Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Omake - Baldmare Before Christmas
OMAKE: Baldmare Before Christmas
Groggily you wake up. As an Abnormality, you should not have been able to sleep. But at the girl's insistence, you decided to lay down and take a rest with them after that ordeal of a day.

So imagine your surprise when you looked around and find no one with you in the massive pillow fort you and the girls made.

'They woke up before me? No wait, I wasn't even sleeping in the first place.' You weren't sleeping, merely resting your shell's eyes and laying alongside them. You would've noticed if they woke up, you think.

You stood up and walk out of the room into the dining area of Mami's somehow intact apartment.

'I still can't believe she perfectly got launched out of the window like that.' You thought to yourself, thinking back to the beginning of the battle.

Madoka and Sayaka probably went home by now you think.

As you arrive you noticed the shade of yellow Mami is known for in the kitchen.


Any questions regarding the current status of the girls, and why they are all gone died upon your lips as your eyes trail from her bed wear to her head.

Her very smooth very much bald head.

"Oh good morning, X- I mean, Mom! I was just making us some breakfast!"

The girl's cheerful greeting went ignored as you struggle to pick your jaw up from the floor.

A flushing noise was heard, as Yuma opened the door to the bathroom and walked out.

You didn't want to look. A sense of terror, which only appeared on Day 48, and that memory of Ayin opening the door, drag your head to look upon-

Indeed. Yuma is also bald. Her bald head is shining so much that you think you are looking straight at Whitenight or One Sin and One Hundred Good Deeds instead of your daughter.

The sense of terror that forced you to look at her now has your heart in a vice grip.

Both of your daughters' confused and worried looks changed to screams of your name as you suddenly turned around and dive straight through the windows NT broke earlier.

'I'm not running away.' You reassured yourself as you feel the rush of wind against your face.

'I'm just looking to see how bad things ar-' When you landed on the ground. You almost face-planted.

Bald. It is everywhere. The people walking in the morning.

Everyone. Is. Bald.

You definitely didn't panic even harder and jumped into the air. Nope. Definitely not.

You rushed to Homura's house. Wanting to end this nightmare already. She and you will quickly search for and destroy that Abnormality.

A knock on her door leads to a sudden skip of time and she-

You were about to think of how her skills can be utilized for this endeavor.

The words in your mind died before they can leave their cradle when you saw the shiny dome Homura calls her head.

Homura tried running after you but, with Mimicry, you were way too fast. She didn't bother to stop time and waste her energy. 'X is acting strange…'

Your last bastion. You rushed to Madoka's house. Kyubey wouldn't let that girl get affected. He cannot. She's valuable to him, isn't she?

Horror. Was your greeting when you spotted her and Sayaka walking alongside Kyubey on the street to their school.
The two girls greet you. With all their bald horror.

But that wasn't what horrified you the most. No. Kyubey. The damnable creature.

He still looks as he always did. But now, his arms, ears' hair, or whatever…He was 'Bald' too.
All three seem worried for you. But they didn't manage to stop you as you-

Your crash into Angela's library was very clumsy. But you can't think of anyone other than her to help you.
Your fear-addled mind noticed someone standing next to her.
But you didn't care about him and his bald head. No.


Angela. Her uncharacteristic, worried look didn't manage to distract you as much as your heart hoped it would.

Because she was bald too.

Your back hits bookshelves. And you noticed something strange as Angela approached you worriedly. The man beside her seems shocked at your presence too.
But you don't care.
When your head hit the wall of books behind you, it felt…as if-



A shaky hand touched your own head. It was smooth.


Your head was as bald as everyone else's.

The Fear was too much. You blacked out.

You awaken in the Light. It felt…strange.
Like you are floating on air. Your eyes see two people before you.

The grinning face of Carmen, the exasperated face of Ayin.

Normally you would be in the mood for an interrogation of the two but after the recent event.

Their bald heads were too much.

You woke up again, this time in your pillow fort with all the girls sans Homura still sleeping. You wasted no time checking theirs and your own head.
A deep breath of relief came after you know for sure that everyone's head is as they should be.
It was just a nightmare you thought to yourself as you lay back down again. 'Thanks One Sin it wasn't real.'

"Really Carmen?"
"Oh come on Ayin. You have to admit it was funny."
"It was not. Our girl just got done going through an ordeal. Let her rest."
"Hah! Try as you might, don't think I didn't notice that smile you are trying to hide from me!"
"I'm just saying. This is a very poor way of spending Christmas with the girls."
"It will be fine~ Let's enjoy ourselves for a bit before going back to work yeah?"
"...Heh...I guess Baldmares are better than what you were doing before."
"Cut me some slack okay? I don't exactly have the time to practice my dad's jokes dealing with you three."

AN: One last Omake as we enter the hiatus and begin the Christmas holidays.
And yes. I did write this all to just include the pillow fort sleepover. Oh, and if you are wondering. Just assume that it's Christmas time in the Light. X's time isn't at christmas yet.
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Is Homura now restricted to speaking through telepathy only?

While it could be mistaken for her Soul Gem, the telltale concentration of consciousness is completely absent.
No Soul Gem, to break...

Her voice is surprising unchanged although her mouth doesn't move to speak.
No voice, to cry suffering...

A knock on her door leads to a sudden skip of time and she-
...No hair, to flip.

:coolbeans: :coolbeans: :coolbeans:
I wouldn't call anything about Homura right now an evolution. Sidegrade at best. The only thing I'd call a stright improvement is getting rid of the Soul Gem, and even that's just removing a critical weakness she didn't have before magical girldom.

Though it kinda makes me wonder if this'll encourage Sayaka to go for something similar. Super powers but no rock soul, sounds right up her alley. But then of all the characters, she's by far the least likely to Distort, at least if I understand the mechanics correctly.
Talking about Distortion...

Are we sure the same thing wouldn't happen if the girls get E.G.O instead? Since we are talking about the Light here.

With the Distortion, they are granted a whole new body for their troubles. But what will happen if a magical girl gets an E.G.O?

Xiao straight-up was in the process of becoming a dragon. And she still technically is one in her E.G.O, just a humanoid one instead.
I would assume so. But then I'm biased, I see the Soul Gem as nothing but a detriment. And E.G.O. might work differently for magical girls as well. Heck, for all we know Distortion works differently as well, we just can't tell because Distortion is so poorly understood and rare.
From the example of Homura, Distorting seems to basically be the same thing as most normal Distortions.
As for soul gems, duh.

When you are E.G.O or Distortion, a soul gem is just a dumb weak spot. Because by then, your durability is usually superior to a human body (actual results may vary according to the E.G.O/Distortion).

Personally, if all the girls would lose their SGs when they distort/obtain E.G.O, I would say that we should go all in on giving the girls more exposure.
First, let's get rid of the voice.
Then we talk about distorting our girls into monsters that might try to burn the city down because they want to.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Dec 21, 2022 at 1:33 AM, finished with 52 posts and 17 votes.

Hmm, I'll get started on writing but leave the vote open for a day or so to see if the tie will break. Expect the next update a little after that, and then we'll be on our way to Act 2.
Sure would be a shame if the tie stayed mysteriously unresolved until tomorrow, and poor QM had to write four sidestories in total...

haha, just kidding... unless...?
Lepidoptera, which winning combination is harder for you to write?

Ahem, already used my vote and don't feel like seeing the other option, so breaking the vote will have to fall to someone else
Well, greater insight into Sayaka's perspective, who in turn has better knowledge of her friends (due to perspective and more importantly shared time together) is not exactly nothing either (and we don't have a reason to interact much with her since she is somewhat stable, so this isn't easy stuff to get either)

If you want to inhale some copium :V, maybe The Deceived and The Liar will be somewhat related?
Honestly speaking, if the Liar turns out to be insight into Kyubey, Nothing There or god forsake, the Adult who tells Lies.

I don't think theres literally anything Sayaka can offer that outweight those 3.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Dec 22, 2022 at 1:46 AM, finished with 60 posts and 18 votes.

And so it goes.
Trait- I mean, Training Team Captain called, said you'd fit right in. not like I'm salty or anything...

Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Dec 22, 2022 at 1:46 AM, finished with 60 posts and 18 votes.

And so it goes.
Will you tell us afterwards who exactly each of the options were?
Sidestory 10 - On The Horizon
Sidestory 10 - On The Horizon

"So inadequate."

The Wizard almost hissed as another of the eyesores was caught by one of her constructs. The pitiful thing struggled, as if it didn't deserve exactly the fate it was getting for thinking it could skirt around the edges of the Wizard's kingdom undiscovered. Such absolute stupidity was practically begging for just and fair recompense, wasn't it? Perhaps she could have invited it in, but those worthless failures would only tarnish the luster of the Wizard's new empire. No, the most generosity deserved by the wretches was to serve as court jesters. This thing would barely manage a single act.

Still, an entertaining act it was. A thin, sharp smile crossed the Wizard's face as she watched through the eyes of her creation. The trespasser screamed and wailed, begging and pleading as emerald light burned through it.

"Please, please! Stop! I-I'll do whatev- whatever you want, I-"

The Wizard scraped a nail along the polished gleam of her throne, slowing her servant's attack long enough to give her entertainment time to keep talking. It was a paltry show, yes, but that was no reason not to watch to the very end. She needed all the stress relief she could get with that thing camping outside the borders of her City. The bright green glare faded to a mere glimmer, allowing the Wizard's entertainment a moment to breathe.

"I- I'm alive? You… you're letting me go?"

At least it was just the mad scientist the Wizard had to deal with. They were strong, yes, and as galling as it was to admit almost as clever as the Wizard herself, but the creepy moth was unstable even for an Abnormality and seemed content to play house with her toys while the Wizard worked. If it were the megalomaniacal godling, the paranoid tyrant, or worse that mute freak, the Wizard would've had less to work with. As it was, there were plenty of strings she could pull to keep her competitor at bay.

The intruder was trying to leave now, first a slow crawl that grew into a limping run. The pitiful thing still didn't believe it, not quite yet. Didn't think they were going to survive. The Wizard waited, watching them slink away. Patience was always a virtue she had in spades. She had waited how long in that Library, lending power to the undeserving? And of course it had paid off. Opportunity presented itself, and the Wizard claimed it. They would have their empire, and this time without intruding pests ruining everything with a stroke of luck. All outside interferences had been foreseen, all meddlers had been prepared for, and the Wizard had taken care to ensure their pawns would not cause any problems this time.

The Wizard felt the moment that the spark of hope came alight within her entertainment's heart. The pitiful child had scurried away from her domain, nearly to the edge of the Emerald City. In the moment before they could escape, a flash of light carved through her and sent the girl crashing to the ground. The fire of hope flickered, guttered, and finally died beneath the painted skies, and the Wizard smiled. Petty it may have been, such small performances were all she could manage with the bulk of resources allocated to preparing for the future. She would need to be content with them for now. In time, her games would grow to even greater heights.

The future would be bright.


"Aunt Angela…"

"Just 'Angela' will suffice. I have no need for such appellations." interrupted the Library Director.

"Angela, then." Mami corrected. An awkward silence stretched across the exquisitely-decorated waiting room. To most people who knew Mami Tomoe, "awkward" was not a word that would typically be used in a sentence alongside her name. But did those people really know her? Recently, when spending time with the people who did know her, Mami felt that her composed persona had been slipping more often than not. And yet, she couldn't find it in herself to be unhappy about it. Mom wouldn't reject her no matter what. Yuma didn't see anything wrong with Mami not living up to the image she presented. With them, at least, it was alright for Mami to not hold herself to strictly.

This was not that sort of situation. Angela was a pale, cyan-haired woman who seemed perpetually unimpressed and exasperated by everything around her. The only breaks in her persona had been the scant bits of conversation between her and Mom that Mami had managed to catch or when she was talking with that assistant of hers. At all other times, she remained stoic.

It made asking questions rather difficult.

"How is Miss Akemi's examination going?"

Angela closed her eyes before she spoke. "She was confirmed to be a Distortion immediately, if that's what you're wondering. What's happening now is mostly X identifying different traits and where they were derived from. If you're more concerned about her health, it's unnecessary. Homura Akemi appears to survive off of a reserve of energy that can be easily replenished by most of the Library's denizens. So long as she retains some charge, any injuries she suffers are automatically undone."

"Thank you, but it's not her physical health I'm worried about." Mami responded. "Miss Akemi has been… disconnected, for lack of a better word. I'm afraid that she has been changed in a way that cannot be undone." Mami and Homura Akemi had not been close before the other Magical Girl's transformation. They had first been enemies, and then tentative allies after. But seeing the way Homura had broken down after Mom had disappeared, and with everything that had happened after, Mami owed it to the other girl to look out for her. Besides, wasn't a Magical Girl supposed to be a hero to everyone?

"While Distortions do often show unnatural or self-destructive beliefs, I don't think you have much to worry about this time." Angela assured. "From what X told me, Homura was already rather single-minded and reserved. From what I've seen, Distortions are less a transformation and more a single moment or idea being fixed in place and given form. If a person is more flexible and capable of doubting themselves, they will properly manifest EGO."

"EGO? I'm not sure I follow."

The Pale Librarian waved a hand, and a blank board appeared behind her. A snap, and a pen flashed into existence in her hand. With a sigh, she uncapped the pen as held it to the board.

"Distortions are not inherently dangerous, but instead tend towards harmful traits as a result of…"


A cry of pain rang out through the backstreets.

Of course, these were not the backstreets the man knew. As familiar as they were, there was something lacking. Instruments were missing from the harmony, leaving only the incomplete melody to echo in the man's ears. Such was the case with so much of what the man had been shown in this new place. Notes askew and off-key, lacking in passion and drive. A performance without direction, waiting for somebody to fix it.

But first, the current conductors would need to be removed from the stage before a new one could step up.

The creature beneath the man cried out again as his heel crushed its outstretched hand. Normally, he wasn't one for such ruthless efficiency. That had always been his sister's forte. No, the man much preferred any battle he was involved in to be fought with elegance and grace whenever possible. Not to say brutality or viciousness did not have their place, but the man much preferred to keep such things to what was strictly necessary. It just so happened that in this particular scenario, it was strictly necessary for him to express his frustration.

His opponent's wrist thoroughly crushed, the man moved his booted heel over its neck and pressed down, his other foot planted firmly through the imitation's torso. Rippling, red-black flesh squirmed and pulsed beneath him to no avail. Wings the color of blood-red night spread, only to be severed by a theatrical twirl of Al Fine. The scythe cut through the air, carving intricate trails of blue until reaching its final destination in the fake's skull.

The man sighed in resignation as the doppelgänger of one of his dear friends faded into nothingness. He had held some hope that he had not been the only one to be returned, but the creature he met had shown none of Elena's refined whit or playfulness. It was merely a killing machine, intended to cut down a pillar of support for the new Light. Argalia considered himself a polite, patient man, but he really couldn't forgive an insult like that.

Ah, the new Light. Even locked in the Emerald City, separated from the real world, he had heard her overture. A brilliant concert, a march to war against the mundane, restricted world. For one so attuned as the man, no barrier could prevent him from listening to a performance so beautiful. While he had failed before, thought his last chance wasted, it seemed fate had other plans for the Ensemble's Conductor. Here he was now, brought to a world where his dream may soon come true.

Argalia mourned his Ensemble. Though his time with some had been short, each member was a precious and treasured friend to him. Ah, if only Angelica could have had the chance to meet them. She, certainly, would have understood them as well as he did. But unlike his brother-in-law, Argalia would not be consumed by the past. While he may shed tears for his dear fallen comrades, one must keep from letting sorrow drown their heart. In this world, Argalia had a chance unlike any before. To meet the maker of the new world, who had already begun to free the poor lost souls of humanity from their shackles of convention.

Just wait a little longer, Angelica. Your ballad shall come soon enough.
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