Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Whew! That wasn't even slightly what I had planned on writing, but I was struck by a sudden burst of motivation for this idea and had to put it into text before it went away. The original plans are still in place, just not where they'd need to be to be published, and I still wanted something to usher in the new year.

So this is what I have. Good luck in 2025, and thank you all so very much for your support so far. I would never have been able to do all this without you.
New main story chapters will be coming soon! The remaining vote is technically still open, though if the present tie remains I'll probably just flip a coin rather than delay even longer.
[X] Let them go

[X] Everything
-[X] …excluding the part where their daughter died

Welcome back!

And for the vote, I'll argue to let the girls tricked by the Wizard go. They were victims too, and keeping them captive does not help us or them. It just reinforces the slander of us being an evil overlord that the Wizard fed them. What are we hoping to accomplish by jailing them anyway? Punishment?

Also why are we planning to keep them in the Library? The same place where we are keeping a separate group of impressionable girls? The last thing we need is for them to also think we're plotting to keep them for experiments or turn them into monsters.

As for Madoka's parents, I'm up for being open, but telling them their daughter died might be too much. Even if she did get better. It would distress Madoka, it would distress her parents, and it doesn't help anyone. Best to just shelve it.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Mar 9, 2025 at 9:45 PM, finished with 39 posts and 19 votes.

Voting's closed and the next chapter is in progress! It's been some time, but I'm glad to be back here!
By the way, I'd like to point out that neither the Magical girls nor the Abnormalities have showcased their full canon level of abilities in this fic so far.

(Holy crap, I forgot there a votes)

This is because Color level fixer, with the info we have so far, are only WAW category entities. In fact, none of the "Human" characters we have seen are ALEPH level save for *maybe* Arbiters, but that is a bit questionable.

The Pianist vs Roland doesn't count since the Pianist became a cripple because of the gloves, not to mention he's so tough and fadt that he would've had enough time to close in against a crippled distortion, that thing would've given The Red Mist a hard time without the gloves.

Anyway, to clarify, the Abnormalities in Lob Corp are greatly weakened, even then, LobCorp Geburah, who is *stronger* than The Red Mist, was only on par with them, the same Red Mist, who, while empowered by wielding multiple EGO that she could find lying around killed two Claws along with the rest of the weakened abnormalities and still had enough juice to go ham on Garion, meaning real Claws aren't ALEPHs, again, The LobCorp Geburah Bossfight is still stronger than this Kali (both physically and because EGO expands her damage types) and she wasn't even ALEPH herself.

So it makes sense for the Adult and various other WAW abnos to have been somehow still under Qlipoth Deterrence despite being outside, because X, who is weaker than Library Geburah, let alone Kali, right now, kicked The Adult's ass with Argalia and Madoka with great difficulty. I mean, that's not something even The Red Mist would be able to do by herself despite probably being stronger than the trio and the other magical girls COMBINED.

To add to this, a Claw seemed to have been around the level of Colors in Library of Ruins, Baral having 810HP and 410 Stagger and is generally stronger than most Colors we've seen even without most of his passives and after being a placeholder for a Claw that is probably bound to change and get buffs much like Ricardo and other characters in Limbus. no this doesn't actually add to the conversation, I wanted to add this bit of info here because my brain wouldn't forgive me otherwise.

To add another layer to my useless rant so please treat this as a separate matter on the previous topic, PALE damage is an insane cheat, it can close the gap between a nugget getting beaten easily by a weakened WAW and a Claw, a 50/50 chance of a winning even, and that's after considering how utterly busted a Claw is, they can rip space and speed up for the ultimate firepower, regenerate, speed up, teleport and nullify any attack that goes above a certain threshold of power regardless if it's supernatural physical or technical in nature.

all because Justitia does PALE damage going percent damage on the Claw, slowing it down, paralyzing it, bringing it closer to cessation and speeding the nugget up because why not?

Or maybe the Claw is the one who's insanely strong to match evenly with something that speeds itself up and slows their enemy down in some sort of conceptual stasis, in combination with percent damage that becomes doubly effective towards mortals and whatever other abilities Justitia has.

On the other hand, other ALEPH nuggets probably aren't as effective, because they can't exploit this damage type, they're barely only around pre-ego Xiao's level or much lower (around HE to low WAW) that still means they "blow away" regular Grade-1s though.

I... Nevermind I went on for long enough. MOMMY FAUST.

i guess what I meant by all this is, the Birds and the Adult, and maybe Nothing There still had Qlipoth Deterrence if we are following canon as close as possible... That's all...

on the other hand, strong magical girls like Mami can probably reach Grade-1 or 2 if they can launch mini-nukes that look like they're around 0.5 to 3 kilotons in yield, the only problem is that Magical girls lack experience dealing with Fixers. So uh, I think giving them chance to fight TETH distortions is a good high difficulty exercise. (Holy crap, 747 words)

edit: I think I should delete half of this and transfer it to the LoR thread instead of clogging this one with useless topics, what do you guys think?
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By the way, I'd like to point out that neither the Magical girls nor the Abnormalities have showcased their full canon level of abilities in this fic so far.

(Holy crap, I forgot there a votes)

This is because Color level fixer, with the info we have so far, are only WAW category entities. In fact, none of the "Human" characters we have seen are ALEPH level save for *maybe* Arbiters, but that is a bit questionable.

The Pianist vs Roland doesn't count since the Pianist became a cripple because of the gloves, not to mention he's so tough and fadt that he would've had enough time to close in against a crippled distortion, that thing would've given The Red Mist a hard time without the gloves.

Anyway, to clarify, the Abnormalities in Lob Corp are greatly weakened, even then, LobCorp Geburah, who is *stronger* than The Red Mist, was only on par with them, the same Red Mist, who, while empowered by wielding multiple EGO that she could find lying around killed two Claws along with the rest of the weakened abnormalities and still had enough juice to go ham on Garion, meaning real Claws aren't ALEPHs, again, The LobCorp Geburah Bossfight is still stronger than this Kali (both physically and because EGO expands her damage types) and she wasn't even ALEPH herself.

So it makes sense for the Adult and various other WAW abnos to have been somehow still under Qlipoth Deterrence despite being outside, because X, who is weaker than Library Geburah, let alone Kali, right now, kicked The Adult's ass with Argalia and Madoka with great difficulty. I mean, that's not something even The Red Mist would be able to do by herself despite probably being stronger than the trio and the other magical girls COMBINED.

To add to this, a Claw seemed to have been around the level of Colors in Library of Ruins, Baral having 810HP and 410 Stagger and is generally stronger than most Colors we've seen even without most of his passives and after being a placeholder for a Claw that is probably bound to change and get buffs much like Ricardo and other characters in Limbus. no this doesn't actually add to the conversation, I wanted to add this bit of info here because my brain wouldn't forgive me otherwise.

To add another layer to my useless rant so please treat this as a separate matter on the previous topic, PALE damage is an insane cheat, it can close the gap between a nugget getting beaten easily by a weakened WAW and a Claw, a 50/50 chance of a winning even, and that's after considering how utterly busted a Claw is, they can rip space and speed up for the ultimate firepower, regenerate, speed up, teleport and nullify any attack that goes above a certain threshold of power regardless if it's supernatural physical or technical in nature.

all because Justitia does PALE damage going percent damage on the Claw, slowing it down, paralyzing it, bringing it closer to cessation and speeding the nugget up because why not?

Or maybe the Claw is the one who's insanely strong to match evenly with something that speeds itself up and slows their enemy down in some sort of conceptual stasis, in combination with percent damage that becomes doubly effective towards mortals and whatever other abilities Justitia has.

On the other hand, other ALEPH nuggets probably aren't as effective, because they can't exploit this damage type, they're barely only around pre-ego Xiao's level or much lower (around HE to low WAW) that still means they "blow away" regular Grade-1s though.

I... Nevermind I went on for long enough. MOMMY FAUST.

i guess what I meant by all this is, the Birds and the Adult, and maybe Nothing There still had Qlipoth Deterrence if we are following canon as close as possible... That's all...

on the other hand, strong magical girls like Mami can probably reach Grade-1 or 2 if they can launch mini-nukes that look like they're around 0.5 to 3 kilotons in yield, the only problem is that Magical girls lack experience dealing with Fixers. So uh, I think giving them chance to fight TETH distortions is a good high difficulty exercise. (Holy crap, 747 words)

edit: I think I should delete half of this and transfer it to the LoR thread instead of clogging this one with useless topics, what do you guys think?
In terms of Gebura, Myo was specifically referring to her physical strength being increased at the cost of skill, which seems a little odd because if that were the case Gebura would have been able to significantly damage the Facility. As far as I am aware, it has been a fair amount of time since Myo saw the Red Mist in action, so the exact levels are up for debate. We can most likely say that full strength Red Mist is solidly ALEPH though, especially with what we've seen from the Indigo Elder, and the Lob Corp fight was definitely an ALEPH. Mind you, the Red Mist is the strongest human in the city's history pretty much, and Argalia, who isn't as heavily oriented in fighting is probably high WAW, before he distorted.
On the Pianist, Roland most likely did not have Angelica's gloves until after it died, and while the thing was definitely hurt by the time he got there, he still pretty handily killed something analogous to WAW.
Sadly most of the Magical Girls are simply way to slow to really get up to Grade 1-2. If I remember properly Grade 5 is the point where bullets start becoming infeasible, due to the sheer reaction time of those fixers, and while the actual speed of those bullets is up for debate, Grade 1 fixers utterly eclipse that to the point the there isn't even a fight.
You are right though, most Project Moon stuff I've read usually treats the classifications as though they were still under deterrence, which admittedly is not a bad thing, its the level that we know. This story has probably gotten the closest to what a full power Abnormality would look like at the Aleph tier at least. WAW has been a little more constrained really, because some of those would end life in Mitakihara within hours of them existing, but that wouldn't be great for a story. Someone who uses the deterred scaling would be Naron, where everything is a level or two higher than you would expect, for instance the city ending threats are ALEPH, which without deterrence would really be closer to HE-WAW. You are a little right though, ALEPHs are world enders, and the only reason why they haven't been in this story is mostly down to 1. Contained in a witch barrier (Blue Star, though I do think Blue Star was a tiny bit underscaled from where it should have been, these are minisucle issues that don't matter all that much), 2. Are not suited to extreamly large scale destruction (Nothing There is not a great example of world ending, due to its primarally physical and in person nature) and 3. A being that was going to end the world by enacting an evil plan that almost(-ish) work (AWTL). So in this situation, there have been good reasons why the continent isn't devoid of life.
Blue Star, though I do think Blue Star was a tiny bit underscaled from where it should have been, these are minisucle issues that don't matter all that much
Blue Star's scene was written early on when I still was getting a handle on writing, so it doesn't have the same gravitas I'd wanted from other Aleph-class Abnormalities that have appeared in the story. When I get around to rewriting the earlier chapters to get them more up to the rest of the story's standard, it in particular will have the most revision.