Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Was not made with balance in mind, tbh. It might be balanced, but it might also be too rewarding for skilled players.

As meme said, she's way too rewarding, even for non skilled players, but then again, the game is not made to be balanced this way in the first place, the fact that you cannot guarantee seeing any abno is what actually balances it.

Anyway, I'd give her values for instinct work even if you can't work it normally, for edge cases like Malkuth's meltdown that can allows you to do works you can't otherwise, maybe change her effect to simply backward clock for when the blessed employee dies, because making it otherwise means to much to keep track of, and maybe find a way to condense the managerial guidelines, because 10 is way too much, the closest is at 7.

Pretty good thematically and not that bad design wise.
And here we are at the last between-Acts vote. Since it seems cruel to deny X her reunion with her coworkers for much longer, she'll be running into two of them in the next chapter.

[] Roland
[] Hokma
[] Binah
[] Chesed
[] Gebura
[] Tiphereth
[] Netzach
[] Hod
[] Yesod
[] Malkuth
[x] Gebura

Let's get advice on using our new sword.

I have to admit, choosing the second one is difficult, I want Binah for smug, Tiphereth for tsuntsun *I am an adult!*, Roland to see how he reacts to the difference between what he heard of Ayin and us, Hokma to remind him that we are not Ayin, Hod to tell her she's still a good person and ask her for advice on how to be one ourself...

Man sooooooooooooooo much choices.


[x] Roland

Wins by a very small margin.
All of them are good choices, this is good
Are we working on approval voting? I want to vote All despite the uselessness of such to show support
And here we are at the last between-Acts vote. Since it seems cruel to deny X her reunion with her coworkers for much longer, she'll be running into two of them in the next chapter.
Just noting that small posts without many words may not show up as alerts unless you make it a threadmark or anything like that when you create it (like how all those automatic voting posts are alerts even though they're just a tally). This wasn't an alert for me, at least. Anyway, I really don't know who to choose and I'm tired, so I'll defer to my usual lurking ways and see how the wind blows.