) and open it.
The quartet standing there are.. eclectic to say the least. But you are starting to get less and less surprised by these things.
"Salutations, Mr. Simpson. Bates. Pleased to make your accquitance." a small man with an impressive mustache bowed respectfully.
"Hi I'm Webby!" A young duck smiled.
"I am Bentina Beakley. I hope we can have a good working relationship." An older duck said with a firm handshake.
"Yo. I'm Gloria." a purple teenager said with a wave. She was clearly a bit anxious.
"Heh, nice to meet all of you. Uh, got more responses than I was expecting. But the more the merrier! Come in, come in. You know this reminds me of the time…"
The 4 listened politely, though only Webby seemed actually invested in your tale. Eh, still, they seemed like a nice bunch.
Though you actually had a weird feeling… like things weren't so simple…
Then again, what was nowadays?
—[X] Meet The General
To be continued in "Toon-Ten-Hutt"...
–[X] Flanders
—[X] Go To Church
Flanders went to Church apparently (can't say you were surprised).
Apparently he felt the need to repent for allowing a zombie to stay with him, regardless of said zombie's relatively good attitude. If anything, the fact they got along seemed to be stressing Flanders out more!
Reverend Lovejoy said some half hearted mumbo jumbo about God forgiving all that Flanders of course managed to twist into something more positive, though He still seemed mildly distressed.
Oh well, hopefully he figures everything out.
Reward: Flanders went to church and was "comforted" by Reverend Lovejoy, though not much happened.
–[X] Jasper
—[X] Go To The Theater And Watch A Show
Jasper went to the theater to unwind and clear his head after so much hard work. He reported the show he watched was... Ok. A bit long-winded and boring, really.
No, the REAL fun came from some hecklers in a seat that Jasper couldn't see. They seemed to be pros at it!
A few people seemed annoyed, and the performers especially were, but for the most part people seemed to agree with Jasper's take they were livening things up.
Jasper went to make small talk with them, but he just missed them, hearing one last quip beforehand.
"We'd better get going while the going's good."
"If that was the case, we'd never get going at all!"
Reward: Jasper has a decent time at the theater. Personal Action "Try to Talk to the Mysterious Hecklers" unlocked.
–[X] Frink
—[X] Study That Weird Magic Book
=36+10(Omake bonus from radioxaxa)=46
Frink had to admit that despite being a tome of knowledge that spit in the face of science and all that he stood for, it was shockingly easy to read. It was almost insulting how simplistic it all looked.
No, it was infuriating. Brilliant minds could spend years trying to give a man wings and this book could do it in less than a couplet. What a joke.
This made it hard to gleam the deeper mechanics of how each spell worked, but there were plenty to look through, and you had plenty of time
...now if only you could figure out why they didn't always work.
Results: Frink is closer to getting an Occult score!
–[X] Fat Tony
—[X] Find Legs
=2+10(OMAKE FROM TheNotoriousSMP)=12
Fat Tony decides if he's going to assist you in saving the kids (and he seems QUITE determined to do so), he will need some serious help. And there's few people he trusts more than his old comrades.
They had gone dark after the dome incident, cutting off all phone contact. So he couldn't just call them. But Fat Tony was a resourceful, determined man.
He seemingly tracked Legs down to a weird building with Jasper's help.
Unfortunately, turned out it was a strip club called Legs, not his companion. Fat Tony was quite... displeased and he and Jasper almost came to blows before getting... Distracted.
You hope Fat Tony finds his men next time!
Reward: Fat Tony is unable to locate Legs. He's still out there!
–[X] Wilhelm
—[X] Look Out For Your Horse
The Kaiser, upon being informed you wished for him to join you on the raid of Kamp Krusty, nodded and had one thing to say.
"I veed to find mine horse."
And so he traversed Springfield with gusto to track down his equine companion.
He searched far and wide, and eventually he stumbled across a random back alley. There is a familiar snort and the Kaiser smiles.
The Zombie Horse trots out and gasped as the separated duo ran towards each other.
The Kaiser would later report his horse accidentally trampled his legs but hey, it was worth it to have his companion back.
Reward: The Kaiser has been reunited with his Horse! It adds a +5 to long traveling in general and getting over difficult Terrain.
–[X] Mona
—[X] Clean Up The Local Park
To be continued in Interlude "Burns of the Third Degree…"
–[X] Apu
—[X] Spend Time With The Octuplets And Manjula
Apu, after his attempts at restructuring the power plant, wanted to keep trying of course but his family called and you insisted he go be with them instead. He seemed mildly reluctant but eventually relented.
The 10 of them (you will never know How Apu manages that many kids) go out and have a nice time, though nothing out of the ordinary happens.
Well, nothing out of the ordinary for Springfield at least. Apu swears he saw a three-eyed fish in the lake but you weren't very surprised.
REWARD: Apu had a decent time with his family!
–[X] The Finale
—[X] Search The City For Sniper Nests
The Finale wanted to spend the free time he had left before departing by being productive and set himself to look for Sniper Nest so he could be able to use his sniping skills to the best.
Unfortunately, after finding the first spot, on the roof of the power plant, he fell asleep and didn't woke up until it was time to leave.
…Better luck next time.
Result: One sniper nest found…still have the whole city to search thought.
-[X] Blackmail
–[X] Nothing…Yet
-[X] Adventures
–[X] Fun Times Ahead On Kamp Krusty!
—[X] Abe, Fat Tony, Finale, Wilhelm
Adventure Started!
To be continued…