Chapter 50 - Why Do I Keep Finding Lost Children?
Would it really have been too much to ask for a break?
"Hold on, kid. I'm gonna need a bit more explanation than that."
You can actually understand quite a bit from what you're seeing now. The kid hasn't been cared for for some time now, judging by the state of their clothes. They clearly aren't a Magical Girl, lack of a Soul Gem aside she was just shot at and if she were a Magical Girl she'd have transformed by now. That necklace she has is an EGO gift, fortunately for you from a lower-grade Abnormality. Punishing Bird is easily angered but otherwise mostly harmless, and seems like this child is on good terms with it. But even so, being more informed never hurts. You just made one mistake in neglecting to learn about your own situation, you won't repeat that failure again with a child on the line.
"Right, Yuma's name is Yuma, and Mister Bird is a friend! They said they were looking for the Manager, who was somebody really tall with sparkly hair! So you must be that person, and Yuma found you!" the now-named Yuma cheerfully recounts.
You raise an eyebrow. "And where is Mister Bird right now? Leaving a child to wander around the city seems very irresponsible."
For some reason, Yuma looks embarrassed. "Yuma thought it would be faster to split up."
Ah, yep. That's certainly something to be embarrassed about. Honestly, you're more disappointed in Punishing Bird right now. It clearly had some affection for this kid, and while you can't get mad at a ten year old for having a dumb idea you thought the Abnormality would at least be smarter than that. Then again, Punishing Bird did always have a rather childish sense of morality. Maybe it just never matured past that point?
"Well, it hardly matter now. You know why Mister Bird was looking for me?"
If there's any question you want answered, this would be it. Der Frei and Army already hinted at it, but neither actually gave a straight answer. If Punishing Bird is as childish as you're expecting, maybe obfuscation will be beyond it.
"They said they had to find you, but Yuma doesn't actually know why. Maybe Miss Manager could ask them?"
Well, that's about what you expected. Not what you hoped for, but still what you expected. This doesn't seem like a trap, and Punishing Bird shouldn't be a threat to you as long as you don't really screw up.
"Lead the way, then."
Yuma gets lost a few times, but eventually manages to spot Punishing Bird flying around overhead. From there, the two of you follow it back to a small clearing where nature has started to reclaim the area. Seems like this district actually was abandoned, not just under-maintained. Patches of grass press their way through the concrete and tangling vines are draped over a chain-link fence. There's even a small tree beginning to sprout from the spot where the ground meets a building's wall. Punishing Bird descends to rest on one of the branches, eyes fixed on you. It's an unassuming critter, a plain white bird of indeterminate species with a small, round body. Even the patch of red feathers on its chest could be mistaken for mere aesthetic traits, were it not for the fact that you know better.
"Hi, Small Bird. I hear you've been taking care of Yuma here?" you begin tentatively. This is going to look really stupid if it can't actually talk. To your relief and surprise, the Abnormality responds.
"Yes. It was the right thing to do. I must ask that you look after her when I am not here."
The voice is clearly that of a young boy's, but something about it is unnaturally smooth and controlled. Punishing Bird's beak does not open, but the red splotch on its chest twitches slightly as it speaks. You try very hard not to think about what would happen if it were more aggressive.
"You're… gonna leave?" Yuma asks, sounding like an abandoned child for the first time since you've met her. Punishing Bird tilts its head towards the green-haired kid.
"Don't worry. The Manager is very good at taking care of people. I'm sure they will keep you safe." And with that, the Abnormality stretches it's tiny wings and readies to dive down.
Your voice is loud, commanding, but not an Order. You've learned better than that, and you don't expect to be able to give orders to Abnormalities anyways. Punishing Bird halts mid-movement, beady eyes once more fixed on you.
"I want to know why you're here. Others mentioned they were sent?"
Punishing Bird pauses, as if contemplating the answer to your inquiry. Just when you think your get nothing, it once more speaks.
"I'm not sure who asked us to follow you. The other Guardians were told different things than I was, but we were all told that you had found a new place and needed help. They might know more about what's going on."
And with that, Punishing Bird dives towards the ground and vanishes in a burst of glowing white feathers. In his place is a tiny Sapling, shining-
-between the tree's roots.
What to do about Yuma?
[] Try and find her a home…
-[] With you and Mami
-[] With Homura
-[] Ask around among your kids
-[] With Kyoko
[] Try and enter her into the foster care system
[] Kyubey Hell no, you're not leaving an emotionally vulnerable child with that rat unattended if you can help it
Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 1/3
Punishing Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 1/2
This chapter was a bit of a rush job, I hope it's not too apparent.