Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Speaking of Kyoko, her power actually saved Mami (well, her body) and that might be enough to make Kyoko stop regretting her wish. Corruption first needs a corrupted state of mind, so there's a chance that Kyoko can get through it without Corruption, or at least be cured of it much easier than Homura.
I kinda think it would need to be deeper than that, more in line with the intent behind her original wish.

Like witnessing someone being kept ignorant by someone else, and that ignorance clearly leading to good outcomes. Not that this happens very often.

Maybe X dancing around the witchbomb with the kids would qualify, actually.
The intent was to make her dad happy by "deceiving" him (i.e. giving him a congregation by means of magic, rather than his own efforts). Hence the wish magic being illusions.
Ah, that makes sense. I've personally interpreted Kyoko's wish coming true by the means of her dad getting a power to brainwash people as more of a "the monkey's paw curls" sort of thing rather than actual intent to be deceitful on her part.
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Ah, that makes sense. I've personally interpreted Kyoko's wish coming true by the means of her dad getting a power to brainwash people as more of a "the monkey's paw curls" sort of thing rather than actual intent to be deceitful on her part.

Wishes are granted in the way you want them to in PMMM, there is no *monkey paws*, instead, people don't wish for what they want and/or they realize that the prive they payed was too much.

Sayaka's wish was granted exactly as she wanted in canon, but since she wished to heal her friend when what she wanted was for him to love her back, she wasn't satisfied.

Homura wished to come back and be the one to protect Madoka, and that's exactly what she got, but since she wished above her potential and didn't use her timetravel in the *intended* way, she never managed to save Madoka, only to protect her temporarily. (The *intended* way for her to use her timetravel was speculated by some to be actually coming back with others, since it is canon that she can do so if they touch her when she uses it, then she can use the time to train with them and defeat Walpurgis)

Madoka was perfectly aware that her wish at the end was going to make her stop being a normal human, she got what she expected and used it to defeat her own witch.

Kyuoko wanted her father to be popular and think it was his own charisma doing it, and until he learned the truth, that's exactly what she got.
Kyuoko wanted her father to be popular and think it was his own charisma doing it, and until he learned the truth, that's exactly what she got.
This one does not sound quite right. Kyoko's exact wish is not stated as far as I am aware, but by her own words when she tells the story to Sayaka, she wished for people to listen to her father. Not for people to like him or anything, just to listen to what he had to say instead of dismissing him out of hand.
This one does not sound quite right. Kyoko's exact wish is not stated as far as I am aware, but by her own words when she tells the story to Sayaka, she wished for people to listen to her father. Not for people to like him or anything, just to listen to what he had to say instead of dismissing him out of hand.

Her phrasing was for people to listen, but her intent was clearly to have him be popular, and intent does matter for wishes in this universe, Sayaka didn't get her intent because she didn't want to get it through her wish, probably thinking it would be cheating, and that's why she didn't have Kyuojibo licking her boots, but I don't see why Kyouko wouldn't want her father to be popular.

The felling I got from it was that she was thinking *if only people listened to him, they would definitely think he is the coolest*, and that leaked into the wish for them to listen, with them also thinking he was more charismatic than he was.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Dec 19, 2022 at 1:25 AM, finished with 328 posts and 34 votes.

This marks the end of the first half of the intermission period, the end of Act 1 should be up sometime tomorrow. Next, a less serious vote. Pick any three for the next Sidestory.

Receive a glimpse of…
[] The Toy
[] The Monster
[] The Conductor
[] The Deceived
[] The Liar
[] The Muse
[] The Lamb
Okay. So...we have some idea of who these guys are.
The Toy is probably the teddy bear.
The Monster...a lot of things fit that description. Maybe Beauty and the Beast? Maybe the Beast of the Black Forest? I have a hard time pinpointing the identity of this one due to how vague it is.
The Conductor...This is probably the Silent Orchestra or it could be Argalia himself. It could also be the Express Train to Hell.
The Deceived could either be Pluto, that Leonie magical girl that got dragged into the Adult's scheme but may also refer to something else.
The Liar...is probably the Adult who Tells Lies. But it can also be Pluto.
The Muse and the Lamb I have...little to no ideas about them.

Not sure what to vote for yet...since these are all speculations.
Nvm, they are all fakes. Lepid clarified that they are related to those we know.
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Do note that these are not necessarily Abnormalities. Any character can be the subject of a Sidestory, it's just that Abnormalities usually feature in some way or another. Most of these are characters you have either met or seen before.
Do note for those who saw the Conductor and thinks about the Train, a Conductor can also mean an Orchestra Conductor. Which is either the Silent Orchestra or Argalia himself.
For now, I think this is the best.
[X] The Conductor
[X] The Deceived
[X] The Liar

We need to know what the Adult is doing and the progress on her current plans. The third choice is whatever, but the Deceiver and the Liar must be taken.
She's the only known Aleph presence we know for sure is around and doing something.

I just realized. The Toy could be refering to Homura.
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Also wanna offer up some speculation what the different options refer to:

For the sake of diverse opinions I will only use non-Abno characters for my speculation

Could be Homura, because
A pink-red ribbon has been tied around her waist in an oversized bow, as if she were a toy being gifted to a child.

Could be QB, but this is mainly because I do not think any other option could refer to the Incubator

could actually be Carmen, seeing as she is the one setting the Abnos on PMMM and we still have no source for our Carmen teddy hairclip
If anyone conducts this play it would be the mastermind; and who is that if not Carmen?

Mami. The one most deceived out of all of us here is QB's unwitting recruiter who without X would still be completely in the dark about the worse bits of MG life.

Maybe Kyoko? Her power is illusions and could well be how she sees herself.
I mean AFAIK she lied to Mami to push her away and torpedo their friendship to "spare" her having to put up with an "evil" person like Koko sees herself as.

Probably Sayaka. Artistical connection. Music. And though she is not currently one her Distortion name is literally:

Would then be Madoka.
Can't explain rn why, but Madoka's innocent character (and usually ending up sacrificed by the Incubators for their Quota) makes me think she fits this description best.

Just to offer up some other ideas. Also because I think having one of the central characers react to the everything of what just went down seems more likely for the next sidestory than the next target for X's Sapling collection.

... Also just realized that Mami will likely be positively inclined towards the Distortion Phenomenon.
Homu distorted and as a first act went forth to save Mami's Mom.

For Mami Witches only ever hurt people. Homura just (to Mami) lost her Humanity and in contrast saved X as the very first thing she did.
Even at personal cost with how much it took out of her.

So if Mami is told What Just Happened to Homu she would likely choose the risk of Distortion once she gets the witchbomb dropped on her.
She should maybe be told that Distortions can be dangerous, but Homu's example just now makes them infinitely more towards the "good" side of the moral spectrum to Mami specifically; especially compared to Witches.
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Probably Ozma? But we did have this sidestory with a magical girl who got deceveid by the Adult who tell Lies, so she is a candidate too, or it can be both, with the girl meeting the pumpkin.

Definitely the Adult or Kyubey, most likely the Adult.

Nothing There.

Most of these are characters you have either met or seen before.

Most, not all, we haven't necessarily met them.

I just realized. The Toy could be refering to Homura.

Very probable.

... Also just realized that Mami will likely be positively inclined towards the Distortion Phenomenon.
Homu distorted and as a first act went forth to save Mami's Mom.

For Mami Witches only ever hurt people. Homura just (to Mami) lost her Humanity and in contrast saved X as the very first thing she did.
Even at personal cost with how much it took out of her.

So if Mami is told What Just Happened to Homu she would likely choose the risk of Distortion once she gets the witchbomb dropped on her.
She should maybe be told that Distortions can be dangerous, but Homu's example just now makes them infinitely more towards the "good" side of the moral spectrum to Mami specifically; especially compared to Witches.

I mean, it is very much true, Witches are stuck in their grief and made insensate from it, most of them are probably barely able to even process the world around them, and the few that are still able to were twisted by the amount of grief they bear.

In contrast, Distortions can be reversed, are mostly coherent in their own way, are not trapped in a hell of their own creation, don't necessarily wants to kill humans and can actually accompany X in her fights, since they are not stuck in a barrier.

Frankly, the main problem of distortion is that it requires rejecting your good parts and only embracing the bad ones, remove that and I have no problems with it.
Come on, have some imagination. Since the Conductor is Argalia, the Muse is obviously puppet Angelica :V

[X] The Conductor
[X] The Muse
[X] The Lamb

I don't wanna vote with info gathering in mind, so I just picked the most interesting options.
So far it's demonstrated the ability to essentially understand anything (the past and the present; the future is not included - need to earn that one yourself), modify most things (emphasis so far is on traits) in a subtle manner exactly as intended and no more.
But. Is not "modification of perception" also how Lobotomy can be used (if fast enough, we may be able to outright delete combat memories)?
And is not speech and communication based on perception, to an extent (which is why using Lobotomy to communicate works)?

Lobotomy's limitations are that it does exactly what you want it to do (and not necessarily the spirit thereof), and doesn't work on Abnormalities directly. But can we use Lobotomy in a directed matter to cause our desired second-order effects?

extract from your memories to create creatures, places, or items
I would suggest we try and summon up our past cactus, then move to things like SP bullets (does it work on Grief?), and maybe even stuff like Pillars?

Lepidoptera, 1: Will this heal by Timeskip end, and if not 2: Would going on a Witch punching spree speed things up via Mimicry's Regeneration? Or perhaps 3: Ask Sayaka for help?

strong affection towards you from both halves of this pairing
I don't think this has been mentioned yet - what does affection have at all to do with whether abilities can be used in normal conditions? Flipping the question: What is different in DoSaM form that truly allows for use of more abilities (in particular, the Pairing side of things)?

Its strikes carry more force than an ordinary human could ever hope to bear
Does Uranium or "insert-horribly-explosive-chemical-here" count as a simple physical weapon? :V

If you think about it, a grenade is just a shell, ball bearings, an explosive and a trigger, and you can make a very bootleg gun using "rubber bands" (probably worse than bows and arrows though), or a sling (utility depends on skill, it's not easy to use with nonstandard projectiles)

Taking a stab at possible weapon choices (aside of attempting to use Mimicry to make our other weapons more effective):
A shield would actually be something nice, we can now attempt to block attacks, deflect blows to reduce force, and maybe even attempt to intercept attacks headed our allies' way. Depending on size, we can even use it at the same time as everything else, and C U T with the edge in zero range.
Depending on how the shapeshifting and brute strength works, a whip shifting into a lasso, or a net with nails might help with in scenarios where we really want to pin something down?
If we don't mind losing the ability to use our Spear of Light at the same time, we could also go for NT's Scythe, or perhaps a Hammer?

E: Regarding the vote, nothing in mind now lol. Lepi. Are you offering a vote to select which three characters get thrown into the same Sidestory somehow. Am I reading this right?
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