Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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That has serious Carmen energy to it...

Plus, I think X already is donating Light to Angela given the fact that Angela will need to take in a bunch of homeless orphans.
Lepidoptera, what did we ever do to you, that you hurt us this way?
We don't need to worry
Don't worry about things becoming too easy; I have more than enough prepared for the future.

Argalia... from an OOC perspective I'm surprised why you decided to bring him in - iirc don't we lack info about his character in a normal frame of mind?
(From LoR, and what's displayed here, what can we extrapolate about his current character and priorities/actions?)
"So strictly" or "too strictly", but I would say the former is better (she doesn't think her own standards are unreasonable)
not hold herself to strictly

Is this full stop supposed to be a question mark? (Both are fine, but the former has implications for Mami's current thoughts and mental state, it could end up being important)
wasn't a Magical Girl supposed to be a hero to everyone.
she uncapped the pen as she held it to the board
color of a blood-red night

and the Wizard had taken care to ensure their pawns would not cause any problems this time
Anyone know what the "previous time" is?

intended to cut down a pillar of support for the new Light.
had a chance unlike any before. To meet the maker of the new world
Any guesses as to which people these three are referring to (and a explanation why, figuring this out from context is tricky)? I'm thinking QB (Although not!Elena is mentioned immediately afterwards, it doesn't fit. Could it be The Adult instead?), us (I mean, we are the source of most of the Light here), and Carmen (because Carmen).

So that is what The Adult is doing with the prep time - trying to do resource (MG) denial for us. (And of course they think we think of our kids the same way she does)
Since the Adult can see through the eyes of its creations (not sure if whatever not!Elena and co counts), we should be prepared for clones of us and the MGs to come out, bearing, well, lies.
Speaking of lies. Didn't Argalia call those things lies (using other words)?
Hey, I just realized something.

Kyubey got Exposure I, which means he is now a bearer of the Seed of Light.

In fact, you could say that he has finally become... The Incubator of his role's namesake.

(Can someone knowledgeable about the English language tell me what Angela actually means when she says that, by the way?)
... Fine.
But let's kill mom first, or at least use some kind of trick to block out her influence.
Personally I'd rather (assuming she herself distorted at some point) un-distort her so that the Light can start working properly and Ayin can finally have that much-deserved happy ending with the woman he loves rather than some... thing that wears her face and voice.
Parsing -
Incubator of (his role's namesake)?
(Incubator of his role's) namesake?
Namesake - "used to describe the recipient of a handed down name"

Can't tell from parsing the words involved, but the spirit is likely Ayin being the incubator of the ideal/representation of the role that Ayin himself defined - The Manager/or the germinator of the Seed Of Light
I think because 'that thing' judges sin and deals incredible soul damage, the adult is scared of it because the blind eyes of the judgment bird will see through Her shallow but beautiful shell and judges the disgusting plusing mass for that is worst of humanity and the sin that carries with it, because the judge is blind and do not care about the plea of the sinful, it will not fall under the those words of Silver, and he will judge the disgusting thing that is her.
after all, what use does tricks and lies have if the thing in front of you does not hear, does not care and does not stop.
And I say good on you Judgment bird! scare the fucking living shit out of that big green asshole.
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Parsing -
Incubator of (his role's namesake)?
(Incubator of his role's) namesake?
Namesake - "used to describe the recipient of a handed down name"

Can't tell from parsing the words involved, but the spirit is likely Ayin being the incubator of the ideal/representation of the role that Ayin himself defined - The Manager/or the germinator of the Seed Of Light
Nonono, Angela never mentions any sort of incubators in LoR. Rather, she usually introduces herself to guests as "director of her role's namesake", which doesn't make much sense to me.
(Can someone knowledgeable about the English language tell me what Angela actually means when she says that, by the way?)

She's just using a strange phrasing to say that she is the director of the Library named *The Library*.

And I think the fact that the library is named such is part of why she's telling it like this.

And I say good on you Judgment bird! scare the fucking living shit out of that big green asshole.

I propose allying with him to screw the Adulty over if we can.
Given how afraid she is of the so called "Paranoid Tyrant", maybe we should pick him up along the way and drop a giga bird on her lolz.

She might not be aware of X posessing the 2 remaining Birdxodia pieces.
Remind yourself of the potential collateral damage.
And the possibility of the birds deciding to look back and attack us after he is done with the wannabe.
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The Liar is in...Well, from my perspective, she's in a position of extreme power right now, but there's also an equal chance for it to go wrong at the speed of fucking light.

The Liar does things that...Well, I don't think any other Abnormality condones. WhiteNight does things because it truly believes it is leading others to salvation. Silent Girl, based off the sparse knowledge we have of her, believes that what she's doing is either correct or morally just. The Liar, on the other hand, knows what she's doing is wrong and continues to do it.

If it was just her and her pawns, it'd be a lot more risky and she'd have a lot more room to manipulate others. But on the other hand, if Judgement Bird really is the one camping outside of her city, its intent is pretty damn clear, and the Wizard should be stressed for a damn good reason. Also, as two of the pinnacles are here...it suffices to say the other two are probably here, somewhere, as well; or will be at some point. And for any Abnormality that believes in a form of moral code, distorted as it may be, the Adult is the biggest eyesore possible.
End of Act 1 Report
The future would be bright.
A good promise of things to come.

Now that the arc has fully concluded, I feel it's the right time to post this thing I had cooked up in an image editor after reading this idea:
Lepidoptera, if this is the type of quest that allows for/it is suited for, do you mind giving us a report card/evaluation of how we did for Act 1 later?

(timeline might be a bit wonky and promotions were too much of a hassle but eh)

Also I'm happy to report that I had finished Lobotomy Corporation proper. Unfortunately it took the valiant sacrifices of some of my finest employees, but such is life. Onwards to Ruina!
I do wonder why The Adult who Lies fears the 'mute freak', as, from what I'm hearing, she's harmless if you don't feel guilt and fear of Silent Girl implies she feels any form of guilt for their actions.
From what I saw in the keter fight, she forces guilt upon you and force you to look into yourself and find that guilt. As soon as you avert your eyes, she knows that you are guilty.
So why did the adults call A nice girl that helps you reflect yourself a mute freak? she is scared of her, just like how she is afraid of the other two on that list.
She is afraid of that little girl who sees that tiny tiny amount of guilt in the fraud that is the great wizard of Oz.
And as long as you have that guilt in your heart, the girl holds power above you.
I'm just wondering how Mami is taking dimensional travel so well. You'd think that break her brain a little, or at least occupie her thoughts.

I mean sure, Angela is family and right in front of her, clearly more important to focus on, but still.
Is it actually Silent Girl? Was that confirmed? My first thought for mute freak was Silent Orchestra.
It's somewhat unclear, I think the assumption is that the Adult must be referring to all Aleph damage pinnacles. The big three known are White Night, Apocalypse Bird, and us, and they line up with the Adult's descriptions. The fourth was something QM said people did not immediately guess at before. Hence Silent Girl, which also happens to match in this case.