I suppose there is something to be said about knowing the conditions...Have we ever made a decision explicitly to fulfill one of those conditions? Because if we haven't, then figuring it out probably wouldn't change anything, unless the act of figuring out the condition itself fulfills the condition it probably won't matter. Either we fulfill it on the way while doing things or it was a condition we never would have fulfilled anyway, Like if one of the conditions was BETRAYAL, APATHY, or TRAGEDY we would never go out of our way to fulfill such a condition.
But regardless of the questionable benefit, I'll give it a go anyway
OK, So I'm going to list out some of the conditions so far and try to figure out how the conditions are derived
First Abno, Blue Star
Devotion, Acceptance, and Togetherness is make sense as it is sort of the idea of committing suicide to reunite with loved ones, but is there any other themes that could have been derived from it? (enough Devotion to die for it, Acceptance in this case being the accepting death, Togetherness in death)
Given it's a religious abno WORSHIP and FAITH might be seen as free spaces however there are other more appropriate abno's for those two, Such as White Night, Flesh Idol, and One Bro
DEATH would seem appropriate, however Price of Silence, Mountain of Smiling Bodies, or Funeral of Dead Butterflies might be more appropriate, also, Blue Star alludes but doesn't want to state that you just die
One could make an argument for BLUE or STAR or LEGS or HEART...but none or those are really themes so much as physical description, and the fact that none of the conditions are ever about the physical description of an entity remains true throughout. It tends to be a Emotion, Experience, or Feeling, or at the very least something Abstract and not found Physically (See Death's Speech in The Hogfather about where to Justice and Mercy).
Ok so how about END or SALVATION, to say that it is the end of suffering, thus salvation? again Funeral of dead butterflies, though Blue Star makes a good case... except White Night again has a good case for that too...
Ok, so every other theme that it could have has some other Abno that could make a good enough argument, heck, one could argue it's own Condition have other abno's that could make a argument for it. Such as You're Bald for all three conditions
But honestly, the idea of other abno's having the same condition probably doesn't matter given X and Big Bird have a condition that seems very similar
Big Bird
So...an Abno having a condition doesn't prevent another abno from having practically the same condition but X is an exceptional situation so let's discount her
Notably, shares one of the Exact same condition as Big Bird, so we can't just cross conditions off just because another abno might have them, meaning all the themes mentioned earlier as possible conditions for Blue Star remain possible conditions.
One thing to keep in mind is that all these single word themes are shorthand for a moral/human experience.
[CENSORED] is representative of the idea that some things you are better off not knowing, or are simply beyond a Humans ability to comprehend or rationalize.
You don't want to walk in on your 90 year old grandparents fucking, you might be academically aware of it, but you neither want nor need to see it, it's a truth that you can only take damage from knowing.
As such, certain themes that it may have could be SECRET, FORBIDDEN, INCOMPREHENSION, INSANITY, TRUTH, ELDRITCH, nothing to suggest that it's a lie but everything to suggest that you shouldn't look.
Of course, this suggests that if we were to look directly at it, we'd probably fulfill some of the conditions. Or if we were to subject someone to X's 'true form'.
You know...despite such a thing being entirely immoral, I wonder what a newborn baby would see when they look upon it, as they would lack any context to make such any knowledge painful...Maybe they would see it as normal, and everything else as something worthy of mindbreaking incomprehension.
I'll continue this another day
EDIT: Thought caught me, SACRIFICE, could be another for both the obvious reason and the fact that in it's file, someone was sacrificed in an attempt to understand it and is sacrificed to appease it somehow