A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

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So, when I decoded THAT via Caesar Cipher, it said: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Not sure if that is correct.
Nope unfortunatley,

We did confirm a bit ago that unoriginal was on the right track with their guess.

Giving discord an check, if its referring to the key for the cypher we have
So its possible we need to put it through the morse code, then through vigenere cipher with the correct one of these, then through the enigma.
Either way i am tired, so good day to you all
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Oh, so that is why I was getting nothing, don't worry considering this is the first time you guys make something like this it can happen.

Without counting that we are putting them on top of other 2 forms on encryptions.

Will get back to decoding this.
Ok the resolved code is:

imsor ryiit riedt ostop ittod elayi tasmu chasi could butit stool ateno witsc oming becar efuly oumus tfind themb efore other sdogo odluc k

More readable:

Im sorry i i tried to stop it to delay it as much as i could but its too late now its coming be careful you must find them before others do good luck

Thanks everyone for the clues, and the game althought i was hard it was fun, the key in Vignere is Hellfish
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Now the question is what or who we must find?

Considering there is a lot of mcguffins out there that fit that category.

My two cents to this chase is that this is something related to Bill Cipher.

Too on the nose? yes.

Fits with Gravity falls modus operandi? yes.

I'm sorry, I tried to stop it, to delay it as much as I could but it's too late now, it's coming, be careful you must find them before others do good luck

At first I though one of our deceased friends ghost may be safe guarding one of the skulls the huntsclan were searching for considering the outright erasing of the magical creatures may cause unseen repercutions., but then I noticed that it is not they, but it.

The weirdmaggedon it is coming and we probably need to find people related to the circle that standford and stanley never got to complete because they couldn't let go of their beef even when they were in literal danger.
Ok the resolved code is:

imsor ryiit riedt ostop ittod elayi tasmu chasi could butit stool ateno witsc oming becar efuly oumus tfind themb efore other sdogo odluc k

More readable:

Im sorry i i tried to stop it to delay it as much as i could but its too late now its coming be careful you must find them before others do good luck

Thanks everyone for the clues, and the game althought i was hard it was fun, the key in Vignere is Hellfish


Hope you guys enjoyed this, while it was our first time doing this and it was a learning experience.

If we do this again we will make sure to do it better so you guys can solve it completely on your own.

We have been watching the thread and the discord channel and we watched who participated and tried to help. We appreciate the effort you guys did and we reward that whenever we can.

That's why the following questers will get each:
A free question to asks about what they want (except too spoilery stuff or about the cipher itself)

And they get to decide between them (and only between them) which national action this turn gets to roll with advantage!!!

The questers are:

I'm sorry, I tried to stop it, to delay it as much as I could but it's too late now, it's coming, be careful you must find them before others do good luck

Considering this was a Hellfish message, maybe one of the members fake they own death or something, than it must be something related to WWII because the writer clearly expect Abe to know what this message means.

Maybe is something related to the Wasteland?

Jasper mentioned that it smell of war and it fitst narrative to Springfield as a whole since in this verse was partly the reason why EPA gone overboard in handling the pollution from the city.

Bit of trivia, The Simpsons!EPA has a army on they beck and call, there was a old episode where a EPA helicopters ambush Homer when they believe he kill a endanger caterpillar and the movie make somewhat obvious EPA has a army of they own, I imagine the majority of they forces to contain the Wasteland and fighting to reestablish government authority there with little to no success.
Considering this was a Hellfish message, maybe one of the members fake they own death or something, than it must be something related to WWII because the writer clearly expect Abe to know what this message means.
They could also be a undead Hellfish. We got the Kaiser on turn one so a Intelligent zombie theoretically would have had a good while to do their own thing. If they got out of their graves around then. It may or may not involve the other zombies But it would explain who the "others" in the message are. If it's not other undead Hellfish doing something then evil intelligent Zombies in general.
Bit of trivia, The Simpsons!EPA has a army on they beck and call, there was a old episode where a EPA helicopters ambush Homer when they believe he kill a endanger caterpillar and the movie make somewhat obvious EPA has a army of they own, I imagine the majority of they forces to contain the Wasteland and fighting to reestablish government authority there with little to no success.
Actually thier currently going through a 'downsizing' after Russ Cargill's vanishing act.
Edit: also trapping a city in a giant dome then trying to blow it up.
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The letter wasd delivered on some weird circunstances. So there is a chance that this secret helper has either powers/or access to some sort of teleporting/time related mcguffin. Or mind manupulations tactics..... which is worse lol
Yeah, I can't imagine Senate and Congress being too happy with the EPA, Cargill and the now most likely former President having done that.

...This would make a nice premise for an Omake, come to think of it.
Schwarzenegger is still president in quest. So presumably whatever blowback the dome caused was pointed at the EPA. Though since the world outside of Springfield doesn't know about the dome any punishments were done hush hush.
Maybe its a magical faction we don't know,? I mean in the Threehouse episodes are some characters that are Occult related. And i mean Dracula is a recurring member of The Springfield Republican Party. I mean he must have a hight occult or something he is Dracula!
Schwarzenegger is still president in quest. So presumably whatever blowback the dome caused was pointed at the EPA. Though since the world outside of Springfield doesn't know about the dome any punishments were done hush hush.
Well, Cargill DID say that he could wash his hands off the affair after authorizing Cargill to do what he wanted, so I guess that makes sense.
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Schwarzenegger is still president in quest. So presumably whatever blowback the dome caused was pointed at the EPA. Though since the world outside of Springfield doesn't know about the dome any punishments were done hush hush.
Yep though there's currently one person who's escaping punishment for now...on account of the fact they can't actually find him.
A free question to asks about what they want (except too spoilery stuff or about the cipher itself)
So gonna bite right now.

May not be the best one, but considering our future affairs.

Is there any way we can take out Belos early from the game before he becomes the menace that he did during season 3?

Also just a general question and if it cannot be responded due to spoilers I will take the answer for the belos question instead of it.

Since we resolved the cipher OOC, do we still need to resolve it IC and if so will it need a DC or will it be an autopass?
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