A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

Voting is open
Two months I believe.

Either way, I've actually made a few adjustments to a plan I made previously and I think it's fairly good with something for everyone:

[] Plan Battle Of The Burns
-[] National Actions
–[] Martial: Attack Burns' Base (DC 100) (Wilhelm+Hillbilly Militia)
–[] Martial: Block Off Access To The Cemetery (DC 40) (Quimby Free) (Hunter)
–[] Diplomacy: Reach Out To The Confidential (DC 60) (Fat Tony)
–[] Diplomacy: Reach Out To The Mysterious Senator (DC 50) (Flanders)
–[] Stewardship: Buy The Itchy and Show (DC 40) (1 Income) (Apu)
–[] Stewardship: Collab: Create More Content For Doof TV (Itchy and Scratchy Show) (DC 90) (Moe+Gil)
–[] Stewardship: Build Lemon Farms (DC 20) (Jasper Bonus)
–[] Intrigue: Sabotage Burns' Base (DC 80) (Mona)
–[] Intrigue: Look Further Into The Mysterious Group (DC 65/75/100) (Finale)
–[] Learning: Upgrade Your Power Reactor (DC 70) (Frink)
–[] Occult: Research Necromancy (DC 80) (Crumbs)
–[] Occult: Create Magic Department (DC 100) (Free Action) (2 Income) (Lena)
-[] Personal Actions
–[] Abe
—[] Spend Time With Your Son
—[] Hit Them Books (1/3)
—[] Talk With The General
—[] Is This My Beautiful House?
–[] Jasper
—[] Talk To Those Mysterious Hecklers
–[] Flanders
—[] Set Up A Hang Out Session
–[] Frink
—[] Meeting Of The Minds (Rotwood)
–[] Fat Tony
—[] Find Louie
–[] Kaiser
—[] Get Up To Date In War Tactics
–[] Mona
—[] Talk To Homer
–[] Apu
—[] Visit The Head Of Kwik-E-Mart For Lessons
–[] Finale
—[] Look On Your Own For More Clues About The Insignia
–[] Moe
—[] Practice Voodoo
–[] Willie
—[] Fix Up Your Cameras
–[] Lena
—[] Write An Anonymous Letter To Webby
–[] Prof Crumbs
—[] Play Wizball
–[] Hunter
—[] Hang Out With The Hex Squad
–[] Prof Rotwood
—[] Study With Wilhelm
-[] Blackmail
–[] Nothing…Yet
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I will stick to the first plan that had us buy both shows.

Also talk to Lena in personals, as I said we need to get her loyalty up after all
So it's come to this (non canon) New
So it's come to this

It was a stormy night in the city of Springfield and as the lightning flashed and the thunder boomed the sound of metal against metal echoed in the night air



"Come on old man that all you got!" Called out a smaller form to a taller form both shadowy figures standing opposing the other in the Springfield cemetery their identities at first a mystery before a flash of lightning revealed the figures of Bart Simpson and Sideshow Bob both of them holding a steel blade the older man wearing a menacing glare while the younger shot a mocking grin but with a glint of determination in his eyes

Neither paying heed to the rain or the storm over their heads both of them focused on their opponent and finally ending this blood feud, "If you're trying to make me angry you're wasting your time Bart." Bob said with a smug air as they circle each other each waiting for the right move to strike, "i've come prepared to not let you inside my head....not this time." He said and ended with a threatening glare to the boy that had become the bane of his existence his antithesis, "This time i'll be letting my blade do the thinking!"

He exclaimed lunging forward to stab Bart through the gut


Only for Bart to block and counter with his own sword strike, "Funny so am I!" Bart retorted with a glare and slight smug smirk, "i've been training with the zombie and Hunter for months for this moment." He said jumping back to avoid a slash leaving out he hadn't told either of them his true reasoning for the training merely that he wanted to learn self defense

"Hehe at least you've prepared to meet your end with dignity Bart~" Bob said actually finding himself sharing a smirk with Bart as they once again resume combat



"But must admit I was and am still surprised you confronted me with this offer.." Bob said with a calculating look toward Bart his mind going to when he had been sent on a sabotage mission by that decrepit mummy Burns to sabotage the celebration Abraham Simpson was putting on for Springfield only to find Bart waiting....with a offer

"Hey it's either end things once and for all or look over my shoulder for the rest of my life." Bart retorted back with a shrug causing Bob giving off a laugh, "And i'm sure sticking to that fool Burns while protecting your family is just a bonus on the side~" Bob observed while taking a step back before jumping into the air to avoid Bart swinging his sword and bringing his own sword down in a downward sword that Bart dodged with a tuck and roll and before raising his blade up to block another swing from Bob both of them glaring into each other eyes

"Urg...won't lie...that's the major...benefit out of...this little...duel to death." Bart admitted between gritted teeth remembering how he offered Bob the one thing he wanted above all else a shot at him...no tricks....no traps....just them finally ending things in one final fight.

"Hehe well I won't lie selling out Burns and watching his vengeance and ambition crumble will be the cherry on top of your demise~" Bob said with a low laugh before actually sending Bart a grateful look, "and for what it's worth I do thank you for securing my family's ticket out of this country."

He said with a slow nod of respect before pulling back his attack allowing Bart some breathing room, "Hey...needed to make sure you'd hold your side of the bargain.." Bart said rubbing his shoulder while not taking his gaze away from Bob the storm and how long this duel gone on having started to push his younger body to the limit, "rest assured Bart a deal a deal..'

Bob said entering a stance smirking, "you're grandfather will not only find all the information I have on Burns operations in his office tomorrow morning....but Burns and his cohorts should be receiving my severance package any moment now.' he said before adding with a laugh, "Lets just say I decided to cut ties with a bang~" He told Bart with a smug grin

(Else where Burns secret base)

"Urg where is that fool Bob! He said he had a high priority message that needed to be shared immediately!" Burns growled out to the forms of Smithers and Artie Zeff the recruit in that low funded school the only member of his Burns Six being the one missing


"Well he better show up soon....it's bad enough I had to walk through that nasty weather I don't need for it to be for some kinda joke on that has been clowns part." Artie said with a annoyed grumble, "Sir something seems off.." Smithers however was showing more concern than his employer and their cohort, "Perhaps we should move to somewhere safer.."


He brought up only for Burns to scoff and give a wave of his hand, "Nonsense! This is my base of operations nothing happens unless I allow it." Burns said his tone full of arrogance before narrowing his eyes, "just like i'll be allowing that fools punishment if he does not show himself in the next five seconds!"


He called out angrily before adding with a growl, "And would someone silence that infernal ticking!" Burns called out just as Artie and Smithers eyes widen in realization only for it to be a moment too late

(Back at the graveyard duel)

The large explosion echoed across Springfield all the way to the cemetery, "Hehahahah I hope you enjoy hell Burns!" Bob laughed out madly with even Bart sharing the laugh, "Heheh alright i'll give you props there Bob...and thanks." Bart said sending the man a grateful nod knowing that whatever happen tonight his family would be safe after all looks like Burns was out of the picture and Bobs grudge would die with him....one way or another

"No thanks necessary after all everyone in this town wanted that fossil dead." Bob said with a scoff and eye roll but still carried a smirk, "But now that you've seen i've upheld my side of the deal.." He raised his blade with a dark grin, "What say you be a good chap drop the blade and let me end this.."

He said only for Bart to get ready, "Oh i'm ending it....but i'm not giving up." He said narrowing his eyes ,"Heh...I honestly didn't expect any less from you Bart." Bob said his tone actually carrying a look of respect as both of them tensed both of them of ready this duel....to end this rivalry.....the next attack would decide everything....and as the lightning illuminated the cemetery both of them lunged forward and made their attacks



And in the next second both of them were back to back silence standing despite the storm.....until Bob dropped his blade and fell to his knees, "Well played Bart....well played..." Spoke out Bob solemnly as blood started to leak out his throat and he collapsed onto the ground while Bart let out a tired sigh before letting his own form fall to the ground just as the frantic forms of the Simpsons family arrived all of them shouting his name in worry

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honestly, rn I´d say we should go for the Slot Unlock for Occult because of its *Big DC* and us not really having any reductions at the ready unlike with most other NAs
There are some(2 I think) generic +10 to any occult actions floating around if people are willing to spend them. So It's not completely without reductions. But using our boon one of our Occult actions is tempting.

The other big one I'm considering is if a plan to assault Burn's base wins to take it. Because frankly the sooner we're able to take him off the board the better.
Same, was planning on using the boon on Burns base attack.

Even if it is not a full success to get rid of him permanently, we can at least cripple him for one or two turns to make sure he leaves us alone.
Same, was planning on using the boon on Burns base attack.

Even if it is not a full success to get rid of him permanently, we can at least cripple him for one or two turns to make sure he leaves us alone.
I actually disagree, I am of the opinion we use it on one of the occult actions, since the attack on burns base has multiple rolls related "Martial Combat rolls will begin" meaning that we have to do other rolls that dont have advantage, its tempting, but unless it applies to those rolls as well, I would rather use it on the other two occult actions

Create a Magic Department and Research Necromancy are the two occult actions, IMO the former would be an better use then the latter, given its FAR more likely to fail then necromancy, which has crumbs 42 total occult against the 80 dc, vs Lenas 22 occult against the 100 DC, and since succeeding the latter in the worst case lets us do the former again with the extra slot still available, while failing the slot and succeeding the necromancy needs us to go for the slot again (-2 more income) and next turn will likely be spent on another occult + martial/diplo depending on zombie sapience, which will be much faster to complete if we have multiple slots (and if we fail necromancy we are able to do it again with reduced dc alongside Bless Springfield)

Oh and as an added bonus, the "somewhat angsty teenage wizard" is forming our wizard coven, which almost certainly means shenanigans ahead, and i never say no to shenanigans

TLDR, basically I want to use it on Create a Magic Department since its much much more likely to fail of our most important actions, and costs us income if we do, while necromancy is much more likely to succeed and needs us to do more actions to deal with the zombies, which have an pretty good chance of being occult ones while attacking burns base is probably only applied for the first roll (unless i am mistaken) to begin the attack.
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I actually disagree, I am of the opinion we use it on one of the occult actions, since the attack on burns base has multiple rolls related "Martial Combat rolls will begin" meaning that we have to do other rolls that dont have advantage, its tempting, but unless it applies to those rolls as well, I would rather use it on the other two occult actions

Create a Magic Department and Research Necromancy are the two occult actions, IMO the former would be an better use then the latter, given its FAR more likely to fail then necromancy, which has crumbs 42 total occult against the 80 dc, vs Lenas 22 occult against the 100 DC, and since succeeding the latter in the worst case lets us do the former again with the extra slot still available, while failing the slot and succeeding the necromancy needs us to go for the slot again (-2 more income) and next turn will likely be spent on another occult + martial/diplo depending on zombie sapience, which will be much faster to complete if we have multiple slots (and if we fail necromancy we are able to do it again with reduced dc alongside Bless Springfield)

Oh and as an added bonus, the "somewhat angsty teenage wizard" is forming our wizard coven, which almost certainly means shenanigans ahead, and i never say no to shenanigans

TLDR, basically I want to use it on Create a Magic Department since its much much more likely to fail of our most important actions, and costs us income if we do, while necromancy is much more likely to succeed and needs us to do more actions to deal with the zombies, which have an pretty good chance of being occult ones while attacking burns base is probably only applied for the first roll (unless i am mistaken) to begin the attack.
While your logic is mostly sound, as long as we don't Crit fail the magic department roll the income cost is only a one time thing. We didn't have to spend more money on the second try on the stewardship action after all
Pretty understandable all things considered.

Still we should wait to see vote results once they open and see any bonus we have and Will have available from current and future omakes.
[X] Plan Battle Of The Burns
-[] National Actions
–[] Martial: Attack Burns' Base (DC 100) (Wilhelm+Hillbilly Militia)
–[] Martial: Block Off Access To The Cemetery (DC 40) (Quimby Free) (Hunter)
–[] Diplomacy: Reach Out To The Confidential (DC 60) (Fat Tony)
–[] Diplomacy: Reach Out To The Mysterious Senator (DC 50) (Flanders)
–[] Stewardship: Buy The Itchy and Show (DC 40) (1 Income) (Apu)
–[] Stewardship: Collab: Create More Content For Doof TV (Itchy and Scratchy Show) (DC 90) (Moe+Gil)
–[] Stewardship: Build Lemon Farms (DC 20) (Jasper Bonus)
–[] Intrigue: Sabotage Burns' Base (DC 80) (Mona)
–[] Intrigue: Look Further Into The Mysterious Group (DC 65/75/100) (Finale)
–[] Learning: Upgrade Your Power Reactor (DC 70) (Frink)
–[] Occult: Research Necromancy (DC 80) (Crumbs)
–[] Occult: Create Magic Department (DC 100) (Free Action) (2 Income) (Lena)
-[] Personal Actions
–[] Abe
—[] Spend Time With Your Son
—[] Hit Them Books (1/3)
—[] Talk With The General
—[] Is This My Beautiful House?
–[] Jasper
—[] Talk To Those Mysterious Hecklers
–[] Flanders
—[] Set Up A Hang Out Session
–[] Frink
—[] Meeting Of The Minds (Rotwood)
–[] Fat Tony
—[] Find Louie
–[] Kaiser
—[] Get Up To Date In War Tactics
–[] Mona
—[] Talk To Homer
–[] Apu
—[] Visit The Head Of Kwik-E-Mart For Lessons
–[] Finale
—[] Look On Your Own For More Clues About The Insignia
–[] Moe
—[] Practice Voodoo
–[] Willie
—[] Fix Up Your Cameras
–[] Lena
—[] Write An Anonymous Letter To Webby
–[] Prof Crumbs
—[] Play Wizball
–[] Hunter
—[] Hang Out With The Hex Squad
–[] Prof Rotwood
—[] Study With Wilhelm
-[] Blackmail
–[] Nothing…Yet
[X] Plan: An Sticky Situation, with an Slippery Solution
–[X]National Actions
–[X] Martial: Attack burns base: DC 100 (Kaiser)+ Hillbilly Army
–[X] Martial: Block Off Access to the Cemetery. DC 40 (Quimby Free) (Hunter)
–[X] Diplomacy: Reach out to the mysterious senator DC 50 (Flanders)
–[X] Diplomacy: Reach out to the confidential DC 60 (Fat Tony)
–[X] Stewardship: Create more content for DOOF TV DC 90 (Apu) + Gil Gunderson (Krusty the Clown show)
–[X] Stewardship: Buy the Krusty the Clown Show (Cost 1 income) DC: 30 (Moe)
–[X] Stewardship: Buy the Itchy and Scratchy show. DC 40 (Cost 1 Income) (Jasper, Jaspers Free Action)
–[X] Intrigue: An ear to the underground (DC 40/70) (Final)
–[X] Intrigue: Sabotage Burns' Base DC:80 (Mona)
–[X] Learning: Upgrade your Power Reactor. Dc 70 (Frink)
–[X] Occult: Research Necromancy? DC 80 (Professor Crumbs)
–[X] Occult:Create a Magic Department. Dc 100 (Cost 2 income) (Lena)
-[X] Personal Actions
–[X] Abe
—[X] Talk to the general
—[X] Spend time with your son
—[X] Is this my beautiful house?
—[X] Hang out with one of your workers
—-[X] Lena
–[X] Flanders
—[X] Set up a Hang Out Session
–[X] Jasper
—[X] Talk to those Mysterious Hecklers
–[X] Frink
—[X] Study That Weird Magic Book
–[X] Fat Tony
—[X] Find Louie
–[X] Kaiser
—[X] Get up to date in war tactics
–[X] Apu
—[X] Visit the head of Kwik-E-Mart for some lessons
–[X] Finale
—[X] Feed Animals Around Springfield
–[X] Mona
—[X] Hang out with the Green Family
–[X] Willie
—[X] Fix Up Your Cameras
–[X] Moe
—[X] Go on a Blind Date
–[X] Lena
—[X] Write an Anonymous Letter to Webby
–[X] Professor Hans Rotwood
—[X]Study with an Occult Unit: Kaiser
—[X] Play with Flapjack
–[X]Professor Crumbs
—[X] Play wizball
-[X] Blackmail
–[X] Nothing…Yet
TBH i dont really care what plan is victorious, so long as it has the krusty colab and the zombie actions on it.
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[X] Plan Battle Of The Burns

I suppose we can wait another turn with grabbing Krusty and instead trying to still wedge ourselves into the food sector with our lemons - but I don´t especially mind Unoriginals winning either
I suppose we can wait another turn with grabbing Krusty and instead trying to still wedge ourselves into the food sector with our lemons - but I don´t especially mind Unoriginals winning either
Similar to last turn, we have several actions that really need to be done, and so the plans are similar enough that i dont think anyone minds which wins, i will say An Sticky Situation, with an Slippery Solution has an better ring to it then Battle of the Burns, which clearly makes it infinitely better
Similar to last turn, we have several actions that really need to be done, and so the plans are similar enough that i dont think anyone minds which wins, i will say An Sticky Situation, with an Slippery Solution has an better ring to it then Battle of the Burns, which clearly makes it infinitely better
Battle of the Burns rolls of the tongue better, I am prepared to make you die on this hill! /JK

More seriously, I do think Mona would be better on sabotaging Burns than Finale because while his score is slightly better she gets a bonus to Burns related actions that makes her score better.
Voting is open