Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 1, 2024 at 2:07 AM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.

Into the Black Forest. It's been waiting for you for a long time now, and you've finally arrived.

Happy New Year to you all! Be ready for a special chapter in just a little while to thank you all for being such a great audience!
Apocryphal Chapter - Credenza Potenziale I : A Gentle Glow
Apocryphal Chapter - Credenza Potenziale I : A Gentle Glow

Director Antoinette is not typically a happy person. She is, as far as Workshop executives go, a fair boss to her employees. One who rewards success and punishes failure in equal measures, all to promote an environment which fosters optimal efficiency. Like every day, she began by performing a quick review of each Meister in the Atelier. Employees were strongly encouraged to act completely normally during these reviews, lest they be punished for their distraction. Today, however, the sight of a smile on the petite gray-haired woman's face was enough to spark more than a little confusion amongst the Atelier's staff. A smile that did not dim as she chastised her workers twice as harshly as usual for letting themselves fall off-task. Today was a special day, after all.

"You know, Miss Sof, we still haven't even spent what you paid us last year."

"If you don't require it, I can always take my business to somewhere more in need of patronage." you say. A jest, obviously. You've been consulting the Workshop for a little over a week now, ensuring they have your order made to your exact specifications. It would be a waste to change clients now, not to mention the lost time having scrapped so much work. You only have two days until the anniversary, and a delay at this point would be deeply unfortunate.

You could make something in the time remaining, but it just wouldn't be the same. Your daughter deserves the best.

"We are deeply appreciative of your patronage, Miss Sof." Antoinette says, guiding you through the Atelier to the room where your order is being prepared. "And not just that! I understand that we all have you to thank for L Corp's revival. Without you, we would've been forced to rely on other, more expensive energy providers. Business has been booming ever since."

Inwardly, you roll your eyes. Atelier Logic was hardly suffering in the time between L Corp's fall and your restoration efforts. But you suppose it's natural for the Director to want to appear thankful when you're about to pay her and her company an extremely large sum of money. Unpleasant it may be, you don't care enough to break decorum and tell her off.

"And here we have it," Antoinette proudly announces, throwing open the final door to the room where your order is being finalized. "Designed according to your exact specifications, ahead of schedule, and under budget." The volume of her voice is barely constrained by the need for decorum, but just barely. "We managed to work the cartridge down to requiring only four batteries' worth of charge per round without losing any velocity by optimizing the barrel venting, and have cut the loading time to sixty percent the time required for the test model."

You regard the rifle sitting in the display case in the center of the room. Designing weapons isn't your forte, so you'll have to take the Director's word for it.

"With this weapon, you could fire a round from one end of the City and level a building on the other." Antoinette continues, before stopping sharply upon realizing that she's carrying on a bit too enthusiastically. "But I'm sure you aren't here to listen to me talk, and your time is very precious."

You laugh softly. "It's alright, I'm hardly so pressed for time that I can't spare a moment for pleasant conversation. Besides, you seemed to be enjoying yourself." you tease. The Director's face flushes and she looks away, though trying to disguise emotions is really futile with you in the room. "No, no, it's fine. Passion is a rarity in this level of industry, and it's always a pleasure to see somebody retain it."

Also you appreciate having a convenient place to purchase gifts for your children. How so many of them ended up with a penchant for firearms you'll never know.


After clearing away the last few legal necessities and taking a short trip to purchase some wrapping paper, you head home. Multiversal travel under your own power is nearly impossible, but you've never relied solely on your own power in the past. Why start now? You twist a ring on your left hand- a gift from a friend in exchange for a week of tutoring for one of their students- and the air parts around you. A single step through the gap in space brings you outside your house in Mitakihara. You could simply appear inside, but ever since The Incident it has been decided that appearing out of nowhere without warning was better not risked. Instead, you savor the feeling of the winter air against your skin for a moment. The new year is coming soon. You'll need to make plans for that as well. A few friends are getting together for a party, and you have some necessary socializing with other Wing Executives in order to keep up alliances. R Corp and F Corp are both almost completely secured as allies, but your relationship with T Corp has always been tenuous and N Corp is still upset about their efforts to steal your Singularity being stymied. You also have the yearly budget to allocate, safety regulations to review, and Abnormalities to manage. And all of that's not counting the eventual revolution against the Head that Angela has conscripted you into.

But all of that can wait until tomorrow at least. Now, you unlock the door and step inside your home.

The house is messy, despite Mami's best efforts to keep it organized whenever she's over. Madoka has a surprisingly disorderly sense of style, Sayaka and Kyoko are both very different types of mess, and Yuma is still young. Homura does help out whenever she's around, but lacks Mami's sense for aesthetics. You don't really care how clean your house looks as long as you can find everything. The mismatched furniture, the random knick-knacks… they make it feel lived in. Your office is neat, but that's for function's sake more than anything else.

The sound of conversation and chirpy musical numbers greets you inside. Mami, Yuma, Kyoko, and Sayaka are all currently splayed out across the couch, watching some new cartoon about a girl falling into another world and trying to become a witch. You would've thought the subject matter to be a turn-off, but the allure of brightly-colored animation apparently outweighs the associated trauma of fighting real Witches. Mami remains the picture of grace even in casual dress, while Sayaka and Kyoko on the other side of the couch are currently entangled with one another and arguing about which character would win in a fight during a commercial. Yuma has wedged herself directly in the middle.

"New episode?"

Kyoko and Sayaka break from their argument to answer. "Nah, just a rerun. Still waiting on season three. It feels like it's been forever and we've only gotten a trailer! I just want to see what happens next already!"

Whew. Clearly, an emotionally-charged issue.

"Isn't it coming next year? You should be more patient!" Yuma adds, pleased to have once again asserted herself as more mature than her sister.

"For all we know, that could mean the end of next year." Sayaka grumbles. "And they left us on a cliffhanger, too! Whoever made this show is cruel."

"Haven't you been watching this show since it started airing? Do you really not know who made it?" you say offhandedly. Taken off-guard, Sayaka tumbled off the couch and onto the floor. Kyoko, having been entwined with the bluenette, is dragged down with her. You idly wonder how that arrangement managed to happen in the first place as the two collapse in a heap in the ground.

Sayaka sheepishly disentangles herself and returns to her seat on the couch. "I don't usually watch the credits, alright? I just start the next episode."

"For shame, not giving proper dues to creators. What shall the verdict be?" Mami announces dramatically.

"Guilty!" Yuma shouts.

"And the penalty?"

"Death." Kyoko deadpans, raising herself back up into the couch beside the condemned. Sayaka sinks into the cushions, accepting her fate.

"I'm just gonna look it up." she says, defeated.

"Well, impending executions aside, I assume you're all ready to finalize the anniversary plans?"

"Haven't we gone over them like, a dozen times already?" Kyoko asks. It's four, actually, but you're not going to tell her that. It doesn't sound much better.

"I'm only saying that historically, events like this tend to be… well, eventful. You all remember the wedding?" you argue.

"You mean when you punched a hole in reality in front of a kingdom full of people and accidentally started a religion worshipping us? Yeah, hard to forget." Kyoko snipes back. You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Accidentally starting a new religion was hardly the worst thing to happen that week, and you ensured it was a net gain for the society at large.

"I think Madoka and Homura liked that wedding." Yuma interjects, still watching the intermission play on the television.

"Mom…" Mami rises from her seat to face you. "Are you sure you aren't going overboard with your preparations? I know things haven't always gone as expected in the past, but you've already done an excellent job of preparing."

"I know. I just want you all to have a chance to do things normally, y'know? Without all…" you wave your hand aimlessly through the air. "…this."

Your eldest daughter smiles sadly. "This is our normal. I think I would feel ill at ease if too long went by without having to face some action."

"Yeah. Life's boring without a little adventure every once in a while." Sayaka adds in.

You sigh and resign yourself. "Fair enough. So, when do you think I should start asking Homura for grandkids?"

Mami and Kyoko choke at the abrupt mood shift while Sayaka just smiles smugly. "If you're gonna go that route, you'd be better off asking Madoka. I don't think Homura's able to initiate anything more intimate than hand-holding on her own."

You laugh softly. "Fair enough."

"Do you want grandchildren, mom?" Mami asks. You brought it up more as a joke than anything else, but considering it now…

"Not really. I don't think I care either way if they have kids or not. It doesn't affect me anyways." you decide.

A thought suddenly occurs to Kyoko. "Hey, if Madoka and Homura are both girls, can't they not have kids?"

You shrug. "Just take some cell scrapings and throw 'em into a cloning bed. It's how my parents made me."

"Your family is so weird." Kyoko says. Again, you laugh.

"It's your family too, y'know."

"Well, I for one am perfectly happy not being normal." Mami declares proudly.

"Same here." Sayaka adds.

"You're all weird. Yuma's normal." your youngest insists, sticking her tongue out at the room before returning her attention to her show.

"Can't argue with that logic." Kyoko admits. "Is that really your plan?"

"I'll offer it if they show interest, but again, I don't really care. It's not my decision to make." you say.

"I think Madoka'd go for it. She's never really talked about parenthood, but I think she'd be a good fit for it." Sayaka comments idly. Left unsaid is that Homura would almost certainly have no opinion of her own on the matter and go along with whatever Madoka wanted.

"It's a long ways off, anyways. Let's just focus on the anniversary for new, eh?"

You smile and vanish into the kitchen to prepare dinner. There might be rough times ahead, or maybe you'll be blessed with some good fortune. But whatever it is waiting in the future, you won't have to endure it alone.
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"And not just that! I understand that we all have you to thank for L Corp's revival.

Should I scream in fear?

I feel like I should scream in fear.

"With this weapon, you could fire a round from one end of the City and level a building on the other."

Hmm, how do I say it:

Wouldn't the head be all on their asses for that?

I think they wouldn't let such a weapon exist.

Also you appreciate having a convenient place to purchase gifts for your children. How so many of them ended up with a penchant for firearms you'll never know.

Wait, is that a *what if* of if we had decided to go more on the city side of things?

And all of that's not counting the eventual revolution against the Head that Angela has conscripted you into.

Yeah, it is.

It feels like it's been forever and we've only gotten a trailer! I just want to see what happens next already!

On a completely unrelated note:

When is the Walpurgisnacht film? Years of waiting and all we got was a trailer! Ahhhhh!

"If you're gonna go that route, you'd be better off asking Madoka. I don't think Homura's able to initiate anything more intimate than hand-holding on her own."

Heh! It's... totally true. :V

Interesting little thing. What name did X choose in this universe?
Interesting little thing. What name did X choose in this universe?
This is a small look at something that could be an ending you get, as well as a wish of resilience and determination for this coming year. "Sof" is just the surname I picked for Ayin, which X chose to inherit for legal purposes.
Hmm, how do I say it:

Wouldn't the head be all on their asses for that?

I think they wouldn't let such a weapon exist.
Hmm, I think that's probably illegal yeah.
The guidelines include clauses such as: "The maximum length of the gun barrel must be shorter the higher the gun's caliber is", "No gun should possess the firepower to penetrate steel or building walls", "A gunfire sound must be audible", and I haven't even started with the "bad" ones yet.
There's nothing to say about a range limitation, but I imagine the Head probably has some kind of guidelines about that too.
But there is that guideline about no penetrating steel/building walls.

I imagine the steel clause is not regular steel, given that the Black Silence's guns and Rabbits' guns definitely can penetrate steel (hell, even the Full-Stop guys probably can do that too).

But there's a problem with the whole leveling buildings thing, if I remember correctly, during the G-Corp flashback, there were mentions of Artillery fire which would suggest that weapons (More specifically, 'guns') capable of leveling buildings do exist during wartime.

Although saying that, the lawyer inside me wants to know the full list of things to be sure. So I think we can probably just handwave it and say that the Head is cool with it.

Given that I'm pretty sure there was that one Distortion in Distortion Detective with a big azz E.G.O gun.

Well, it is an interesting look, but X is too normal in it, pass. :V
I imagine she wouldn't be able to keep her promise to Angela if she wasn't normal enough to be allowed in the City. Unless we went for the Doomsday in the Bottle option of Apocryphal Chapter - Bad End 2: In Need Of Correction, where Angela probably just uses us as a trap she throws her enemies inside whenever they are too problematic to deal with.

Every single good ending probably ends with X being able to freely assume a human form like how Flying Fetus does it.
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I imagine she wouldn't be able to keep her promise to Angela if she wasn't normal enough to be allowed in the City.

Thing is, the Head is A-OK with not being normal, as long as you're human in their definition of it, and the fact is, we were born human, which is a large part of said definition.

Plus, Abnormalities are not as *kill on sight* in the city as LobCorp tried to make us believe given some of what came next.

But you are right that:
Every single good ending probably ends with X being able to freely assume a human form like how Flying Fetus does it.

Every ending we can take a human form allows us to go to the city, though I disagree on it being a prerequisite for a good ending.
Thing is, the Head is A-OK with not being normal, as long as you're human in their definition of it, and the fact is, we were born human, which is a large part of said definition.
Yes but the people certainly aren't.

Standing out in that kind of way isn't good for the kind of spec-ops work Angela will need X doing, unless it's of the cult starting variety or for X to only be deployed every now and then like the Arbiters do.

It's like wearing a disguise, no one want to flaunt their location, and if you are capable of shapeshifting why not utilize it in your advantage?

Every ending we can take a human form allows us to go to the city, though I disagree on it being a prerequisite for a good ending.
I didn't say that. Which is why I included probably.

X still retaining human sanity is a good ending enough, but I would personally go for the ending where she has free reign over her form rather than one where she is stuck to her true form only.

It's like the Sauron situation. Sure he's a hella awesome 3+ meters tall superhuman who rocks the dark lord looks (Basically the Dark Lord who inspired all other Dark Lords), but for practical purposes he utilize other forms too since outside of Mordor, most architecture aren't built with the Dark Lord's comfort in mind.

Same goes for DoSaM. It would be really incovenient for X to fit into her home (PMMM'world)/maneuver in the City if she's constantly a giant Winged Caterpiller Centaur.

I'm not including the possibility of X using Angela's illusions in this btw, given that I consider that a good ending where X still has control over her forms (even if it's Angela giving her a hand).
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It's like the Sauron situation. Sure he's a hella awesome 3+ meters tall superhuman who rocks the dark lord looks (Basically the Dark Lord who inspired all other Dark Lords), but for practical purposes he utilize other forms too.

This is actually false, the 3+ meters tall superhuman is a creation from the films, Sauron is actually a shapeshifter at heart, and doesn't care about what forms he takes much past the advantages they give at this moment. He can be a towering figure, but he isn't one.

Except for the little details that he lost his *fair form*, whatever it is, when he had his little stint that ended up with Eru Illuvatar pulling an atlantis on the continent he was on.

We do know he has a body after loosing the ring according to the books, with Gollum having met him, but we don't have a description from what I remember.
I imagine not leveling a building means a normal shot from a pistol cannot shoot a starkilling shot. not a big cannon cannot blow up something.
Didn't he make a new one (earning him that Necromancer Moniker)?

But that's beside the point. Let's be Sauron the shapeshifter instead of a domestic Kaiju yeah?

I imagine not leveling a building means a normal shot from a pistol cannot shoot a starkilling shot. not a big cannon cannot blow up something.
Wa? That's more of the problem of bullets no?
It's more of your weapons appearance cannot be deceiving sort of deal?
I mean, The head seems to be set on.killing each other 'fairly' with the same rule set and close quarter is good.
I am not quite sure about that one given that big snipers exist.

The laws and details are probably complicated and ridiculous.
So, i have a little story woth me, but it is translated with Google Translate so it may not be very readable. Is there no problem with that?