A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

Yeah, she's too smart to use high profile prisoners for that. This is her trying to do damage control on her reputation and maybe find wealthy business partners.

On that note, is Mr. Big an enemy of Bellwether or an underling? If we start making contacts in Zootopia we may want to work with him. He is the local crime boss there.

In DVV he's running a resistence against Bellwether and being supplied bu Khan, her main enemy.

It's only so we can use them and then destroy them! Once we make a fool out of her, her power will be majorly reduced, since she's all about soft power.

Zootopia is already falling apart, thanks to the Predator Scare and Bellweather policies end up causing urban decay due to lack of manpower to maintain the infrastrure and lack of tourism as well.

The sheep mayor spend most of her time distracting the public and pointing to the Predators as the main source of problems in order to mantain power while desperete seeking ways to fix the city, also she end up picking a fight with Khan that would most like leave her alone, much like Gloomgold does with Doom, if she didn't decide to move her propaganda to his city.
In DVV he's running a resistence against Bellwether and being supplied bu Khan, her main enemy.

Zootopia is already falling apart, thanks to the Predator Scare and Bellweather policies end up causing urban decay due to lack of manpower to maintain the infrastrure and lack of tourism as well.

The sheep mayor spend most of her time distracting the public and pointing to the Predators as the main source of problems in order to mantain power while desperete seeking ways to fix the city, also she end up picking a fight with Khan that would most like leave her alone, much like Gloomgold does with Doom, if she didn't decide to move her propaganda to his city.

As a heads up, while this is a DVV X Simpson crossover, and we are using several of the setting lore as a base for the quest, don't assume everything depicted I. The docs is happening here, either cause of the Simpson crossover thigns changed or cause we the Qms decided to do sod thing different.

Just saying that don't just expect the situation here to be 1:1 to what says on the official docs.
My best recommendation is to try and find out I. Quest isntead of trying to out OOC knowledge or meta game.

Also metagaming is SUPER FORBIDDEN. Remember that please. Not saying that you guys were doing it or accusing or anything, just as a general warning.

Like, in terms of stuff we have already told you, The League of Salem doesn't exist here (to the point Mina Loveberry was a Recruitable character, as you saw)

As an idea of how different things might be.
For the Burns Negaverse, could you have "DownWithToons" mentioned to have done multiple Omakes to earn Slideshow Bob in spite of poor rolls in that direction previously, and cheering at finally having access to a hero unit who can actually inconvenience Abe for longer than a turn? If not, no problem, thank you for writing
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?

Hahahahaha, Fuck Off Bellweather.
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?

Well thanks for calling. Goodbye and kindly fuck off.
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?
Our action economy for next turn is hurt enough with one colab, also handing these fellows over seems an lil dumb, bellwether likely wont respond given literally everybody else denied her, odds are she is more likley to go for quimby then us

However, i am rather uncaring and dont mind if we do that colab
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?

No fuck off demon.
So who could have burns reclute?

My suggestions:
-any of the bullies of Bart, (excluding Nelson)
-as other have already suggested Jessica Lovejoy
-This last one is an extremly rare possibility. Burns could have recluited Skinner villain alter ego called The Penalizer. But i dont think he could have do that. Because bart hypnotized Skinner to forgot he was the Penalizer (this happened in the bartman comics)
-Maybe Martin?
-[x] Hand Mr. Black and Sergeant Whiteman to a Zootopia prison: They will still be facing justice either way, and it gets you in with another major faction. What do you have to lose? (Gain slight appreciation from Bellwether, increasing her opinion rank with you; unlock a collaboration with Bellwether)
--[x] Increase Springfield PR: Although she is having her own issues currently, at the end of the day, Bellwether is a politician. She has connections and skills that could easily be used to make your beloved hometown look good. (Bellwether pulls some strings and makes some calls to boost up Springfield to the public, making you seem more appealing to collab with or sell stuff to)

Not that invested in it tbh, but I thought I´d cast my vote regardless
Nothing quite like seeing a foe roll a natural 1 for diplomacy against you. Congrats to the Nega Bellwether Crew on their wasted action.

[x] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?
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[x] Hand Mr. Black and Sergeant Whiteman to a Zootopia prison: They will still be facing justice either way, and it gets you in with another major faction. What do you have to lose? (Gain slight appreciation from Bellwether, increasing her opinion rank with you; unlock a collaboration with Bellwether)
--[x] Increase Springfield PR: Although she is having her own issues currently, at the end of the day, Bellwether is a politician. She has connections and skills that could easily be used to make your beloved hometown look good. (Bellwether pulls some strings and makes some calls to boost up Springfield to the public, making you seem more appealing to collab with or sell stuff to)
[X] Keep the monsters: You fought hard to apprehend them! Why should you hand them over to someone who indirectly helped them!?

Go to hell ya bigoted lamb chop!! And keep your collars away from our children!
-[x] Hand Mr. Black and Sergeant Whiteman to a Zootopia prison: They will still be facing justice either way, and it gets you in with another major faction. What do you have to lose? (Gain slight appreciation from Bellwether, increasing her opinion rank with you; unlock a collaboration with Bellwether)
--[x] Increase Springfield PR: Although she is having her own issues currently, at the end of the day, Bellwether is a politician. She has connections and skills that could easily be used to make your beloved hometown look good. (Bellwether pulls some strings and makes some calls to boost up Springfield to the public, making you seem more appealing to collab with or sell stuff to)