Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I am still freaking out about Kyoko going to the observation tower. And sending Sayaka with her, whose family is missing? I mean, it will make for really great storytelling but also tragedy. Especially because guilt about her family is at the heart of Kyoko's angst.

I would be more afraid to send them to the Mill, the explicit place where the horrible experiments take place, or the Court, where the Adult is likely to keep her prisoners.
The Observation Tower is definitely the safest place for those two, alongside being one where they'll be decently useful.

Kyoko and Sayaka also works well together anyhow.

You should be more worried for dear old Argalia over there. He's the only one going solo.

Sure he knows how to fight his old ensemble but that doesn't mean much when something like Tanya could just overpower him.

The Ensemble's powers are all still Star of the Cities even with no intelligent behind them.

The likelihood of them bogging down Argalia for a while is pretty likely even if there's only 1 of them there.

Hopefully it's someone easy like the Puppeteer, who relies on him being smart to be strong, instead of say Tanya or Philip who are strong without needing intelligence.


How complicated is the objective? @Lepidoptera, can we just leave behind a Pinks Soldier and go help the other groups?
I'm tentatively ready to go with Nyarky's plan, though I had a few questions.

Leonie is a better fast travel bonus than she is a fighting bonus, so goes with the one that needs to move quickly, and in this case, that is X that has to come back to make sure Homura and Mami are not overwhelmed.
So your idea is that we deal with J Bird fast to leave the Black Forest marker undefended, allowing X to pivot between locations and primarily aid in breaking through the Court? Then when it is time, warp back to the Black Forest marker when all other markers are exposed?

How good is our communication network? I know there was a vote way back when we were first scouting the place about studying how to communicate in this place, but I don't remember if we actually picked it or something else. If anyone knows off the top of their head or can search it up, I think that would be crucial to this plan working well. Otherwise, I would be doubtful that we can sync up the teleports appropriately to battlefield needs on the fly.

Plans For Kamihama
[] Communication Plans

- Kyubey cannot reach into Kamihame, and so telepathy won't function inside the city limits. That doesn't mean staying in contact will be impossible.
[] Barrier Plans
- You already have a way to sneak yourself and others into Kamihama, but it's good to have redundancies. If you could somehow interfere with the Barrier Kamihama is set up in, you could disguise your entry points.
[] Information Plans
- The dimensional layering on Kamihama along with its various obscuring enchantments have left its contents concealed. While you do have some reports on the interior, they'll be outdated by the time the attack starts. If you could see further in, you'd have more options and know what to expect
[] Write-in.
Okay looks like the vote for communication didn't go through. So X would have to improvise as courier for complex coordinated movements. It still seems workable as long as J Bird is dealt with quickly, which I'm confident in. And uh if things go pear-shaped we can flip the table and invoke a Twilight event probably :)

[x] Plan: Run in little circles.
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So your idea is that we deal with J Bird fast to leave the Black Forest marker undefended, allowing X to pivot between locations and primarily aid in breaking through the Court? Then when it is time, warp back to the Black Forest marker when all other markers are exposed?

The exact plan will depend on how things develop, this is one possibility, another is that we can destroy the marker and quickly run to the next place thanks to Leonie so that we can finish the last one before the first one's respawn timer runs out. If Lepi allows it, I am also thinking on having X finish on Black Forest, run to court, and give Leonie to Homu and Mami so they can help Argalia while we finish court.
Is it possible to swap the Court team with Argalia? The Wizard's defenses are likely to be psychological along with physical, and both Mami and Homura are vulnerable. Mami is a veteran magical girl, but that strength hides a certain fragility. Homura is now literally a machine of a person, but has a big pink weak spot called Madoka. Madoka who was known to be kidnapped and left in the Wizard's clutches doing god knows what. No way the Wizard isn't going to take advantage of that. "You left Madoka alone with me, the fault lies in you Homura!"

Hell, Kyoko could be a better choice since her ability is stronger indoors.

Also less chance of puppet Sakura family union.
Sana was in charge of the Observation Tower, which was pretty much on the opposite end of the Emerald City from the Defense Office where Ashley worked. And she wasn't really one for conversation, but she still seemed nice! Anyone who was working towards saving all the Magical Girls in the world couldn't be that bad, surely.

Of note, Sana Futaba is likely to be the girl positioned at the Tower, so look out for invisible girls. She was noted for being unable to best Sayaka, so that's reassuring. Maybe Sayaka could solo the Tower?

Ashley is on the opposite end of the city so we might not see her. Which is good because her magic perfectly counters Sayaka.

According to Himena, Ashley's magic can be described as "the power to reverse what is received.", meaning that this power allows Ashley to change the power or magical effects onto something or someone else, including herself. In this case Himena used Ashley's power to "reverse" the empowerment magic she used on those witches unto herself to defeat them.

Really, power-wise Sayaka and Kyoko are pretty good for the Tower. The problem is psychological, with the puppets made of people things.

Worse case scenario is that both the Mikis and the Sakuras were made into puppets and Sayaka and Kyoko are busy having a mental breakdown to defend themselves.
Yeah, I don't.

Honestly, if we are going to do this with the plan that X is going to rush over to the Court, why not just send Homura and Mami to reinforce the other 2 groups before having Mami, Homura, and X all converge on the Court?

X will still go first, with Mami and Homura assisting later. At the same time, Argalia, Kyoko, and Sayaka will all have a better time dealing with enemies that might fight them on their perspective objectives.
J.Bird is the worst possible opponent for them though.

Like, Lepi gave the resistances, they are explicitly one shot worthy when it comes to him, the court is not described as providing one shots.


Homura also have a long history of sins (mercy killing Madoka, killing her friends when they go mad, that sort of things), yes the Bird judges everyone, but do you really believe he won't be more effective against someone that is genuinely sinful?
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That was back when I still thought Homura could time stop because the Adult's presence was negligable in the forest.

However I still believe that sending Argalia and Leonia to deal with JBird or X to deal with JBird and have Argalia/Leonia to deal with the Court is a far safer play than you having Homura and Mami deal directly with the Court.

With Time Stop resistances don't matter.

With Leonia, being able to dodge attacks should render the damage irrelevant similar to the elevators of Lobotomy and Last Helix (or how you fight Jbird with non Pale Resistance armor).

Still don't get why having them head to the court is safer than say, having them fight 1 single mindless Ensemble member together.
Why not just have the girls tackle the Mill and the Tower while X and Argalia handle the Court and Judgment Bird? We give the most dangerous targets to our strongest members, and the girls can take care of anything less hazardous.

Isn't this more logical?
I trust Mami and Homura together more on taking care of the Court than Argalia alone, he is better placed on the mill on account on the main opponents there being his former ensemble, that he knows how to handle.

I mean, we saw him take care of them single handedly when in his sidestory, we know he can do it.
[X] Plan: Run in little circles.

In light of Yesod's words a chapter ago, I'll vote for the plan that doesn't involve X going at it alone and without support, however nominal.

If we had reliable communications, then I'd argue for keeping a reserve force to respond to complications in the attack plan. But alas. I hope we get something worthwhile out of that preparation vote a while back.
Today all the locations the Tower seems to be the weakest link, staffed mostly by minions. The magical girl staffed there, Futaba Sana, can't even beat Sayaka.

Futaba somehow managed to shrink even further into her chair. Any more and she might end up sliding off of it entirely. "I haven't been doing very well. I can't even beat the blue girl now."

If there is one location that we have to send someone solo, it's here.
I think there should be some kind of longing farewell for X before she goes into this battle. With Binah? There was some flirting last time they met.
I mean, we saw him take care of them single handedly when in his sidestory, we know he can do it.
Then why can't our girls do it then?

You can't even hide behind the "They'll get insta-killed" stick because they won't, they did pretty well against Greta when they didn't know what she was capable of (though X and Nothing There Kyoko did serve as the meatshields in that fight).

While here, they'll know and likely have plans on how to deal with each Ensemble members, given Lepid's comments on how they'll be given information on everything we know + more that we don't.
When was the chapter where X discussed their romantic preferences? I recall it happening a while back, sometime during Act 2 since I'm fairly certain Kyoko was there.

Oh, and voting will likely close in two or so days. Get your final decisions in, people!
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When was the chapter where X discussed their romantic preferences? I recall it happening a while back, sometime during Act 2 since I'm fairly certain Kyoko was there.
Man that was a whileeee ago.

It's Chapter 121 - Familial Bonds.

X's standards for a partner are the ideal as we agreed on back then.

Looking back, isn't that basically Whitenight now that we've actually met the little fetus? Sure it was a spooky encounter for X but WN does meet all the criteria we voted on back then.
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I'm now debating if I should hold a poll for potential romantic partners in the interim between votes from now on. More out of curiosity than anything else, considering the sum total of viable partners includes:

- The Sephirah (More friends than anything else)
- Binah (Is Binah, would not be a good romantic match to anyone)
- Roland? (They've spoken all of twice and don't have much of any chemistry)
- Argalia (Is Argalia, would be a terrible influence)
- Isabeau (Doctors shouldn't date their patients)
- Nothing There (No concept of personal space)
- AWTL (Terrible at properly communicating feelings)
- WhiteNight (Self-centered and probably possessive)
- [CENSORED] (I got nothing, but really?)

Not exactly great prospects.