Okay. I think I have something worth throwing into the discussion again.
greatly discourage anyone from thinking about prematurely breaking X's Shell seeing as:
But you were- are- incomplete, and would have brought disaster if you had arrived as you were.
and as this was last chapter literally n o t h i n g has changed about that "bringing disaster" bit.
I would even say making it so that (I can't do the fancy Character) x can manifest her glory without breaking the world is one of our core gameplay mechanics:
The Saplings and integrating their bits into us.
And I think this because of 1 big thing:
X is a Trauma Abno all about Lobotomy Corporation HQ and its unending hell for the sake of completing A's Great Work.
If X manifests now it will only bring forth the Trauma from when the Scenario was still progressing.
But if we integrate enough bits X may name-change into being the manifestation of Day50 and the Week of Light it should have heralded.
Added to that: Sayaka and Mami think they are employed to do:
"It was… something good. Wasn't it? Something important."
Directly echoing the sentiment that led to the Seed Of Light scenario in the first place.
And implying that X's Abno "Gameplay" is about metaphorically reenacting the "Completion of a Great Work".
TLDR: X is a reverse White Night. Starting as a disaster barely held back by a human shell, but if we manage to bring her stageplay as an Abno to its good ending she will be a wholly benevolent (probably) White Night tier Unit to make the world a better place.
This would also give us a reason to consider the shell breaking a bad end even though X is immortal as an Abno. The X Persona would die and Abno-X's presence would kill the world.
Trust in Abno-X's opinion on the matter. Her full Glory is (not yet) a toy.