Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Hod
[X] Hokma
The problems X currently have are closely related to those two's area of expertise. We have discussed therapy before, and here is a chance for us to take it.

Sure the other 2 leading options, Gebura and Roland are mainly fun, but those two wouldn't be able to help X deal with her current problems, as well as Hod and Hokma, can.

And as fun as Gebura and Roland might be...I'm more inclined to head for the options that let X be the most mentally stable. It would be better if we got everyone, but that isn't possible.

Disclaimer: While that is the case. I myself am more inclined to Gebura and Chesed if it turns out this is just a fun encounter. Those two are far more comedic. But Roland will probably will out over Chesed since he's basically the sister's DILF boyfriend.
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The problems X currently have are closely related to those two's area of expertise. We have discussed therapy before, and here is a chance for us to take it.

Sure the other 2 leading options, Gebura and Roland are mainly fun, but those two wouldn't be able to help X deal with her current problems, as well as Hod and Hokma, can.

And as fun as Gebura and Roland might be...I'm more inclined to head for the options that let X be the most mentally stable. It would be better if we got everyone, but that isn't possible.
Man why do you have to be logical/right, Do you just not like fun?

[X] Hod
[X] Hokma
Ah no. I made it before your comment. When I realized that the encounter between X and whoever the Patrons will be. It likely won't be given that much attention.

We will have our chances at therapy later I feel. Given that X currently is quite busy and likely won't have the time for it. Vote for the option you think is fun. It's more likely for that to happen than it is for Lepid to write a multi-thousands words chapter detailing X getting therapy.
[X] Gebura
[X] Chesed
[X] Hod
[X] Hokma
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[X] Netzach
[X] Malkuth

Netzach is great. We stan for our sad drunk art boy.

Malkuth is also great. Another thought is that her place among the Sephirot opposes the position of Lilith among the Qliphoth. Hope is that she has some advice for The Wind Up Soldier.

Any idea what Qliphoth Kyoko is associated with? Any ideas could be helpful.
Disclaimer: While that is the case. I myself am more inclined to Gebura and Chesed if it turns out this is just a fun encounter. Those two are far more comedic. But Roland will probably will out over Chesed since he's basically the sister's DILF boyfriend.
We will have our chances at therapy later I feel. Given that X currently is quite busy and likely won't have the time for it. Vote for the option you think is fun. It's more likely for that to happen than it is for Lepid to write a multi-thousands words chapter detailing X getting therapy.

I was going to point out that an interlude between two arcs was not a good place for Lepi to begin actually important things like therapy, especially since he said that it'll just be us running into two of them, but you did see it so...

Would any of them not be therapeutic at this point in time, or are they all different degrees of it?

Every single one of the Sephiroth is a part of the seed of light project and a way to enlightenment, so yes, they all are therapeutic in their own way.
I'd like to remind the thread that "therapy" is definitely not the same thing as "talking to a friend about your problems", in fact (IIRC) having any sort of personal relationship with your therapist makes them unqualified for the job.
I need Malkuth to take at least a littel part of those self destruction thoughts Out of homura
And the head of the control team will be the best at organizing a bunch of kids, So she will be a great help for angela to not have a fucking mental shutdown dealing with 30+ kids.
And the other reason to chose gebura is because we can never be too careful about protecting our kids, so if someone we don't want come visit the library, We can always Have at least Some sort of defense if we are not present.
As she can help Train the kids to be better fighters If there's Someone in the group that wants to help
[X] Gebura
[X] Roland

Also, if we wanted to get Homura to not be so self-destructive, wouldn't it be better to meet with Netzach instead of Malkuth?
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Um, I don't see what's so self-destructive about Homura right now. Wanting to prolong her lifespan is the reason she's like this in the first place.
I would love to see the initial confusion of seeing Gerbura and thinking she's the sister X mentioned since they look alike and having to correct them and be like "No, Angela is my sister"
Her main problem is she cannot stand on her own, she desperately requires a walking stick for her to continue down this path of resetting the loop, She did everything not for herself, but for madoka, She wants to see her safe so she gives up her life for it, she see herself as worthless, a piece of scrap to throw away for madokas happiness, and she wants to prove herself, that she can do something good after all, that she can save someone, that she can do it, She will save her. She will save the only good left in this god forsaken place.
When the reason for you to continue down the path of pain is not your own, It will be very easy for you to fall because that walking stick you hold Is someone else's property.
And when the person takes it away, they won't even look back upon your corpse, or those nail marks you made to get it back.
Tell me, doesn't that sound familiar?
For Netzach, his lesson is to live even when there's no reason for you to live.
Also I might have used wrong words, i mean she needs to have more self worth, to live not just because someone else but for herself, and a wind up toy can never be that because a toy needs a master, or it dies broken and unwanted like that old teddy bear.